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Messages - TEH RAWK

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LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: August 04, 2010, 01:57:12 PM »

Kool-Aid has grown by TWENTY LEVELS. Holy shit. I wonder what level he’ll be at the end of the game. Oh well. I decide to go level some, get everyone to at least 30.

… and immediately change my mind when I realize that it’d mean taking a bunch more of screen shots for this chapter. And researching what’s in the area. I decide it isn’t really worth my time! I go level in the wilds outside Celadon.

Horrah! She’s slightly less adorable, and more elegant. Which is just how it is in the game! Also, she knows the skill “shed skin”, which is just now occurring to me how creepy it is. Groossss.

Okay! Ready to do this shit. Ready to get some payback, most importantly. I’m not going to get taken down. Like they say in that Lonely Island song, I’m a winner.

Pfff, whatever.

This guy again. I will not lose, not this time. I will not let. A fucking RATTATA. Take me down again.

So I don’t. Quick attack me now, mother fucker.

By the way! I forgot to screen cap it (As, it was around two AM when I was doing this), but I picked up the card key, which made things much easier. It also unlocks the door to the healing woman who offers me a bed. How this heals my Moemon is beyond me, but I’ve decided it’s best not to think about such things.

Yes I did! I take a few more doors, and a teleporty-pad thing, only to find…

Asshat waiting for me. Oh boy. I make sure my Moemons are at full health before I charge into battle like a fearless Viking.


… That’s… a higher level than I remember. This should end in VICTORY! It took a few healing items, but Draggedon manages to beat Pidgeot. Woo!

What a fucking joke.

I always feel bad when I murder kill an Exeggcute, because they’re so damn adorable. Jail Bait flame throwers it to death.

My god. Ass Hat’s Blastoise took FIVE THUNDERBOLTS to kill. Holy shit.

Let me tell you, fly is the most absurdly powerful move in the game. Especially when the Alakazam only uses “calm mind” and “recovery”, so it doesn’t really hurt you. FAAAIL.

Yes I am. :D Especially if you were supposed to prepare me for “Boss Rocket”, then it should be a push over. Generally speaking, my Moemon were seven levels below yours, and I still won. STILL WON.

No. Oh my GOD. You are an IDIOT. A fucking DOLT. If I had your team, I would’ve –crushed you-. You should feel happy I didn’t power level, you would’ve been DESTROYED. By the way: checking the Pokedex is COMMON SENSE. I give you MILD PROPS for having that.

… So much hate. Moving on.


… REALLY grateful. I approve.

It will be! I promise! <3

:3 This makes me happy. Right when I was about to give up on the world, this happens. I nickname it Ferryfish, as Cronos advises. She’s kinda’ awkward looking, but who am I to complain? It’s a free Moemon, and from what I understand, Lapras is actually a pretty solid choice for a water one. Moving on!

More fights. Woo~ Idiots. I decided to go searching around for treasure and more people to murder kill before I went to fight BOSS ROCKET.

The last people in the building! I literally fought everyone I could find. Probably could’ve found more, but it was getting close to three in the morning. So, it was a “fuck this noise” or pass out situation. TIME TO GO REST UP AND FIGHT BOSS ROCKET.

So, either, walk away from these “grown up matters”, or get the piss beaten out of me? That isn’t a good strategy when dealing with teenagers. It just makes me get all REBELLIOUS, so I stand up. As that one Skid row song said, WE ARE THE YOUTH GONE WILD.

Let it be known, Nidoqueen is a not only pretty good in design, but she is tough as a mother fucker. SERIOUSLY. I had to switch Moemon a few times to finally beat her, but I managed. I kept forgetting she was poison/ground type.

Rhyhorn! I actually have always liked this particular ‘mon back in the day. The Moemon isn’t any different :D I likes it.



You’d think people would stop being so surprised when I beat them. It’s starting to become a little annoying. Let’s talk to the president!

Well, never forgetting something doesn’t really help me when you look like you’re about to kick the bucket any second now.

Oh God, not this again.

I’m preparing for the worst D: This is like chat roulette. Pleaaase not a dick, please not a dick, pleasenotadick.

