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Messages - Lobst

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 [7] 8
Gaming Discussion / Re: PSP Go
« on: October 16, 2009, 10:49:35 AM »
Not an owner of a Go, but I'd like to point out that it's renewed my interest in the PSP like a motherfucker.  I look at the offerings of the Media Go store and my heart aches for the cash in my wallet, which would be siphoned away by the likes of PixelJunk Monsters and Persona if I had any.

but all the games are $39.99 an 300MB or better.

Holy shit.  Did you even confirm this?  Most games on the store hover around the $20-30 range, and it's easy to find games that cost far less (or are lighter on your bandwidth load) than the average.

Contributing to the "hey, there are actually amazing exclusives on this" bandwagon:  Metal Gear Ac!d 2, Gurumin, Jeanne D'Arc, Patapon 2, Holy Invasion of Privacy Badman! What Did I Do To Deserve This?.

Work Time Fun is awesome fuck you

Hell yeah!  HIGH-FIVE!  (holds hand up high, is left hanging)

Online Hookers / Re: BORDERLANDS
« on: October 16, 2009, 12:38:01 AM »
is your avatar R<3G canon?

The lobster and honeybee I draw now have different personalities/come from somewhat different circumstances than stickfigure R&G, so I guess the answer is "I don't see why not"

Online Hookers / Re: BORDERLANDS
« on: October 15, 2009, 09:12:05 PM »
If anyone thinks they'll be looking for a berserker on the 360 version, I'll be game :D

Gaming Discussion / Rhythm/Music Genre Catch-All Thread
« on: September 20, 2009, 12:11:44 AM »
Having recently gained an assload of free time and the ability to play drums again, I've rediscovered my burning passion for hitting buttons/drumpads to colored patterns as they cruise by on screen.  Does anyone here share this fascination?  Though Activision is doing its best to pump up the rhythm/music bubble until it totally bursts, there's still plenty of amazing stuff going on on the EA/Harmonix side:

1) The Beatles: Rock Band just came out!  It's proving to be a glamorous track-pack at a nice discount, with spectacular production values and nice visuals to boot.  The game feels a bit easier than typical Rock Band, too, making it excellent if you want to get used to a new difficulty level.

2) Lego Rock Band is coming out this November!  It's a collection of songs that lack the gritty, hard-edged profanity typically expected from an awesome rhythm game, all exportable to vanilla Rock Band/RB2.  The list of confirmed songs (partway down this page) is actually fairly nice, even if some songs don't seem like they match up with the guitar/bass/drums format (The Final Countdown, for example).

3) The DLC train is still chugging along with maximum ferocity!  Recent notable additions are Blind Melon's "No Rain", Jackson 5's "ABC", a Gorillaz 3-pack, every recognizable song from This Is Spinal Tap, and a totally amazing Weezer pack.  The total amount of songs in the Rock Band library is expected to reach a freakin' thousand by the end of the year, and that is no number for any self-respecting real-world music-game fan to turn up one's nose at.

So, I reiterate:  Anyone interested?  What do you think?  I want to hear about you. ::3:

Gaming Discussion / Re: Mirror's Edge
« on: September 19, 2009, 10:46:16 AM »
Strategy for getting past cops:

1) run up to cop
2) slide, crotchkick
3) punch in helmeted face
4) repeat as necessary until cop lies motionless on the ground, lamenting his continued existence.

It takes a bit of practice (and it helps when there's a barrier between the cop and his comrades to keep them from shooting at you), but intersperse this strategy with the occasional slow-mo gun-grab and you'll be able to take down small squads with style and finesse.

(1060/1250 achievement points on my profile; first in line for the sequel, over here)

Gaming Discussion / Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« on: August 28, 2009, 05:36:45 AM »
Which will be easier than you'd expect because i'm a 900 pound grizzly bear.

