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Messages - Lyonel

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Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 25, 2012, 05:23:04 PM »
Nothing other then that youryou're a fool, and you have no idea who the true guardian is. Unless youryou're the guardian your selfyourself.

Fine then, but you send an innocent to their grave. My appologies, Merek.

Yeah uhhh... any REASON for saying that? the rebellion likes REASONS. The rebellion likes players who say things that are useful and who stop things from happening by providing important INFORMATION. You know, rather than just vote things they don't want to vote and not SAY WHY, right after voting for someone who I KNOW is innocent, ME.

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 24, 2012, 11:44:16 PM »
What do you claim?

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 24, 2012, 04:49:17 PM »
Hey Carac, can you stop voting for me for no fucking reason and vote for Merek so this game can move at all.

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 23, 2012, 07:35:55 AM »
For some reason I suspect Carac or Tybalt more than Merek, originally just cause Merek's SUPER quietmode playing seems too quiet to me, even for a guard. But now I also suspect Carac because he is casting a pretty much pointless vote for me. Me being a guard is super unlikely.

But whatever, Merek for now.

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 23, 2012, 07:33:53 AM »
You're voting to lynch me, Carac?

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 23, 2012, 07:30:23 AM »
Ah, OK. My mistake then.

With only one guard left and the priest still alive, a mass role claim would end this game.


I'm not going to call for one, though.

Sorry, my wolf game math is terrible, but is this true? Have you taken all motivations for fraudulent claims into account (Vengeful warrior not having his kill yet, Blood Magus, guard, and anymore?)

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 22, 2012, 10:46:40 PM »
Yeah, I could have.

or I had a 25% chance of escaping
or I had a 75% of the thief freeing me if he chose to.

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 22, 2012, 08:56:13 PM »
I take back everything I ever said about assassins and their obviously weak brains that lead them to lives of murder over something more constructive to society. In this case, one has killed Jimmy Lee, one of the Double Dragons who guard the king every day and night, while masquerading as one of us. Now only Bimmy stands in the way of justice and the beginning of a golden, mad kingless age of enlightenment, small government, and tax breaks for the rich, namely all of us who support the rebellion.

Also, either I escaped by my own means - something which always seems to work at least 1 out of every 4 times I attempt it - or that fairly capable, reliable, and thiefly thief saved me. I can't tell, it was dark and many thing where unclear. Was I jumping into that laundry cart or was I pushed? Did I use a file baked into a loaf of bread for me to remove a bar or was I just smart enough to fashion one by picking iron rich meals on the prison menu and then distilling ore from my own blood? The mysteries of the dungeon will perhaps never be truly known, unless Kazz details all of this at game end.

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 20, 2012, 11:01:57 PM »
I think he's Kingdom either way, since I assume Geo/Lyonel would have converted, seeing as how we lost our Seer and I missed my kill. But we don't care about converts, since we just need the two guards and the queen dead to win. If we eliminate all other suspicious options, then our lynch can turn to Lyonel.

And yeah, put the Mad King on block in your mind.

Won't be around for a while. Will check the thread when I can.

I can't convert until tonight and there are two other ways I can get out of jail.

1) escape
2) thief related breakout

You know, I sort of wish that the thief did know if some one got out due to his power or not, but then maybe I just think that's fairer because I'm in a game where the seer got killed on day one.

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 19, 2012, 10:16:03 PM »
I support Carac votes from my voteless prison.

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 19, 2012, 10:14:03 PM »
Please stop voting for who the mad king says to... please, guys. I... I can't look at you any more unless you do this for me.

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 19, 2012, 08:04:27 PM »
The flames licked at his eyes like fire.

I see what you did there.

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:04:10 PM »
I'm thinking that most of the guards, queens, etc, are probably amoung the people who didn't make much noise on the first turn. Everyone who was vocal was probably a player or the blood magus. My, suspicions fall on Carac, Tybalt, and Mormont.

I still stand by this. But I can't vote due to "prison rules", which means something different here than it usually does.

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:01:45 PM »
When the day ended I told myself I was going to vote to lynch him the moment the day started just for pushing so goddamn hard for such a goddamn stupid reason, but then he got locked up and I stopped to think. Lyonel, you piss me off and if I were a vigilante you would have died last night, as petty as that is.

I the future, can we NOT lynch people just for role playing in a heavily themed wolf game with anonymous accounts?

Two people voted for me because I talked in Chaucerian English.

Also, Sadon is totally Envy. Unless he's Ziiro.

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 19, 2012, 10:39:42 AM »
Well, in addition to the dumbest seer, we also have the dumbest vigilante. That's comforting.

Meanwhile, back at the head on straight ranch where people don't drool over themselves...

I'm thinking that most of the guards, queens, etc, are probably amoung the people who didn't make much noise on the first turn. Everyone who was vocal was probably a player or the blood magus. My, suspicions fall on Carac, Tybalt, and Mormont.

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 19, 2012, 12:44:15 AM »
You know what the best seer claims are, the ones where they don't even say who they seered.

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 18, 2012, 09:01:51 PM »
Further more.

To make this as plainly and painfully clear as possible, the unique aspect of this game that one of the wolves is publically known and invulnerable so he can taunt people, does not make it so that you must claim to not be in the rebellion so that he doesn't kill you or something. HE KNOWS WHO IS IN THE REBELLION, because he wasn't told they were his guards or the queen.

Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 18, 2012, 08:59:24 PM »
Note to all future seers in all future Wolf games.

Please do not immediately claim allegence to the wolf faction right at the start of a game.

Please do, act not retarded.

Thank you.


Forum Games / Re: The Mad King
« on: April 18, 2012, 11:52:24 AM »
Is there actually any disadvantage to the rebellion if the Blood Magus usurps the Mad King?

At the end oft thee day, it is the same for the rebellyon as lynching an innocent, just more dramatic.

So, it's notte exactly favourable. However, it would remove a bit of signal noise from oure daye conversations. So maybe it's a litel better than lynching an innocent.

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