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Messages - Septuagenarian

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: Seeing Eye Wolf
« on: September 18, 2011, 06:35:28 PM »
The irony of it tickled me, and having to switch back and forth between two accounts was enough of a pain that I was half-hoping I'd die early. I told Lottel I wouldn't have signed up at all if I'd known I'd have to deal with this shit. It was, um, a mistake. What's in a name, right?

If somebody was kicked out to make room for a second one of me, then I am fairly certain we're not going to find out whom until after the game is over, as they'd no doubt be sworn to secrecy. I also guess that the existence of this little twist means that Lottel has some unusual things going on in the background. I think it behooves us all, human or werewolf, to find out the nature of any other silliness that's happening.

Forum Games / Re: Seeing Eye Wolf
« on: September 18, 2011, 11:16:44 AM »
All right, time for a desperate gambit, because you guys are about to make a huge mistake.

When I signed up for this game, Lottel told me to register two accounts instead of one. This was a huge pain and I told him so. I am also Big Bad Wolf, whom you really don't want to kill. That account and this one are of the same faction.

We need a sacrifice to build confidence. This is what I propose: Kill Septuagenarian first. Big Bad Wolf will cast the final vote for Septuagenarian if things are looking like they're about to become deadlocked. When it is revealed that Septuagenarian is innocent, you will know that you can trust Big Bad Wolf.

You could just as easily kill Big Bad Wolf to discover that Septuagenarian can be trusted, but - without going into too much detail - the innocents would rather have Big Bad Wolf alive than Septuagenarian.

Incidentally, I'm rescinding my vote.

Forum Games / Re: Seeing Eye Wolf
« on: September 10, 2011, 01:08:47 PM »
somebody told me Geordi was Guild

Forum Games / Re: Seeing Eye Wolf
« on: September 09, 2011, 04:58:57 PM »
I am playing

Forum Games / Re: Seeing Eye Wolf
« on: September 09, 2011, 04:58:45 PM »
who all is playing

everybody post if you are playing

Forum Games / Re: Seeing Eye Wolf (IT)
« on: September 05, 2011, 08:39:21 PM »
is there going to be a list of all the alt accounts involved because

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