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Messages - Spaco

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 13
Real Life / Re: Your Job: The Movie
« on: January 20, 2011, 06:24:21 PM »
Seems like all non-government jobs I've ever had were at-will. Is that not the standard?

Gaming Discussion / Re: Minecraft
« on: January 14, 2011, 06:56:32 PM »
Doku RPG file fixes post-update, for those of you that use it:

These are unofficial, but seem to work (besides paintings).

Real Life / Re: Your Job: The Movie
« on: January 08, 2011, 10:04:33 PM »
Job get! Got a call on Wednesday to come in on Friday for a "first round group interview" for an executive assistant position at a local large nonprofit. I arrived first that day, and seven professional-looking women eventually showed up, with their ages ranging in the 20s to 40s. It was kind of a survivor style interview, where you spent fifteen minutes with either the hiring manager or the CEO. If you survived the first interview, you met with the other person, in between talking with one of the counselors who had been there for 22 years to pass the time and ask questions about the organization. In reality, the counselor was a third voting member, and I apparently was the top pick of all three women! They pretty much threw the job at me, as I think they have bigger plans for me down the road and I'm much more qualified than the position I'll be in. Salaried, about what I was making at the think tank, and full benefits (which I didn't have before). You can't begin to understand what a relief it was, considering I'm getting married in May and being employed is the last thing we need to be worried about right now.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Minecraft
« on: December 25, 2010, 09:13:34 PM »
Also, you still get the finished game for free when it comes out if you buy it during Beta, but you likely wouldn't get any expansions and whatnot for free.

Definitely worth it, IMHO. Just got it the other day and I'm addicted to survival mode.

Real Life / Re: Your Job: The Movie
« on: December 24, 2010, 07:11:29 AM »
Well, I did work for the Census earlier this year, but that of course was only a temporary job. Earlier in May or so I got a research assistantship position at a tiny think tank that does economic policy research and it was really cool. I was planning on staying there for at least two years, but oh well. I at least got some decent experience in nonprofit and got some co-authorship positions on a few published reports, so I now have something to start a CV with. I've got a ton of contacts here now, so I should be able to find something a lot easier than when I moved here and didn't know anyone. I still work part-time at a climbing gym, so I'll pick up some more hours there in the interim to pay rent and stuff.

I'm telling people the upside to the timing of the whole thing is that drinking a lot during the holidays is encouraged.  :attn:

Real Life / Re: Your Job: The Movie
« on: December 23, 2010, 05:19:42 PM »
Nothing says classy like getting laid off three days before Christmas.

Real Life / Re: Your Job: The Movie
« on: December 13, 2010, 07:35:48 PM »
Yeah, I have email copies, but I doubt it'll come to that. He took my word for it, knowing that my direct boss is fairly hands off when it comes to management. They are hanging out in Chicago tonight and tomorrow, so I'll hopefully hear back something before the end of the week. It'd especially be super awesome to get on salary before the holidays, so that I'm on paid vacation, rather than being temporarily unemployed for a week and a half.

Real Life / Re: Your Job: The Movie
« on: December 12, 2010, 01:03:04 PM »
So I'm overdue on my 90-day review by about a month and I've been asking my direct boss about it for probably three weeks or so. I figured it would happen this past week, as it was the annual staff summit and board meeting, so the Prez was in town and he's the dude that does all the hiring and firing and whatnot since we are a tiny organization. I gave my direct boss ample time to bring this up with the Prez, but he apparently failed to do so at all. It got to the point where at the end of the week, I emailed him twice about it and got no response, and at 4:30pm on Friday asked him whether I was going to get my review while the Prez was still in town or not, and if not, when? He said he hadn't talked to him about it and that it probably wouldn't happen, since "these things tend to take place over the phone". The Prez was sitting in his office literally ten feet away on the other side of the wall from my office and for some reason he thought it was a horrible idea to bother him with such trivial botherings.

