World of Warcraft / Re: Cataclysm Ultra-thread
« on: April 29, 2011, 06:37:22 PM »
must resist
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I have never, ever played an Ogre game, and am vaguely interested in picking this up, simply by the fact that despite being totally outside the franchise I can still understand vaguely what you're talking about more than I will ever understand a conversation of HoN/LoL/DotA/WLAIf you've played Final Fantasy Tactics and enjoyed it, you would probably enjoy Tactics Ogre. The story will feel familiar, though the supernatural element is de-emphasised until the tail end of the game in favor of a heavier political/racial focus. The combat is less about mixing and matching abilities (which you generally can't do in TO) and more about having a properly diverse class loadout (or a lot of archers) due to the character limit (TO's 12 vs. FFT's 5 (which may be closer to 10 due to the skill system)).
Norondor you and norn are the same person rightyou're thinking of yyler and norondor
I didn't know this was coming out for PSP. I prefer the regular Ogre games over the Tactics ones just because Ogre Battle was pretty unique and a gameplay style I enjoy, but I will definitely have to find my PSP at some point and get this.Surely if we all purchase TOPSP it will show Square-Enix that they should make more Ogre games and they will welcome Matsuno back with open arms to facilitate this. That's how things work, right? Wait, why am I crying... ?
I can't find a good unit frames thing that is simple, includes portraits for self and target, and is configurable but does not require a goddamn degree in rocket science to set upi'm not sure if 'simple' refers to the frames themselves or the method of configuring, but if the former, stuf and shadowed both qualify. shadowed is easier to configure, stuf allows a little more customisation. steer clear of pitbull, as you probably know. if neither of those float your boat, but you are willing to spend a lot of time checking different setups, download oUF and any one of the million layouts on curse/wowi. it's fairly likely that one of them will be close to what you're looking for.
Romo is helping me with my franken-UI.i'm not sure what the story with prat and focus is, but i never had similar behaviour from chatter, which is practically the same addon, so consider giving that a shot.
so lately a lot when I have been installing add-ons I get conflicts when also trying to set a focus. it is basically the most obnoxious thing in the world. Why does Prat make it so that I cannot set a focus it is a mystery.
Anyway I want to see how pretty your shit is or how much more conveniently you can do things.
played my first solo queue babby LOL game. We lost but i ended up going 12/8/20 as Morgana so i don't actually feel bad about it!it's all downhill from here, friend
hahaha, funcomso i see that the last post in this thread was by norondor and i'm thinking 'what, noro is playing lol?' but it was a trap and someone just brought up ezrealine: champions
tell me everything you know about deeps druidsCataclysm Beta - New Wild Mushroom Animation September 18, 2010 (HD 1080p)