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Author Topic: What the fuck, Arizona?  (Read 54836 times)

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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #40 on: December 07, 2009, 08:39:22 PM »

That claim is just bullshit posturing.  It is not and will never be held to be true.  Radnofsky is just trying to get her name in the papers to help her AG run.

Point? I like me some bullshit posturing in this case. Reminds me of some of the proposed legislation against human cloning that would have, read literally, required the mandatory abortion of identical twins. It doesn't just reveal a flaw in the language, but a flaw in the intent. Posture the fuck away.


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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #41 on: December 13, 2009, 07:08:52 AM »,0,5578766,full.story
Sheriff Joe goes out hunting dirty illegal immigrants the day after the federal government tells him to knock that shit off.


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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #42 on: December 13, 2009, 09:21:42 AM »

Isn't it great what mob support will do for you?


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Re: What the fuck?
« Reply #43 on: April 19, 2010, 08:19:54 PM »

Arizona makes it a crime to not be white

Okay, that's a bit hyperbolic.  Basically it allows police officers to determine the immigration status of someone who doesn't have an ID on them.  What this will inevitably be used for it just detaining Mexicans or any non-white, really.

Another part of the article that caught my eye, though, is this:
In 2006 the state passed a law that would dissolve companies with a pattern of hiring illegal immigrants.

I remember Arizona making raids on companies and trying to discourage it, but for a state so densely populated with teabaggers, "libertarians" and conservatives who all rant about the free market, that law right there just reeks of government intervention.  What a bunch of hypocrites.


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Re: What the fuck?
« Reply #44 on: April 19, 2010, 09:16:25 PM »

A couple of questions:

What constitutes an identification card?

Do that many non-whities not have a drivers licence?  


If Arizona is that interested in stopping illegal immigration, why don't they just invest in a minefield?  You guys are the foremost authority on some of craziest land mine technology... 



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Re: What the fuck?
« Reply #45 on: April 19, 2010, 09:44:50 PM »

Arizona makes it a crime to not be white

Okay, that's a bit hyperbolic.  Basically it allows police officers to determine the immigration status of someone who doesn't have an ID on them.  What this will inevitably be used for it just detaining Mexicans or any non-white, really.

Another part of the article that caught my eye, though, is this:
In 2006 the state passed a law that would dissolve companies with a pattern of hiring illegal immigrants.

I remember Arizona making raids on companies and trying to discourage it, but for a state so densely populated with teabaggers, "libertarians" and conservatives who all rant about the free market, that law right there just reeks of government intervention.  What a bunch of hypocrites.

As far as I can tell, most of the tea party movement has no real idea what small government and conservatism mean. The reality that they want for America is a christian theocracy where they pay no taxes and the roads are paved with faith and the love of Jesus Christ, while businesses self-regulate out of the good of their hearts and don't fuck americans over, and don't get bailed out when they fail, but aren't privatized or federally regulated in any way.

I wish I was being facetious about that, but living with a self-proclaimed teabagger who is legally blind, deaf, living on government disability, a medicare recipient for the last 20+ years living in the bottom 5% of the nation's poverty belt... It's the only thing I can really come up with here.

My favorite phrases in this house are "Obama is a socialist" and "Obama is in bed with big business"

I'll let you guys mull that over.



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Re: What the fuck?
« Reply #46 on: April 19, 2010, 11:03:31 PM »

You guys are the foremost authority on some of craziest land mine technology...  

What?  When did this happen?  Why didn't anyone tell me?

Did you know about this, Thad?!


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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #47 on: April 21, 2010, 04:31:28 PM »

Just fucking sick to my stomach about this.

What constitutes an identification card?

Do that many non-whities not have a drivers licence?

They're not just talking about state ID, they're talking about immigration papers.  The law is license for police to stop people on the street and ask for their papers.  Ostensibly they have to have reason to suspect they're here illegally; in practice, that reason will be "because they're brown".  Anyone who claims this won't result in racial profiling is either lying or hopelessly naive.  People who were born here are going to get hauled off to jail for not having papers.

Governor Brewer can still veto, but it will cost her the Republican primary if she does, so I don't see it happening.

The governor we elected, the governor I voted for, would have vetoed the bill if she hadn't abandoned her duties to take a cabinet position.  If Brewer signs this into law, Napolitano shares the blame for handing her the fucking pen to do it with.

Related: I saw Arlo Guthrie perform this song a week and a half ago, and it stuck with me.  He commented that Woody had written it probably seven or eight decades ago but it could have been written yesterday, and said, "On the one hand, it's great that my dad's work has that kind of shelf life.  On the other hand, it's too bad the world still sucks."

Oh, also our House passed a fucking birther bill today.  We're looking at laying off thousands of teachers, firefighters, and police officers if we don't pass a tax increase next month, and our fucking legislature is pissing our money away on conspiracy theories and racist police-state policies that will never survive a constitutional challenge.

I'm too young to remember Mecham and McCain fighting against honoring Martin Luther King Day, so I can legitimately say that I have never in my life been as embarrassed to be from Arizona as I am today.

I need a fucking beer.


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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #48 on: April 21, 2010, 05:05:46 PM »

Damn it, fuck this shit.  You're fearing yourselves into Californian unsustainability.  

Step 1:  Amnesty to anybody who makes it over by land.  This includes everyone who's already here.  Get them out of the dark so you can document them and learn about who they are, the sooner you can force them to pay taxes at gunpoint.

Step 2:  Purchase miles of land by border

Step 2.5:  Lay multi-staged landmines in purchased land, antipersonnel through both trip detonated and command-detonated in border areas.  Invest in anti-tunnel technology, or whatever the Egyptians plan to use by 2014 ( they really reaaaaly don't like Hamas and their smuggling to Gaza on fear of growing influence in the Muslim Brotherhood).  