I told my boss I'd ask the Prez about it and ended up waiting around 1 1/2 hours until he was finally free, but got ten minutes of his time and brought it up with him. He was very nice about it and said he would have to talk to my boss (who had left by this point) about my performance to see where things stood, as he works remotely and I don't have a ton of direct interaction with the Prez on a daily basis, but said he didn't know of any "red flags" and was overall pleased with the work he had seen, and that they'd discuss it next week. He asked when my review was due and I replied that it was a month overdue, to which he said "well, it's your career, so you need to take more initiative about things like this".  :facepalm:

Real Life / Re: Shit Days
« on: November 23, 2010, 03:29:41 PM »
Lemme buy ya a beer in ATL while I'm there during the holidays, R^2.

Media / Re: The Walking Dead: The TV Show
« on: November 23, 2010, 03:26:25 PM »
Well yeah, but do power plants and cellphone towers shut down the minute humans stop babysitting them? It's not like the zombies would disable them, so I wonder how long it'd take for them to go offline without maintenance. How long is TWD supposed to be after the zombie apocalypse? And how is it the military lost the fight with tanks and whatnot, but a few jackasses with shotguns are just fine? What about radios? Surely someone would be broadcasting something as far as what's going on.

And as far as elitist DVR smarmy-ness goes, I suppose I'm more elitist in the fact that I rarely watch TV, and TWD is one of those few shows I'll bother watching regularly for.

Media / Re: The Walking Dead: The TV Show
« on: November 23, 2010, 11:15:57 AM »
It really pisses me off that I have to download copies of episodes that I miss on TV, especially since this series is on during the holidays and weekends are full of travel and whatnot. Is it really asking so much to get AMC to throw more than the first episode on Hulu? Just seems like lost revenue, to me.

Has there ever been any horror series on TV like TWD before? I can't recall any and it seems almost revolutionary. The ability to take movie-quality situations and let them drag out for hours and hours seems like a concept that could get more usage.

I feel many of the characters are overly exaggerated, especially the rednecks and the cholos in ep4. Also, that opening scene between the two sisters in the boat was the worst part of the series with regard to acting and dialogue, as far as I'm concerned. The confrontation with the cholos seemed pretty ridiculous too, I felt.

I do, however, really like the concept that, even in such a zombie-plagued area, the real dangers the characters have to worry about are from their own living kind. The deterioration of societal structure is bringing out the worst in people, and it makes for good drama.

Unclear about one thing, though: Why don't cellphones work? Why do they have absolutely no forms of communication, outside of shitty walkie talkies and police radios?

Real Life / Re: Reviews You Can Use!
« on: June 11, 2010, 08:08:14 PM »
Went to the Sprint store today and played with an Evo for 30 minutes. I was overall very impressed with the phone and although I thought I might find it too bulky in the hand, it wasn't too bad. I could stand for it to be lighter, but it doesn't have the dense brick feeling that a Droid does, IMHO. Played around with apps and such and liked most of what I saw, although I couldn't seem to get the Google Maps navigation to show turn-by-turn instead of just satellite view.

Also, I remembered that I'm a big fan of Google Voice and one of the things I was excited about was getting an Android phone for the extra support the platform provides, which pretty much counts out getting a new iPhone unless it is just phenomenal.

So is there a Netflix app yet for Android? I know FroYo will support Java and thus probably embedded video, so that'll be a fix, but I thought I heard of it coming to either Android and/or iPhone soon. Also looking forward to Hulu, but I'm guessing it'll be a while before Sprint updates to 2.2 after it's release.

4G network was accessible and everything loaded with less than a second or two wait time, including downloading apps. On-screen keyboard was hit or miss, but I have no experience with smartphone virtual keyboards and I'm assuming I'll get better with practice.

So I'm really still pretty bothered about what I've been reading about the battery lives, but I've also heard it's somewhat acceptable with apps and smart energy consumption management. Still, if there was an Android alternative that had the features I'm looking for and had a decent battery life, I'd be all over that thing. Which leads me to my current stance- waiting a month and seeing how things pan out. The iPhone will start to have user reviews by then, the Evo should have been tested enough to get an accurate reading on the pros and cons, and Verizon seems to be coming out with possibly two! Droid models in July, with at least one running Android and including dual cameras and a slider keyboard. Downside to going with a Verizon phone would still be the lack of 4G. =(

Real Life / Re: Reviews You Can Use!
« on: June 10, 2010, 06:50:29 AM »
So when the Nexus One came out, I was all excited about the new Google Maps real-time turn-by-turn navigation feature that seemed to basically turn it into a GPS alternative.  They even came out with car phone display mounts and such for using it this way and I can't really justify buying both at this time. With these new phones, I don't really see much hype around this, so is it just an assumed standard feature now that works equally well? Does the Nexus One do this better in any regard?