Can... can I pet you?  :(

Gaming Discussion / Re: Living on five single player games
« on: August 24, 2009, 04:38:20 PM »
1) Game Maker.  I would have enough time to learn it, and eventually construct vast, intricate works of social commentary the aliens will hopefully discover when they find my corpse.  (joke's on me -- the time will come and they'll find a half-finished recreation of final fantasy 6)

2) Rumble Roses XX or Dead or Alive Xtreme 2.  I can't choose now because it would be like deciding which of your children to kill, but each of these games have enormous levels of replay value through achievements.  I can easily see it taking 300 hours to pick up all of them in DoAX2; a comrade of mine has put that much time into RRXX and still hasn't gotten them all.  Additionally, with dynamic breast physics in both games, no two rounds are exactly the same!

3) Rock Band 2 for endless playability from a simple interface.  Downloadable songs provide the ideal extension to an already near-flawless social fantasy, which I would desperately need while holed up in my house, waiting for death to come.  Luckily, I've already had the foresight to get all the DLC in the case of such a scenario.  (not *exactly* true)

4) Simcity 4, where I would create enormous, sprawling, self-sustaining societies that interconnect with each other.  This is important; in a Quiet Earth-style scenario I can easily see the dependence of the populaces of Duckburg, St. Canard, and Anaheim on my well-being as something to give me a reason to survive.

5) Persona 4 because I haven't played it yet, though Giant Bomb's LP of it is proving to be incredibly entertaining; I can easily see plowing through it numerous times in the post-apocalypse and trying different scenarios each time.  (hey, maybe I can take Kanji on the cable-car ride on the Gold Saucer if I try hard enough)

High-Context Discourse / Re: Avatars
« on: June 06, 2009, 10:42:48 PM »
Yeah, that other avatar was boring even before I painstakingly fleshed out its enduringly romantic details.  Here's something a bit snappier, which I drew while drunk (right~now).

High-Context Discourse / Re: Avatars
« on: June 06, 2009, 07:09:19 AM »
Hey now, what's all this then?!

Also switched to Lobst in the effort of nickname consolidation.

Gaming Discussion / Re: E3 2009
« on: June 06, 2009, 06:55:13 AM »
People bitch that Nintendo just keeps making the same games over and over, but that's SHIT. I WANT Nintendo to make a Zelda and a Mario, that's why I like Nintendo. Not to mention there's more inovation in one level of Super Mario Galaxy than in most full AAA games. SO shut up Nintendo haters, SHUT UP!!!!

Nintendo is fantastic because they have a commitment to quality and playability that rarely draws comparison, not because of their key licenses -- but I really wish they hadn't gone down this road in response to the negative reactions of bloggers from E3 '08.

:sarcasm: A port of Animal Crossing?!  You promised us something that would really excite "core gamers"!  >:I
:happy: zzzwha?  Uh-oh!  Better start up the Mario/Zelda/Metroid production pipelines again! goddamn nerds

This might sound like crazy talk, but I wish we had a completely new first-tier IP from Nintendo every year.  :\

edit:  though none of this matters because while everyone else is playing Mario I'll be dicking around in JUST CAUSE 2 HOLY SHIT

Gaming Discussion / Re: Reduced to Ruin: Sonic the Hedgehog
« on: May 29, 2009, 04:54:06 PM »
A Sonic Racing game?  Well that can't possibly suck!

SEGA actually has a good track record for racing games past the Saturn.  Metropolis Street Racer was wonderful, Outrun 2/2006/Online Arcade are amazing, and I'm playing through Sega Rally Revo on-and-off and totally enjoying it the whole way through.  This is apparently by the Outrun crew, so chances are it'll be impressively colorful and fun to play.

Starting a rumor right here, right now:  Ferrari 360 Spider is an unlockable character!  Tell your friends :D

Real Life / Re: Worst Pets Ever
« on: May 16, 2009, 09:04:36 AM »
Aw, Newbie... I know what it's like. 

My thoughts are with you.  :(

Real Life / Re: Social Networking
« on: May 09, 2009, 04:10:08 AM »
A new, popular format for making semi-public announcements only to those interested, without the expectation or inherent pressure to become embarrassingly long-winded in the process?  Yes, please!

Media / Re: Webcomicry
« on: April 25, 2009, 06:41:46 PM »
The late title card on the most recent MS Paint Adventure is breathtakingly impactful!  Think I'll ruin it by linking directly to it without context.