Step 3:  Link command-detonated landmines to a website where users who log in from a united states location (no proxies) can sign up a user name based on their social insurance number and some tax information so that these volunteers can command-detonate fields covered by surveillance equipment, killing anyone who tries to make it across.  Ensure that website is ad-supported, and that those found guilty of activating landmines with no visible presence of attempted border hoppers, or any other indication will be liable for the cost of replacement of the landmines ensuring fraud doesn't take place.

Step 4:  Place phones and aid stations on american side of border for successful illegal immigrants.  Include fast-track green card forms, first aid, food, and water.  Entering the shack will alert federal authorities, who will welcome illegal immigrant with a hug, a Martguerita, a USA baseball cap, and anything that's required to integrate the individual into american society....

For if someone really wants to be a US citizen so hard that he's willing to risk the worst kind of life and limb, then I guarantee you that as soon as he or she learns the language, the citizens those types will make will be a vast improvement over some of the nuts on both side of the political divide willing to shout down their gov while sucking off its teat.  

That and it's probably more humane that what they already go through.  It would probably cost a lot less to implement and keep the crazy redneck types at bay:  "I got one!"

  Also:  If anyone complains about the minefield:  Catapult them into the minefield.  

2nd clarification:  This is a joke, brought on by reading too much PJ O Rourke and John Ringo.  In no way do I really condone using landmines on civilian targets, as not only is it against the Ottawa Treaty of which my nation is a signatory, but considering the command-detonated mines, government sanctioned murder is not acceptable in areas which are not considered theaters of war, and then only against those which are deemed to be reasonable targets by someone with no less than executive power.


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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #49 on: April 21, 2010, 05:10:16 PM »

Yeah, I heard about that.

I've taken to listening to Sirius XM's talk radio programming despite my better judgement.  I've found myself screaming loudly at Glenn Beck, Andrew Wilkow, Sean Hannity, Stephanie Miller, and a handful more.  

Anyway, yeah.  Someone on Sirius' America Left channel was talking about the birther bill, and I was glad I hadn't eaten lunch yet.


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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #50 on: April 21, 2010, 05:42:38 PM »

At first I thought this bill was ridiculous.

But then I realized I am totally in favor of it.

See, the upshot is, Arizona turning into a Orwellian nightmare land will definitely stop illegal immigration into the state, which I'm all for.

It will also stop legal immigration into the state, which I'm doubly for.


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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #51 on: April 21, 2010, 06:13:14 PM »

Man SCD, you are all kinds of fucked up, I blame the military.


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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #52 on: April 21, 2010, 06:19:54 PM »

pfft... at least my moral values are coherent  :glee:


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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #53 on: April 21, 2010, 06:54:22 PM »

Which Caesar is that, anyway?


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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #54 on: April 21, 2010, 07:17:06 PM »



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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #55 on: April 21, 2010, 07:40:32 PM »



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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #56 on: April 21, 2010, 09:00:13 PM »

pfft... at least my moral values are coherent  :glee:

Say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.


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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #57 on: April 21, 2010, 09:41:23 PM »

Damn it, fuck this shit.  You're fearing yourselves into Californian unsustainability. 

Step 1:  Amnesty to anybody who makes it over by land.  This includes everyone who's already here.  Get them out of the dark so you can document them and learn about who they are, the sooner you can force them to pay taxes at gunpoint.

Step 2:  Purchase miles of land by border

Step 2.5:  Lay multi-staged landmines in purchased land, antipersonnel through both trip detonated and command-detonated in border areas.  Invest in anti-tunnel technology, or whatever the Egyptians plan to use by 2014 ( they really reaaaaly don't like Hamas and their smuggling to Gaza on fear of growing influence in the Muslim Brotherhood). 

Step 3:  Link command-detonated landmines to a website where users who log in from a united states location (no proxies) can sign up a user name based on their social insurance number and some tax information so that these volunteers can command-detonate fields covered by surveillance equipment, killing anyone who tries to make it across.  Ensure that website is ad-supported, and that those found guilty of activating landmines with no visible presence of attempted border hoppers, or any other indication will be liable for the cost of replacement of the landmines ensuring fraud doesn't take place.

Step 4:  Place phones and aid stations on american side of border for successful illegal immigrants.  Include fast-track green card forms, first aid, food, and water.  Entering the shack will alert federal authorities, who will welcome illegal immigrant with a hug, a Martguerita, a USA baseball cap, and anything that's required to integrate the individual into american society....

For if someone really wants to be a US citizen so hard that he's willing to risk the worst kind of life and limb, then I guarantee you that as soon as he or she learns the language, the citizens those types will make will be a vast improvement over some of the nuts on both side of the political divide willing to shout down their gov while sucking off its teat. 

That and it's probably more humane that what they already go through.  It would probably cost a lot less to implement and keep the crazy redneck types at bay:  "I got one!"

  Also:  If anyone complains about the minefield:  Catapult them into the minefield. 

...You know, honestly, as much as I know you were mostly joking, I still have to agree that it's way better than the system we have now.



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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #58 on: April 22, 2010, 07:49:45 PM »

A quick clarification on my landmine immigrant control cum citizenship policy for those nameless people who have asked:  Yes, the hats will be made in the USA.


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Re: What the fuck, Arizona?
« Reply #59 on: April 24, 2010, 12:25:28 PM »

So a Democratic Representative received some death threats for speaking out against the law, and the President is even denouncing it as misguided.

I understand that states need a certain amount of autonomy to operate, but there should be some kind of national safeguard to veto anything that infringes on the Bill of Rights.
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