[5:31] <@Vance> Okay, going back to my previous comment
[5:32] <@Vance> "but I suppose it DOES bear asking you guys are so damn interested in going there if you hate us all so much." He's definitely lost it.
[5:33] <+Kayumi> What?
[5:33] <+Kayumi> Oh is he posting about it?
[5:33] <+Kayumi> The damn point I've been trying to make is that I don't and never once said that I did hate them
[5:33] <+Kayumi> and I don't know where the hell he got that impression.
[5:34] <@Vance> Yes, well, that's our former and apparently present Thad. Makes assumptions, denies making assumptions, accuses others of making assumptions.
[5:34] <lapKazz> arc implies that you said you hate Sharkey
[5:34] <+Kayumi> Yeah, I don't know where the hell he got that.
[5:34] <@Vance> I never said I hate Sharkey. Frankly I have a gripe with him, but that doesn't mean I hate him
[5:35] <lapKazz> vance, you picked out the single instance where Thad did anything but fight for Kayumi et al to be unbanned?
[5:35] <@Vance> Wasn't aware I was supposed to. I don't know what Thad's doing, frankly.
[5:35] <+Kayumi> I remember saying, in response to people complaining in gloom and doom tones that the whole thing signified the end of the community as a whole, that Sharkey had never been the core of this channel in recent memory...
[5:36] <lapKazz> vance i don't even know what you're talking about
[5:36] <+Kayumi> I remember saying that the loss of his website that it was not exactly as if he has been making regular updates to it in the past several years
[5:36] <@Vance> Nor I you.
[5:36] <lapKazz> well i was talking to kayumi
[5:36] <@Vance> You call Kayumi by my name?
[5:36] <+Kayumi> I remember saying that both Sharkey and Arcturus could have handled that argument better
[5:36] <lapKazz> except for the one sentence where i said "vance," i was talking to kayumi
[5:36] <+Kayumi> but I don't remember saying anywhere that I hate Sharkey
[5:36] <@Vance> Silly me.
[5:37] <lapKazz> kayumi, arc's being 100% dickhead right now and nobody knows why
[5:37] <lapKazz> because he won't explain himself
[5:37] <+Kayumi> I'm about ready to declare loathing for Arc over the whole thing, but that's just anger at an idiot throwing a tantrum at me for unexplained reasons
[5:37] <BongoBill> A voodoo ritual went wrong and maou is possessing him.
[5:38] <+Kayumi> an ineffective one to boot, I'll be home in Canada in just over a month and his fucking ip ban won't work anymore.
[5:38] <@Vance> It's rather astonishing. I thought Arc was one of the more levelheaded people around
[5:38] <BongoBill> We need to throw somebody in the volcano.
[5:38] <lapKazz> like, i really want to like Arc, because he put a lot of work and all that into the boards, but i just wish he'd be accountable for what the hell he's doing
[5:38] <lapKazz> there's a theory that it's all a big prank, but it isn't funny to anyone
[5:38] <+Kayumi> And at that point if he wants to keep me out he's more than welcome to ban canada and see how long it goes on
[5:39] <lapKazz> i'll paste this conversation onto WFE
[5:39] <+Kayumi> Well leave out the bit about banning Canada.
[5:39] <+Kayumi> He'll take it as a good suggestion.
[5:39] <lapKazz> hopefully it'll force Arc to post his evidence against you
[5:40] <lapKazz> whatever it may be
[5:40] <lapKazz> or just admit that he has none