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Pages: [1]
Online Hookers / Re: Smash Bros. Brawl Champion Thing
« on: April 13, 2008, 04:55:44 AM »
great day to you all
Okay, this is how it works. One person here has to declare himself the BRAWL CHAMPION. The BRAWL CHAMPION is obligated to accept challenges from users of these forums and probably also the other ones. The challenges will take the form of three consecutive networked 1-on-1 network matches. (Alternatively, they may be team matches where the champion and the challenger each have one CPU ally of the same level). Whoever wins two or more of those three becomes the BRAWL CHAMPION. If the matches exhibit excessive lag, the BRAWL CHAMPION retains his title but forfeits his bragging rights until the next challenge takes place.

The rules of these three matches must be declared in advance by the challenger. They include: match type (X stock vs Y:00 time vs COIN MODE EXTRAVAGANZA), item switch (optionally, champion and challenger may be allowed to specify an item switch and let the server decide), forbidden levels, and the theme used to choose character (i.e. best characters, worst characters, same character, random characters, choose each others' characters, tourneyfag cliché characters, etc.)

Like we needed more excuses to spend too much time brawling, right? I'm going to declare that the first BRAWL CHAMPION is the first one on either board to claim the title.

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