… Oh. Awesome! :D

Will do! Thank you, SIR! That’s even better than the Lapras! Alrighty, so with the MASTER BALL, I’ve kind of finished this chapter off. I hate this tower. HATE this place SO MUCH. Between the stupid… teleportation towers, to the insane amount of enemies and the Rattatas… It’s just an awful dungeon, which is poorly designed and not fun to play. But oh well.

Look at the team! Slowly, steadily improving. Charizard-Jail Bait is great. Love it. So cheap, but evidently has a weakness against Rattatas. I’ll have to keep that in mind. SEE YOU NEXT TIME ON LET’S PLAY MOEMON LEAF GREEN!

LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: August 04, 2010, 01:53:52 PM »
Last time, we were in that stupid tower. Which, while wholly disturbing and filled with the same three Moemon, wasn’t all too bad. It was pretty straight forward, and sure; I did get drugged by an old man and given a questionable “Pokeflute”, but all things considered, it could be worse. As it turns out, far worse. But I’ll get to that later. Oh, God, I will get to that later. But for now, it’s finally time to make sure of that tea that my HELLO KITTY thermos has kept warm for me.

Hey, no problem! Just make sure that you don’t drink directly from the thermo-

… D:

At what cost? AT WHAT COST?

Wait, what? You mean to tell me that one Hello Kitty thermos filled with tea can quench the thirst of all the guards? (Which, for some unknown reason, will not let you through because they’re thirsty.) This bothers me. But, I digress. It’s time to run a few errands. Most importantly, it’s time to get Fly. Go BACK to Celadon, and go west, cut down the branch thing, and you pick a fight wiiiith…

… These two. Okay, I understand being stupidly in love. But then there’s –WEARING MATCHING SHIRTS-. This is awful. They must pay for their overly-stupidly in love.

Well, perhaps it wasn’t the best team to take to fight these two, but ultimately, I kicked their ass. Something I am quite content with. One burn heal later, I head inside, go through the building, and…

… Find… another building. Yippie? Anyway, go inside.

Alright!  In return for not telling anyone where she has been relocated, as I’m assuming she is part of the witness relocation program, I get one of the most useful skills in the game! FLY! Unfortunately, I don’t have a Moemon who can use it yet, and even then the idea of flying on some poor Moemon’s back is sad. But, still. One more thing to do before I go to Saffron.
ONE WORD. SNORLAX. This chubby mother fucker is IMPOSSIBLE. Words cannot describe how pissed I got when I fought this fucking thing. Just thinking about it makes me want to beat puppies with a bag of kittens. KITTENS. Let’s… get this show on the road.

Okay, so admittedly, if someone starting blowing something would get me up in a grumpy rage too. But that does not excuse this asshole. Oh, no.

At first, it doesn’t look so horribly threatening, does it? Of course not. It’s fat, lovable, and it has peg legs. But, no. This asshole means business.

First, let’s talk about YAWN. This attack seems pretty harmless, until the next round where it puts your Moemon to sleep. I always thought yawns were contagious, never that they were capable of knocking you out within one action. I GUESS I WAS WRONG.

So, just as a test, I decided to lob a great ball. Maybe I’d get lucky. But nope. I would not be that lucky, ever.

… I… what? No, no no… Time to switch Moemon…

Firstly: Ow. Second of all: Paralysis! HAH! See how you headbutt me from that!


…  FFFFFF. (Also, I tried to catch it the turn before this attack. Didn’t work.)

One Moemon switch later, it immediately uses yawn. Oh boy.




After about FIVE GREATBALLS AND TWENTY MILLION RESTS LATER, I finally catch that bastard. The question was, now, what to name him that could explain my hatred and rage? There were many suggestions. Kieran suggested “Fatass”, “Fuckyoufatass”, and Corrodias suggested “Damnfatty” and “Yo Momma”. But no. I knew what I had to name it.

Michael Moore, or M.Moore for short. Who else is that much of a fatty and that annoying? I mean, look what this asshat did to my Moemon.

LOOK AT IT. And it claims to be timid in nature… Bah, let’s go to somewhere hopefully less frustrating.

I had taken a bunch of pictures of Saffron City and how it was over run by Team Rocket people. But,  I think this one screen shot kind of sums it all up. But they’re literally everywhere.

