And as a final note, even though I'm going to catch shit from every direction for this, Thad didn't cite any data or link anywhere, he just said they're mostly relieved. If that's the case, FINE.
Maybe I don't like having to dig up links every single time we have this conversation, you ASSHOLE.
"Oh! Oh! I can't remember what happened two months ago and Thad didn't repeat himself enough!"
... what the fuck did I do to deserve getting called an asshole?
Sorry I made you link the data you were citing in a conversation where it was relevant. For the record, I fully fucking believed that you had such data, I just wanted to see it. Sorry I didn't go look for it myself. I should have recalled the content of a post from two months ago in an unrelated thread.
You win. Abortions aren't traumatic. Okay? I was wrong.
I seriously consider you one of my better friends on here, Thad. I'm trying really hard not to come off like an ignorant fuck-up with bizarro opinions. What did I do to piss you off so much?
Det, I'm sorry we misunderstood each other. Whenever I say "sex ed" I really mean "free birth control." I really have no problem with making that mandatory. Staple the condom to her panties if you have to. I didn't intend to penalize abortions in the way that someone under 21 has to attend an alcoholism seminar every time they come within spitting distance of a beer, or anything.
Here's your post that confused me.
These quotes suggest you are in favor of mandatory sex-ed classes for women receiving legal abortions. This would be legislation, even while it keeps the abortions legal. Of course the information should be available to anyone who wants it, but making it mandatory no longer makes it "free".
For whatever fucking reason, I basically misread this entire post, believing you were playing Devil's Advocate for a stance that I didn't hold. Of course we both want comprehensive sex education, the question was whether or not we wanted to force people to take it, and apparently we thought we differed on the subject or maybe not. I'm too exhausted to figure it out or care, and it doesn't matter anyway.
I dunno. I'm so fucking tired of this debate. Whatever you guys want to do with abortion is fine. I'm honestly sorry that I ever tried to talk about it here. My opinion has officially been dragged outside and shot.
Thad's going to get pissy because I don't want to play anymore, but I hope he won't mind if I want to leave this one alone.