Assorted Creations / Re: Eversion
« on: January 10, 2009, 09:59:42 AM »
This was utterly brilliant -- but I wasn't capable of completing it because gems don't persist when you hit them out of blocks.

This led to a situation where I'd start world 7 with five gems remaining -- the three in blocks above the two cloud platforms, and the two in blocks underneath breakable bricks.  I'd go all the way up to everse level 1 to bonk the requisite blocks, then go back and forth across the stage to get to level 6 and shatter the bricks to collect my prize, but I'd invariably end up dying around level 4 on the way back down (multiple times because I still wasn't prepared for the screaming hands).  Following this, I'd respawn at the midlevel checkpoint at level 4 with the gems having been sucked back into the requisite blocks, having to start the whole tedious process all over again.  After an hour of this, I gave up and YouTubed the rest.

...well, I guess technically it's because I blow at platforming, but still...

Anyway, aside from that I thought it was awesome.  When my finances even out over the next couple of weeks, consider a copy of Zeta's World totally sold.

Xbox LIVE:  Lobst
World of Warcraft:  Earthwyrm on Dunemaul

Media / Re: Webcomicry
« on: July 08, 2008, 03:41:36 PM »
I discovered Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic today.

I'm unqualified to pass judgment on the comic, aside from on the fact that it apparently thinks a cleaned-up pencil sketch qualifies as a finished daily update!  If it was inked, I'd read it.  :\

Anyway, the reason for this post is a Project Wonderful ad on the main page.


I get that it's realistic, but I sit in Boston traffic on a pretty regular basis and I really do not need to do be doing this in my free-roaming shooters. Mix this with combat which is a little too clunky on the PS3 controller (cover is just not worth the effort), enemies which are impossibly easy to kill, missions that require me to pick someone up and taxi them around the city without attracting police attention, radio stations that're so dedicated to being as annoying as real radio that they succeed spectacularly, and characters/cutscenes that are nothing more than walking PSA's against drugs, crime, and all that fun stuff.

Sorry Punchy, know you really dig this game, but it's driving me nuts.

'S all good, dawg; now that you mention it, I haven't bothered with the game past the first five hours of story missions and the occasional foray into freeroaming multiplayer.  Rockstar's heavy-handed focus on realism is ultimately the thing that's keeping this bohemian transsexual furry pornographer from going any further; my opinion is that games like these are at their best when the self-imposed barriers are struck down and the player is left to spread their wings and fly like a glittering bird, explosions trailing in their wake -- preferably with Thriller played via custom-soundtrack in the background.  I've heard the phrase "box of toys" thrown around in reference to this phenomenon, from back when Crackdown came out.  For whatever reason, I can't think of any game that's put anything resembling as much thought into that element of its structure ever since, freeroaming or otherwise.

...Hmm.  Actually, Dead Rising sticks out as an experimental combination of that phenomenon with slow-ass movement controls and amazing levels of difficulty.  skate. and Burnout Paradise have incorporated other elements of the Crackdown formula within themselves (namely the notion that most barriers in the environment are self-imposed and easily overcome with sufficient skill)... but I get the feeling that lumping either of those into this genre is just shy of using this thread to wax nostalgic about SSX 3.  :<

Assorted Creations / Re: Nightmare Fuel
« on: June 19, 2008, 02:08:04 PM »
(awkward pause, followed by sweaty sex)

.PNGs, please.   :wuv:

Real Life / Re: $4 A GALLON
« on: June 08, 2008, 10:38:39 PM »
Why are horses the best idea Zed can come up with when we already have bicycles? If we're gonna do the whole slowing down thing we might as well get some exercise while doing it.

Took the words out of my mouth.  The only problem is that bicycles slow down traffic under the way most cities have structured their roads; the prospect of cycling to work in roads designated for 50MPH traffic under current conditions is far from an appealing one.  More cities need designated bike paths, or separate lanes bookended by Advanced Stop Lines.

Of course, ten years from now -- assuming we're not in the midst of some Fallout-like energy apocalypse -- I hope the ratio of bicycles to cars occupying our roads is completely flipped.

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