Forum Games / Re: Thing3: What a horrible night to have a Thing
« on: November 15, 2011, 09:46:37 AM »
We're going to go down as the biggest bunch of assholes in history.
This board has been fossilized.
You are reading an archive of Brontoforumus, a.k.a. The Worst Forums Ever, from 2008 to early 2014. Registration and posting (for most members) has been disabled here to discourage spambots from taking over. Old members can still log in to view boards, PMs, etc.
The new message board is at http://brontoforum.us.
I'm fine. I'm normal. I was just throwing my theory out there because we have nothing else to go on. I'm willing to even change my vote to at this point to anyone else if you'd like.
Friday: What happens if Childs doesn't use his self test before the day ends? Is it wasted?