Welp, time to do that thing I do when I'm in a new town.
Professional Signpost: This is Kaipo, the desert oasis of Damcyan.
Bartender: Well, hello! We rarely have visitors these days, what with all the monsters running around.
Traveling Scholar: I'm a traveling scholar. I want to go to Fabul, which lies east of Damcyan, to do a little research. But some old man in the Water Cavern won't let me through!
Drunk: I wanna go to the Antlion Cave east of Damcyan because of the fat loot inside! Too bad only the royals are allowed there...
Boy: The Water Cavern is to the northeast. But it's dangerous. There have been sightings of eight water serpents.
Woman: Anna fell deeply in love with someone. But she left Kaipo because Sage Tellah didn't approve.
Man: I heard some damsel from Baron passed out on the outskirts of town. She was taken to someone's house to rest.
Lady: If you are going to travel with that little girl, I recommend moving her to the back row.
Expositor: The castle up north is Damcyan Castle, which rules over this entire desert. I hear that the prince of Damcyan has a delicate beauty as well as an exquisite voice.
This dancer jumps into the water and sticks one leg up out of it as she swims around. It's a synchronized swimming routine, except she's the only one there.
Woman: The poor thing's been afflicted with desert fever. She just keeps muttering the name "Cecil" over and over.
...uh oh.
Rosa: ... Cecil... Cecil, be careful!
Well, that's no good. You ran off and your girlfriend caught her death of cold -- desert cold, the hot kind of cold -- following you. Cecil just can't catch a break.
As we know, the Antlion Cave is near Damcyan, which is across the Water Cavern. So now we have a goal!