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Messages - Alex

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 48
Gaming Discussion / Re: Computer Cheats
« on: February 12, 2010, 01:30:05 AM »
Rubber banding in every racing game ever.  :rage:

Terrible in F-Zero GX.

I put Ninja Gaiden 2 on this list of bullshit difficulty.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Tat... tsu... That Capcom Vs Game
« on: February 11, 2010, 07:43:01 AM »
It's like an arcade all over again!

Although I shy away from playing against people I'd have to hold back on because when I do that too much, I start losing my game as though I weren't actually playing it.

Real Life / Re: Shit Days
« on: February 11, 2010, 07:39:42 AM »
So last week I was supposed to do the background check, drug test and tax paperwork for my impending job at Walgreens.

Except the guy who was in the process of hiring me got transferred to a store an hour away and completely forgot about me, explaining why it was impossible for me to get ahold of him for the last week.  Of course, they filled the position I was supposed to get already.


Gaming Discussion / Re: Left 4 Dead
« on: February 11, 2010, 02:24:47 AM »
I do agree that the mechanic is absolutely amazing.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Left 4 Dead
« on: February 10, 2010, 03:55:04 PM »
Worse when you get dumped onto a laggy server.

World of Warcraft / Re: I Hate WoW!
« on: February 10, 2010, 06:48:37 AM »
the worst thing about wow is that it derails conversations where we were having a discussion about something I care about

More so when it's directed at me or others who want nothing more than to divorce ourselves from the game.

Much more so when it is generally the only topic one is capable of.

World of Warcraft / Re: I Hate WoW!
« on: February 10, 2010, 01:08:58 AM »
I stopped playing when I noticed that I was playing less games overall and not having variety in my gaming diet is, in fact, the worst.  That and I realized I hate the MMO game design.

Fanbase and players sure ain't helping though.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Bottom 5
« on: February 09, 2010, 08:41:30 PM »
Let's take a look and see what Alex thinks about WoW!

 :wuv: You know me too well, Buge. :suave:

World of Warcraft / I Hate WoW!
« on: February 09, 2010, 08:22:42 PM »

World of Warcraft will take your friends, seduce your family, decimate your love life and if you let it, it will imprison you.

Ignoring the question of whether or not it is really a good game (it really isn't), WoW is a game that can manage to frustrate you even if you don't play it.  Dare I say even especially if you don't play it.  When I meet someone I think can be a buddy, and I find out they're into WoW, at this point I just shake my head and walk away.  I don't want to be there when that person starts prioritizing dailies over their personal lives.  I don't want to have to compete with a group of forty giant talking cows for attention.


Thank you for putting it in nicer words than I would have, Brentai.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Bottom 5
« on: February 09, 2010, 04:02:06 PM »
My Nintendo Wii

Let's create a game console with the same hardware as our previous generation game console, give it a fucking remote with a motion sensor, and sell it for three hundred dollars.

Ensuring that Nintendo gets no third party support on any but the crappiest titles, this box is only useful for playing first party games. At least the gamecube had some standout out of house games, but most of the third party crap on the Wii wouldn't pass as live arcade titles for the x-box. I'm sorry, but they should have just sold us an addon for the gamecube.

A complete lack of HDMI support just makes it all the more frustrating - knowing that the wii can be emulated at full FPS in 1080p, but can't be played on even basic HD on my television is maddening. Bottom five may seem harsh, but I've never regretted a game hardware purchase more. The only reason I haven't sold the thing off to buy a PS3 or 360 yet is because my fiance uses it to play rune factory. Our Nintendo Wii is essentially the rune factory box. Brawl is also OK too, but I've got to be honest - I've never gotten much play out of fighting games.

B-but it's the third party developer's fault for not making anything good, right?  It's not like they could make a great game that wouldn't immediately be outsold by a 1st party title or shovelware within a week, right?[/sarcasm]

That's pretty much what I see every generation and find it kind of funny that 'No one wants to dump a game somewhere where it'll get run down with the snap of a finger' generally goes unnoticed.

Oh well!  At least my Wii can keep me entertained by being a little emulation box that my mom can use when she wants to play ye olde Tetris sometimes.

Gaming Discussion / Re: TOP FIVE VIDYA
« on: February 09, 2010, 02:50:15 PM »
So you think you won't like Other M?  That's all I'm asking.

As long as Team Ninja doesn't make it like Ninja Gaiden and filled with nothing but cheap difficulty, I'll probably like it.

Time will tell!

Gaming Discussion / Re: Bottom 5
« on: February 09, 2010, 02:48:11 PM »
Final Fantasy VI

It's okay, DN.  I played it when I was young and impressionable and still don't think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.  I mean, it's OKAY, but it's not super A++ amazing.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Bottom 5
« on: February 09, 2010, 03:06:37 AM »
Every Worms game after Worms 2

I never personally had much of a beef with the newer Worms games.  I have a lot of fond memories of playing the original on my best friend's Playstation during birthday parties back when I was a kid as well as other fond memories of playing Worms Armageddon on his step-brother's Dreamcast years later.

Maybe it's just me having an easy time of rolling with the punches!  I dunno lol :shrug:

every zelda game, blow me i'm tired of you

Yes.  I wish they'd do something to shake the formula up without resorting to shitty gimmicks like sailing or trains.

I'm honestly kind of surprised that Nintendo hasn't tried making a more traditional RPG with the franchise (hey maybe it would give all those side characters something to fucking do outside of being ineffectual) or something rather than just make each game progressively easier. :hurr:

Gaming Discussion / Re: TOP FIVE VIDYA
« on: February 08, 2010, 11:30:44 PM »
Super/Fusion/Zero Mission are the only Metroid games I like.  I'm indifferent to Metroid 1 and 2 and think very little of any of the Prime games.

Gaming Discussion / Re: TOP FIVE VIDYA
« on: February 08, 2010, 09:34:48 PM »
No, I hate every Metroid game that isn't Super, Fusion or Zero Mission.

And probably Other M once it comes out.

Gaming Discussion / Re: TOP FIVE VIDYA
« on: February 08, 2010, 07:18:50 PM »
Man, if that's how it worked, I would hate Metroid forever because I played Metroid 2 first when I was 7 and had no idea what to do.

Gaming Discussion / Re: TOP FIVE VIDYA
« on: February 08, 2010, 05:44:38 PM »
Metroid Prime - Yeah, go suck a fat one, Alex.  I played this before Super.

Sorry Scarlett Brohansson, Super Metroid is still superior to Prime in every way.

World's Most Scientific Institute / Re: 4chan poll
« on: February 07, 2010, 08:52:38 PM »
When the stars align, /v/ has a good thread that is devoid of trolling and temporarily freeing itself from the curse of being /b/ but videogames.

Real Life / Babies!
« on: February 06, 2010, 01:14:00 AM »
"I don't think I would love children as much if they weren't my own."

This is pretty much how I feel about children.  I know at the very least, I could try to raise my own to not be like all the kids I see nowadays that I absolutely hate.

But otherwise, I'm with Kazz and LD about not wanting or needing kids all up in my bizz.

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