Online Hookers / Re: Age of Wushu
« on: February 06, 2013, 01:06:22 AM »
Truly the most terrifying.
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I'd like to say "the good news is the Democrats won't make that mistake a second time", buuuuut my local Democratic Party just failed to run a candidate for County Attorney for a second consecutive fucking election, and I'm not exactly filled with hope that Georgia's Dems have their shit together any more than ours.
An exciting new product from our friends across the pond.Not a lot surprises me anymore...and this honestly surprised me. Like, what?
Alcohol maybe but I imagine that the tobacco industry has plans set aside for if/when pot is legalized so they can swoop in and make (another) mint. They already have the infrastructure, it wouldn't be too hard to alter the contents of what goes into that white paper tube and mass produce it.I've said it before, but at this point almost nobody seems to want marijuana illegal anymore except the tobacco and alcohol industries.