Real Life / Re: Priced To Move
« on: June 09, 2010, 09:32:39 PM »
Anyone looking to get rid of Warhammer Fantasy stuff?

High-Context Discourse / My my my Telephone
« on: June 09, 2010, 09:09:57 PM »
Been paying month-to-month on AT&T for quite some time now waiting until a smartphone came out that piqued my interest. Looks like now is a good time to get one with the new iPhone 4G, the Verizon Incredible and the Sprint Evo are all pretty awesome from what I can tell. I really want a front-facing camera phone for video-chatting options and I have 4G Sprint network access in my area, so I'm leaning a lot towards it at the moment, but the iPhone sure is shiny. Here are my current feelings, feel free to weigh in and try to influence me.

iPhone Pros:
higher screen resolution
slimmer design
gyroscope for gaming
good battery life

iPhone Cons:
video chat limited to wi-fi
not running Android, so intentionally-staggered updates
crappier camera
AT&T 3G network
data plan restrictions

Evo Pros:
Android OS, although proprietary build
Sprint 4G network
unlimited video chat
holy shit, a kickstand
on-paper better camera
bigger screen
ability through Sprint to upgrade phone in a year if I don't like it

Evo Cons:
why the fuck did they design the camera sticking out like that?
pretty abysmal battery life
bigger and heavier
lower resolution screen
Sprint? (I've always had AT&T, so it can't be much worse, right?)

Real Life / Re: Your Job: The Movie
« on: June 09, 2010, 08:49:26 PM »
Got offered a paid internship this week at an economic policy research think tank as a Junior Analyst. Neato.

High-Context Discourse / Re: Dirty Santa 2009
« on: June 04, 2010, 06:36:11 PM »
Haaaaaay Niku, how's it going?

Thaddeus Boyd's Panel of Death / Re: Applepocalypse
« on: May 20, 2010, 08:44:37 AM »

Real Life / Re: Social Networking
« on: May 20, 2010, 08:40:16 AM »
Best Facebook stalking story ever:

I met this girl last semester while I was doing an internship in Washington, D.C. She was from Canada and we both were pretty avid climbers, so we'd often hang out and go climbing every week. We've kept up on Facebook ever since and she's now doing a study abroad travel tour of Europe this summer and is currently in Brussels. She messaged me yesterday and after a few minutes of conversation mentioned that she wanted to climb while she was in Brussels but didn't know how to find a climbing partner. I suggested calling a climbing gym and seeing if they could hook her up, but she wasn't confident in her French abilities and said the only other people that spoke English were these random guys from South Carolina. I asked if they were hippies, as that was likely the only way they were randomly going to be climbers and she said she thought maybe they were, as one of them was a white dude with dreadlocks.

Now, the only white guy I happen to know with dreadlocks is this guy I used to climb with in Memphis, but he moved a year ago to.... South Carolina! Surely not, I say. What are the odds?

I check his Facebook page and sure enough, he was tagged three hours earlier in some pics from Brussels and is apparently travelling in Europe and staying at the same hotel she is. I send her a pic to confirm it's the same guy and it turns out it is him. I convince her to yell his name and ten seconds later I'm talking on Facebook chat with him! Surreal that two totally random people from different countries of origin that I happen to know who both happen to be climbers are in Belgium in the same city at the same hotel at the same time and are twenty feet away from each other, and I'm able to identify them via a relatively nondescript chat conversation.

Thaddeus Boyd's Panel of Death / Re: Applepocalypse
« on: May 19, 2010, 04:18:13 PM »
It's a pretty stupid policy if it's only a purchase of one unit. Either the woman is stupid or they hyped up the inconvenience factor, though, as she could have easily found someone who was willing to charge it and help her out in exchange for the cash, I'd imagine.

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