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Messages - clutch

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Real Life / Re: Gettin' In Shape!
« on: December 03, 2013, 09:52:53 AM »
Ideally, I'd just love a single app where I can sit down and monitor my progress across cardio, lift and diet.

Pick two. FitBit app sucks for tracking lifts. When you log it as an activity, lifts are all bunched under "Weight lifting (free weight, nautlius, or universal-type), power lifting or body building" with options for "light" or "vigorous" activity. You quantify by TIME. If you're only looking to show calories burned that's probably all you need, but it's no rep-logger. Speaking of, which app do you use for that?

Back to the device. I got a Force myself, but I'm not sold on the elevation tracking yet. I live and work in two-story buildings, yet over the course of a day I only racked up 5 floors yesterday. I'm sure it only counts elevation gained, but on the other hand it's fucking supernatural how forgetful I am, so I'm always up and down the steps. Will see if this improves.

A couple things if you get one... 1) Get the Force over the Flex. It's water-resistant, which you'd think would be Day-One shit for electronics that you strap to your sweaty, disgusting body, but the Flex is not. My coworker Eric water-damaged 3 Flexes before giving up on them all together. 2) Order now, or be ready to wait. Mine was ordered in late October, but couldn't be fulfilled until last week. Not sure if they're intentionally throttling supply, or if it will just be Christmas of the Fitbits.

Real Life / Re: Gettin' In Shape!
« on: December 02, 2013, 10:57:27 AM »
Anyone else on Fitbit? My mom gave me one for my birthday, and so far I have zero friends.

Quick review if you're considering one: it's not ideal if you, like me, don't do much cardio--I opt for weights and calisthenics mostly--but it's certainly not un-helpful to have the data. Definitely I have felt the push from the game-ification, and have started putting in a mile run most afternoons. Will have to see how that plays out long-term. App is great; logging food/water intake is much simpler than with other, similar programs. What I really appreciate is the de-emphasis on precision. Like most people (speaking anecdotally here) I tend not to keep up with food-logging because the programs are non-intuitive and require multiple measurements per entry. Fitbit trims that down to only the food item and an approximation of how much of it you ate. It's a different (I'd say wiser) approach that focuses on long-term trends over short-term accuracy. Overall, pretty pleased with it, though I wish it could measure activity other than steps. The Basis B1 does heart rate and perspiration measurements for not much more money, but I don't know much more about that product than that.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Pokeymans
« on: November 09, 2013, 06:37:48 AM »
Pokemon X and Y: Fully Automatic Shiny Pokemon Finder!
Finally, we have automated our fun. Took long enough.*

*says a man with no shinies

Gaming Discussion / Re: Animal Crossing: A New Leaf
« on: June 13, 2013, 06:10:26 PM »
See, by that I meant "friend me and trade me fruit".

Clutch: 4527-8077-4665

Gaming Discussion / Re: Animal Crossing: A New Leaf
« on: June 11, 2013, 03:13:17 PM »
Let's do this.

Online Hookers / Re: Nintendo 3DS Friend Codes
« on: June 11, 2013, 03:11:35 PM »
Clutch: 4527-8077-4665

Real Life / Re: I Am Obsessed With Appearances: The Fashion Thread
« on: November 19, 2010, 11:16:56 AM »
New shoes day! Handmade by real English hands.

They're buttery-soft and an absolute joy to wear. I can't wait until I get a few (dozen) coats of polish on them and the burnishing starts to blend. Unfortunately we're expecting heavy rain this weekend so I'll have to put them away until drier weather returns. Anyone care to recommend a brand of overshoes?

Real Life / Re: What's Cookin'?
« on: November 04, 2010, 10:13:02 AM »
When I drink tea I drink Constant Comment. It really doesn't even taste that good, but I swear to Christ it smells just like a library. And not some foul public library, either.

Media / Re: Movies for Home Viewing
« on: October 22, 2010, 02:05:51 PM »
Plus, as has been mentioned before, it's a kid's movie where [spoiler]the protagonist loses a limb at the end, and everybody's cool with it.[/spoiler]

Oh yeah. I have a phobia about that sort of thing happening to me and it was very shocking to have that happen in the last couple minutes of what was ostensibly a children's movie. Jaw, dropped.

Real Life / Re: You're old now!
« on: October 15, 2010, 09:34:47 AM »
Best birthday! I got a globe with a bar in it!

High-Context Discourse / Re: Quotes
« on: October 12, 2010, 08:26:34 AM »
My date: (finishes writing a note to herself) You remember in Pete & Pete, how in that one episode older Pete falls in love with his math teacher because he likes the way she draws her twos?
Me: I do.
My date: Well, I think I make great number twos.

Real Life / Re: What I learned today!
« on: October 11, 2010, 01:00:49 PM »
In the 1880s, W.R. Hearst attended Harvard and was widely known there as a prankster. He kept a pet alligator called Champagne Charlie, named for Hearst's habit of keeping the creature almost constantly drunk. When the alligator died of its alcoholism, Hearst had Charlie stuffed and mounted on the wall of his dormitory.

Real Life / Re: I Am Obsessed With Appearances: The Fashion Thread
« on: October 08, 2010, 11:01:48 AM »
Depends on the cowboy boot? Then you tell me.

High-Context Discourse / Re: Blatant Lies
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:30:26 AM »
Just hangin' out.

High-Context Discourse / Re: Avatars
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:14:11 AM »
Thanks Frocto!

Can someone isolate this scene as an anigif?

Real Life / Re: I Am Obsessed With Appearances: The Fashion Thread
« on: October 06, 2010, 03:28:22 PM »
I just inherited 3 pairs of cowboy boots. Is there any circumstance in which I can wear them without looking like douche?

Thaddeus Boyd's Panel of Death / Re: Firefighters Watch House Burn
« on: October 06, 2010, 03:12:40 PM »
Is that wackaloon AFA blog just rendering wrong in Chrome, or is it actually supposed to be black-on-black?

Thaddeus Boyd's Panel of Death / Re: Firefighters Watch House Burn
« on: October 06, 2010, 02:03:57 PM »
the higher ups should have had protocol in place where they did the work and fined or charged the shit out of the person for services rendered. Something like the actual policy stating 'you pay 75 bucks no or the entire cost of mobolizing the fleet then'.

This. In my area there is an option on every water bill to pay an additional amount (~$50/year) for ambulance service. If you don't pay up and you get injured, they won't just leave your ass on the street for lack of foresight. Instead, you will get an invoice later for the cost of your ambulance ride--hundreds, if not thousands of dollars--and a lesson that you shouldn't nickel-and-dime the government.

Thaddeus Boyd's Panel of Death / Re: Cheerful News
« on: October 06, 2010, 01:47:56 PM »

I mean, have you seen this thing? It looks like that egg-sac woman in Slither.

Real Life / Re: I Am Obsessed With Appearances: The Fashion Thread
« on: October 04, 2010, 08:58:42 AM »
Clutch, you see the thing is that I generally like suits for my evening forays and that article says that black suits are perfect for the evening and compliment club and whatnot lighting well.

I have no problem with this. Black is perfectly fine in the dim, though for someone like me (pale) a midnight blue suit--it's right there in the name!--would be a better choice for eveningwear. My objection to black suits is for men who own one suit and it is black.

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