I think abortions are awful because you're killing a human fetus, sucking it out, and throwing it away, and if you don't find that at least a little horrifying, fine. I'll even admit that I might be a hypocrite on this point because I'm going to eat a steak for dinner and God only knows what was done to the cow it came from. It's just my own subjective feeling. If women aren't actually traumatized by the experience of an abortion, good for them, but color me surprised.
TA was the one making the argument that some women would prefer having a "quick outpatient procedure" to using condoms. Sorry for finding that ridiculous.
And as a final note, even though I'm going to catch shit from every direction for this, Thad didn't cite any data or link anywhere, he just said they're mostly relieved. If that's the case, FINE.
Fuck's sake, I'm sorry I said that abortions are "awful." Would it have been better if I said they were "gross"?