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Topics - Caithness

Pages: [1]
No joke option.

Forum Games / Little Wolves 3
« on: August 11, 2012, 07:39:30 PM »
This will be my third small-scale experimental Werewolf game. In the first one I lied to everyone about their roles, and in the second one I lied to one person about his role. What could possibly be my gimmick this time? Sign up if you want to find out.


1. NexAdruin
2. Nickasummers
3. jsnlxndrlv
4. Kazz
5. gahitsu
6. Kayma
7. Beat Bandit
8. dtsund
9. Classic

The game has ended.
Night 0
Day 1
Night 1
Day 2
Night 2
Day 3


1. Votes are only counted if the name is stated in bold, and any bolded name counts as a vote.
2. No deleting or editing of posts allowed.
3. If the thread goes over 24 hours with no posts in it, the player who posted least recently will automatically be lynched and the game will move on to the night phase.
4. You can talk in the thread at night if you want to.
5. Out-of-thread communication doesn't need to be restricted to forum PMs, as long as I get a full transcript of the chat.

Forum Games / Oedipus Wolf
« on: November 18, 2011, 05:32:13 PM »
Are you ready for Episode 2 of Caithness's Experimental Werewolf Game?

The basic setup will be the same as in my first game, with the exception of the Oracle role. In fact, the Oracle is the exception to many rules.

The Oracle is the only player:
*whose role's existence is known by everyone at the beginning of the game.
*who has a Night 0 action.
*who must use his power every night.
*who is immune to being turned.

There will be some tom-foolery involved, of course, but it won't be the same tom-foolery as last time, because nobody would fall for that twice.

Once again, I make no guarantees that this game will be well-balanced or fun to play. But it should at least be interesting. I need nine players this time. Sign up in this thread if you're interested.


1. Nickasummers
2. NexAdruin
3. fullmooninu
4. Kayma
5. Envy
6. Kazz
7. Lottel
8. GuildensternII
9. Aerdan

The game has ended.
Day 1
Night 1
Day 2
Night 2

Ground rules and clarifications:

1. Paraphrasing your role PM is allowed, but please do not quote it directly.
2. Votes are only counted if the name is stated in bold, and any bolded name counts as a vote.
3. No deleting or editing of posts allowed.
4. If the thread goes over 24 hours with no posts in it, the player who posted least recently will automatically be lynched and the game will move on to the night phase.
5. You can talk in the thread at night if you want to.
6. Out-of-thread communication doesn't need to be restricted to forum PMs, as long as I get a full transcript of the chat.
7. Anonymous accounts are allowed, but not required.

Forum Games / Another 8-player Wolf Game
« on: September 24, 2011, 08:45:47 PM »
I just had an idea for a wolf game that I'd like to try out. It might turn out to be a stupid idea, but it also might be awesome. Or at least interesting.

This will be similar to Lottel's game in that the wolves will have to find each other and all roles will likewise be unknown at first. However, there will be no double roles, so anonymous alternate accounts are not required. All communication outside the thread will be done by PMs CCed to me.


1. Lottel
2. Envy
3. Kayma
4. Nickasummers
6. NexAdruin
7. fullmooninu
8. falselogic

The game has ended.
Day 1
Night 1
Day 2
Night 2
Day 3
Night 3
Day 4
Night 4

Ground rules and clarifications:

1. Paraphrasing your role PM is allowed, but please do not quote it directly.
2. Votes are only counted if the name is stated in bold, and any bolded name counts as a vote.
3. No deleting or editing of posts allowed.
4. If the thread goes over 24 hours with no posts in it, the player who posted least recently will automatically be lynched and the game will move on to the night phase.
5. You can talk in the thread at night if you want to.
6. Out-of-thread communication doesn't need to be restricted to forum PMs, as long as I get a full transcript of the chat.

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