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Gaming Discussion / Re: LoL, HoN
« on: September 23, 2011, 01:58:07 PM »
"Does your champion have a difficult laning phase or need a lot of farm to get off the ground? Well Dominion might be for you!"

This is its primary problem but it's still in beta so whatever.

Also Rammus but that's just too hilarious to complain about.

Yeah, good job on the vamps part.

Oh the wonders of using the Seer Glasses on McDohl the night before everyone decides to kill him.

Okay correct me if I'm wrong here but the number of people that have to be lying to believe Newbie are:

Nickasummers: Wolf seer
Bleck: PI
Friday: inno something

And any wolf would have countered Nicka's wolf claim by now soooooo

...guys, if I were really Dracula and one turn away from winning, wouldn't I have a whole chorus of underlings backing up my assertions? Instead, we have a whole chorus of people arguing that I'm Dracula and that Nickasummers is a wolf, and yet you need to kill me now NOW NOW. It seems a lot more likely to me that I'm the one thing standing between Bleck's cronies and the vampire apocalypse.

Please remember that even now, only three votes have been cast: two for me, and one (mine) for Bleck.

Yes clearly your underling's aren't being silent to distance themselves from you to preserve some small chance of winning.

Can the Devil be turned?

Yeah I'm kind of wondering why Friday isn't namedropping the evil seer right now.

I'd ask the other two but they're conveniently dead, so.

Ok this is taking too long.
I throw the the Silvery Silver Pendant at Bleck.
Vote Newbie if he dissolves.

Sounds like we need to have an accounting to make sure an innocent player can afford the shovel, then. Personally, I bought the invisibility cloak for 10g on night 1, saved my money on night 2 in order to buy wolfsbane on night 3, and saved my money last night in order to buy wolfsbane tonight, so I could bid 4 gold on the shovel tonight if I wanted to.

Alright, so: I am asserting that Bleck is Dracula Jr. and Friday is turned; Friday is asserting that I am Dracula Jr. and Bleck is a wolf. Innocents cannot afford to gamble tonight, so let's figure out what the best course of action is as though the worst imaginable scenario were true—let's pretend that Bleck and I are both Dracula Jrs. and that Friday is also turned. How can the innocents kill all three of us in the safest way?

Friday and I both agree that I have the cloak, so I obviously paid 10 gold on night 1. Friday claims to have bid "a lot of gold" for PI investigation of me, and while I think she might be lying, I do suspect that she's already spent most of her money. That just leaves Bleck: we have no idea how much money, if any, he's spent over the game. The innocents might not be able to outbid him for the shovel. Even if you want to kill all three of us, you need to kill Bleck first. By all means, kill him and then kill me tonight, but kill Bleck first.

Also this post assumes one of your hypothetical vampire buddies isn't sitting on a bunch of gold.

Alternatively whoever has the silvery pendant of silver can just use it on Bleck and see if he's a wolf or not.

So wait, if I have this correctly everyone said that the PI should scry Nex* but instead he scries whoever Friend bidded on. And now we find out Nex didn't have the cloak anyway. This would mean we don't actually know who has the Invis cloak and a PI ignored a town-friendly (industry term) action. Did I miss something? Because the PI ignoring the innos is sort of a Big Deal.

*It is entire within the realms of possibility that everyone took Guild on his word that he'd bid on Nex and thus didn't do it themselves. Guild, in turn, does not do what he said he would. It will be sad if this is the case.

McDohl also invoking my personal hammer time in case people were actually busy.

Well, nobody's come out to say that I've got big teeth yet, so maybe that's what he meant.

It was mostly this. He was supposed to have been PI'd last night after he bought the cloak. Of course it was probably Guild who bid so the PI might be the only one that knows? Nex has been very much the suspect of investigations. Laser? Less so.

The part where two people have suddenly converged and bet their lives on Laser's guilt weighs heavier on the scale than that, though.

Not going to be voting for Laser at the moment to avoid lynching so early but he seems like the best lead right now?

On Day 1 he was very active in bandwagons along with G and Nex, but Guild is innocent and dead and Nex has been (presumably) cleared.

And now suddenly a bunch of people independently want Laser dead. So there's that. No one really stands out as much.

Media / Re: Quickly Retrieve Arms from Safe
« on: June 01, 2011, 01:30:14 PM »
Was there some compelling reason he has to rush through all this? It was annoying during Hivebent but he at least had a reason. Now he's doing it with things that are actually plot relevant (not just backstory) and it's kind of draining a lot of tension and emotional impact from these scenes.

I was doing other things, yes.

Anyway, caught up/re-read/started a spreadsheet, so everything should be peachy keen for the moment.
Contributions (who boy sure hope I fact checked enough times:

Well, bandwagons seem to form pretty easily in this dynamic. If we break out the Venn diagrams Laserbeing, Guild, and Nex have participated in both.

Guild seems to enjoy jumping off of bandwagons and voting for me. I presume to make sure I am participating?

Also I would vote for Envy as I don't like his post and people have independently come to the same conclusion!

Is there like a "find posts in this thread" button somewhere because that would be really convenient.

This is me, posting

Was transportation a wolf last game? I don't remember this.

Yeah this surprising to me as well as. (I was the worst vampire hunter.)

Media / Re: Jap Cartoons
« on: May 20, 2011, 04:21:32 AM »
best part of that ending was the mars landing.

Vampires vs Werewolves VIII / Re: Would you like to play again?
« on: April 30, 2011, 01:41:57 PM »
Sure I guess.

Vampires vs Werewolves VIII / Re: The Party of the Century
« on: April 25, 2011, 12:45:32 PM »
"I mean what are the odds that Smiler got the interceptor? I mean that post was kinda baity but you haven't whipped anyone the whole game DO IT DO IT DO IT"

This is unrelated, but how many games have the vampires won?

Gaming Discussion / Re: LoL, HoN
« on: April 11, 2011, 01:38:24 PM »
Scoreboard.jpg is always dumb, but I'm not exactly seeing the problem with building AP on Soraka? I mean I guess he's a support character without a ward slot but...?

Vampires vs Werewolves VIII / Re: The Party of the Century
« on: April 09, 2011, 07:19:52 PM »
So we're getting rid of Guild because his play style strikes you as dumb or because you think he's actually evil? Open question!

Killing Guild would actually reveal some new information as his pattern has been quite consistent. So a verdict of innocent/evil would exonerate/indict several people. Worst possibility is a turned and that still means we can parse Day 1 as inno.

Essentially, this is the largest lead we have unless someone wants to start dropping their own private conversations.

So anyway Guild as I'd say we have a large enough honeypot for either result.

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