US files a WTO case against ChinaSo. A guantlet has finally been thrown. Granted this may come to nothing at all, it's interesting that a formal stand of any kind has finally been taken against China's longstanding double-standards in international trade.
We shall see.
One thought that I had: It's funny that this is a WTO challenge. Yes, a big part of China joining the WTO was to reap the advantages without having to reciprocate (which is pretty much what happened), but it was also very much a prestige thing.
Like the resentful fellow who wants to be a Club Member, the focus was always on getting in. Never mind those pesky
rules - they don't really
enforce those for the elect, do they?
Had they stayed out, there would certainly have been some negative economic consequences, but they would be mostly immune to a lot of the (quite valid) charges that have been brewing for some time.