On one hand, the blue writing is obviously the "good" infection / Nicole helping us.
On the other, Max sounds a lot like a doggy.
The retriever grunts and growls and you feel yourself being lifted.
You are torn to pieces.
From behind you, you can hear Nicole screaming as your head thumps to the ground and your vision goes dark.
So, my understanding is this. There are at least two strains of the infection,
red (all of the things trying to kill us) and
blue (Nicole). We are infected with both. We can read red writing and knew the thoughts of the dumpster creature due to the red infection. However, the red infection is hostile toward us because we also have the blue infection. Jesse can see the blue writing, so she has the blue infection as well (I'm guessing the writing isn't physically there) -- she hasn't shown any strong signs of having the red infection.
I have a feeling that Max is going to be a blue version of a cavine. It may be a vine-spewing zombie dog, or perhaps like us other blues, just a normal dog with worms inside it. I have faith that the blue infection is trying to help rather than kill us. He would be a good companion to have along, but if I'm wrong, we are about to have our head ripped off. Again.
Glad you all like my map. I guess my old copy of Flash 6.0 isn't completely useless.