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Messages - Kara99

Pages: [1]
Real Life / Re: Racist Moments
« on: February 06, 2012, 12:14:11 AM »
Yeah, I've heard that version.  But Colbert wins at Friday forever.

Friday Covered by Stephen Colbert

I tried to watch 2 episodes and I thought it was completely uninteresting.  I've been told the show is pretty hit or miss, so maybe I caught the wrong 2 episodes.  Whatever, I don't feel like I'm missing anything.

Real Life / Re: Racist Moments
« on: February 05, 2012, 11:56:49 PM »
My favorite thing that makes me laugh but also makes me think 'fucking white people' is when people pronounce common words in other languages really really wrong, usually spanish because it's the most common.

We had an inmate one time with the last name of "Faget."  The sargent called him over to the desk one time by saying, "Hey Faggot, come here."  The inmate said, "It's pronounced Fah-jay.  It's French."  And the sgt said, "Well this is America, and in America we pronounce it faggot."

On a non-racist yet stereotypical note, it always amuses me to see the look of shock on people's faces when I tell them I don't like Glee.  Being a transgender bisexual, and thus half the GLBT acronym, everyone assumes it has to be my most favoritest show EVAR.

Real Life / Re: Racist Moments
« on: February 05, 2012, 10:38:46 AM »
Combine that with inflection and slang that just tends to stand out, and the calls you end up remembering are the ones you got from (esp. sassy) black ladies.

I know exactly what you mean.  I worked customer service for T-Mobile for 4 years, and they had a very similar plan, and it was predominantly the same sort of people/attitude that called in about it all the time.

One of the best worst racist comments I've ever heard was at the prison.  Unsurprising, since we have members of every hate group in existence living out there.  Last year, my sargent at the time decided to fuck with one of the white supremecists.  He asked the guy if his group had any plans for the holiday.  The inmate asked, "What holiday?"  And my sgt said that Martin Luther King Jr Day was on that coming Monday.  The inmate said, "Aw, fuck no.  Why, you got anything planned?"  And my sgt said, "Well, yeah.  I'm gonna have fried chicken and watermelon."

Online Hookers / Re: Nintendo 3DS Friend Codes
« on: December 29, 2011, 11:18:27 AM »
Well, since I got a 3DS for Christmas finally:


Gaming Discussion / Re: Zelda Blows
« on: December 05, 2011, 09:00:44 AM »
Really?  I've already beaten it twice.  Also, there is no real reward to beating hero mode.  :nyoro~n:

So beating Hero Mode is its own reward?  Thanks for saving me all that frustration of finding out on my own.  Course, at the rate I'm going, I'll never beat the regular game.  I haven't played in about 4 days.

Real Life / Re: Happy Current Holiday!
« on: November 24, 2011, 08:54:34 AM »
Happy Thanksgiving!  May your day be full of turkey and pumpkin pie, and your night be full of indigestion!

High-Context Discourse / Re: The DAWWWWW thread
« on: November 22, 2011, 12:25:58 AM »

Gaming Discussion / Re: Minecraft
« on: November 20, 2011, 09:53:08 AM »
I played minecraft once, when it first came out.  For like 10 minutes.  I punched a few trees.  Then I saw something shiny and wandered off and never tried playing it again.

Media / Re: Song Currently Stuck In Your Head
« on: November 20, 2011, 09:50:29 AM »
Woke up with this stuck in my head.  Dunno why, but I don't mind either.

Within Temptation - Iron (2011 HQ)

High-Context Discourse / Re: 10 Years Later...
« on: November 20, 2011, 08:54:28 AM »
#finalfight:  You can log out anytime you like, but you can never leave.....

High-Context Discourse / Re: 10 Years Later...
« on: November 19, 2011, 11:02:58 AM »
The wailing goths are still on the floor.

We still have goths on the floor?  I figured by now there's be wailing emo's.

High-Context Discourse / Re: 10 Years Later...
« on: November 19, 2011, 10:50:45 AM »
I am bad at name/gender pronoun changes and will likely continue to call you Alex and refer to you as "he".  Apologies, nothing personal, and you can still call me HoJu if you want.

No worries, I worked customer service jobs for 10 years and now I've been an officer at a prison for nearly 4 years..... I've been called much worse :)

I'm not too much different than I was, I just giggle a lot more and I have loads more estrogen.  Also boobs.

High-Context Discourse / Re: 10 Years Later...
« on: November 19, 2011, 08:28:07 AM »
...not that I did anything but hardcore lurk for a couple years. Welcome back to the worst place on the internet—it's the best.

It's actually good to be back.  And I'm glad to see it still is :)

High-Context Discourse / 10 Years Later...
« on: November 19, 2011, 02:14:06 AM »
Maybe it was because I was sick today, maybe it was because I was nostalgic, or maybe it was because I was just really damn bored, but I started thinking about my early days on the internet.  I actually wondered whatever happened to Brentai and wound up here.  I've been looking over the forums for a few hours now, glad to see so many people are still around that I used to hang out with in #finalfight.  I kept up a little bit after I got married in 2001 via the old forums, but I couldn't be online much since I didn't have internet at home.  Then I lost my job at the time and life got busy and stuff happened that no one cares about.

So yeah, I'll save the sob story of the last 3 years of my life and the utter destruction of my marriage by my psychotic ex and just say that I'm back.  And I've missed the hell out of many of you.  To my surprise, I found out tonight that #finalfight still exists.  Yeah, I dunno if I should be glad that I consider that a good thing or not, but it is so whatever.  It still feels like "home."  And thanks to all of you who were there tonight who welcomed me back with open arms (and molesting).  And hello to those of you who don't know me cause I was long before your time and therefore you couldn't give half a fuck about me.

Oh, 2 truths that should clear up the confusion.  Back in the genesis of #finalfight, for some odd reason I still don't understand, I decided to be male there even though I've always been female on the net (I'm transgender).  And I stole the name of a Chinese madman who peddled eternal life on the internet.  Yeah, back then I went by AlexChiu.  But now you can just call me Kara, pretty much everyone does nowadays, in real life too.

It's good to be back.

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