Silph Co. My GOD. Remember when I said I hated Saffron? Yeah, this is why. This one fucking building alone is SO Frustrating. Maybe it was because I hadn’t played in so long and I was just playing –terribly-, I don’t know. It’s a totally plausible explanation. But it doesn’t change the fact that this was beyond annoying. The first floor is completely empty. So no point showing the one screen shot I have of it (I had 231 screens for this chapter, I’m trying to not make people load a meg of images for one chapter). The second floor where things get interesting. And by interesting, I mean annoying.

Generic rocket grunt has generic rocket grunt Moemon.

More generic grunts. They both say about the same thing when you beat them! “You’re strong!” or “What?!” (See: My excuse for forgetting to screen cap them)

Hypno! I don’t remember if we’ve seen one of those yet, but I’m too lazy to check \o/ Either way, that looks more like a yoyo than one of those stupid hypnotism things. Walk the dog!

If you notice on the ground there, you see one of those weird little tiles. Take into consideration that I haven’t played Red/Blue in a long time, but the very sight of these make me annoyed for some reason or another. I eventually get gutsy and step on one.

Wait what the fu-

AW COME ON. Not the teleporting things. This is when things start to go horribly, HORRIBLY wrong.

Oh, by the way, just about all of the scientists in this place are actually people who want to mercilessly beat the shit out of you. And to be honest? They can. They really, really can.

Let’s look at WEEZING, for example. Status effects. Damn near every one of his of his causes status effects. And it’s the same for their of their Moes. Whether it be confusion, or paralysis, or poison… You’re gonna get fucked up. And they hit HARD.

YUP. That’s me.

WOAH, buddy. Do not… nail my Moemon. I mean, they’re cute I guess, but… No. If you touch them, I will-

NO, NOT THAT. I DID NOT DO THAT, I SWEAR. HE NEVER TOUCHED ME, I NEVER TOUCHED HIM. Kitty is puuure D: (Well, as pure as one can be after witnessing all of these horrors)

As you can see, this whole thing has put my team in sorry state. And by that, I mean I’m constantly getting my ass handed to me. Constantly. I heal up, especially Jail Bait, and move forward.

Jesus CHRIST, dude. All I did was beat you in a Moemon battle, chill the fuck out.

That’s what you get for not using the contra code.

OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING. Machoke is, by far, one of the most DISTURBING things I have encountered in this game as far as Moemon design goes. I mean… Just… just LOOK at it.

Oh, and she’s strong as hell. Before I manage to kill her, she pretty much one shots Jail Bait. Yeah. This makes me crack and finally use a revive on Jail Bait. She seems to be the only one that is effective against every single one of the enemies in here.


Electrode’s design is AWFUL. I cannot stress that enough. While Machoke was disturbing, Electrode’s is just… uninspired. I mean, not that it was great in the original, but it fit the theme of Pokeball.  This is just BAD.

This guy is an asshat, because he kills Jail Bait as soon as she hits 36. I use my other revive, because of obvious reasons.

CHARIZARD YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Need I really say more? Oh, and also, I immediately teach her fly. Why? Because it’s a bitchin’ skill.

Whatever, dude. CHARIZARD!

It’s around this time that Waterboard dies. Seriously, I’m starting to get to the point that this is ridiculous. Also, I only encounter two of the four Rocket Brothers, nevermind the fact that I scour this whole place for loot and people. Oh well.

And what qualifies you to make that decision, gay… juggling… magician?

Well, Transgender Mr. Mime is absurdly easy to kill. As most enemies are. Seriously, Jail bait is pretty much unstoppable.

Bwahahaha! FEAR ME! All shall fall under Jail Bait’s fiery wrath!

No, but he has an appointment with DESTINY. A destiny where I KILL HIM, GENERIC ROCKET GRUNT!

… I… I…

My CHARIZARD… Which is TWELVE LEVELS OVER… got defeated by a RATTATA. A mother fucking RATTATA. I do have an extensive enough vocabulary, clearly, because I do not know enough explicative words, much less ones with the appropriate amount of POWER behind them. On top of that, the little prick decides to steal money before I “white out”. Whatever, this allows me to do a couple things while my rage slowly calms down. I go shop, and I go check on a project.

LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: August 03, 2010, 04:11:32 PM »
A minor mistype makes for a much better story.
Ahahaha, oh God, I suck at this now. OH WELL.

LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: August 03, 2010, 12:31:24 PM »
SO, as it turns out, my eight month break made me suck at taking screen shots. WHOOPS. Like it particularly mattered in this specific chapter, as ninety percent of the fights have practically the exact same dialog.  Although, I think I might have missed out on a battle with Asshat. Please, allow me to summarize.
<Kitty> I just wanted to pass thr-
<Kitty> OH GOD WHY
Then we fight for whatever reason, and he runs away like a little baby because I made sure he was aware of his tiny man-junk. Oh, and the fact that he sucks at this whole training thing. ONWARD!

So, it turns out, my first screen shot is of GASTLY Pokedex entry, which means I completely fucked up and didn’t get a shot of the fight at all. Oh boy. This is going to be a fun re-learning process. I name her “Ghost Fart”, which is a name that Cronos suggested. Some of the shit I go with is unbelievable.

Shortly thereafter, I encounter a CUBONE. Let’s not beat around the bush here, these things are damn adorable. And while they are sturdy little Moemons, I don’t really have room in my party for one. So, poor rittle Ronrey goes right into my box. Cronos gets credit for that one.

Now, before I give you all the pleasure of checking out the horrendous pictures I do have, look at these crazy “Channelers” that I encounter post-asskicking. They’re all confused, and they’re talkin’ about nightmares and ghosts n’ shit. Or just… “Ha?”, which really isn’t relevant to anything. This is where things start to get a taaaad creepy.

Before I do this, I need to get purified. Uguuggghh. Seriously, if I were in this situations, I’d feel violated.

Why is she making those noises oh GOD WHY. WHAT IS SHE DOING WITH HER MOEMON?
Oh God! A Twilight fan! Kill it! KILL IT!


Must… unsee… it –all-… No matter how much I scrub, I will ALWAYS BE UNCLEAN. ;-;

Oh, hey! Look! A Haunter! :D Don’t worry, girly! I’ll save you from the creepy Moe-lesters (TEEHEE, I MADE A FUNNY) and Twilight fans! ALTHOUGH, that doesn’t save you from the horrible nicknames. You are now Scary Fart, which the years of ridicule and teasing to come may make you reconsider even getting shoved in that ball. Not my problem anymore, though~ ONWARD, TO GLOR-

Wait, what the fuck?


… Oh. Okay, I can do that. Unfortunately, you can’t catch this one. The balls just go through her, so I’m forced to just some how… kill a ghost. I feel as if I’m ill prepared for this, so while Surfboard deals with her, I get Billy Murray to make snarky comments from Ghostbusters. This is –awesome-, how could this go wr-

… I am a MONSTER. How could… I DO this? I mean, yeah, I took down the restless spirit, but I just killed poor Ronery’s mother, AGAIN. I shamefully continue up the stairs. Oh, the woe.

Oh, not these idiots again.


Have more cliché generic dialog.

Nope. Just went for a stroll in the creepy, haunted tower.

You’re welcome. I was made aware of your dip-shittery earlier, so save it.

… Thank you for reminding me of my horrible, horrible deed. Go fuck yourself.

… I… uh… Wow, that’s a flattering offer old man. But… You’re old.  And ugly, and-

… Good at stealth drugging me, and dragging me back to his place. Evidently he got some of Professor Oak’s parcel.

Yes, thank you for this information. Awesome.

… Oh… oh God. “Poke Flute”? I’m not entirely sure what he’s implying after the whole drugging thing. Is it a literal flute? Is it something else? Perhaps it’s better not to think about it.

Don’t ask what the first one is supposed to say, I have –no fucking idea-. But apparently I have to blow it, and it makes sleeping Moemon wake up. Yippie.

WELL, that’s all for that chapter. Excuse the shitty screen shots, but as you can tell, that tower was far more disturbing than anything else in the game – perhaps with exception of the Pokemon Fanclub. But still, I’m glad to be out of there, and ready to move forward. TO SAFFRON CITY!

LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: August 02, 2010, 09:54:09 PM »
Guess what, guys? I'm back, an' I'm MAD AS HELL at myself for not updating. Expect Chapter 8: I'm an idiot edition tomorrow.

No, but seriously, I am sorry. I got sucked into school and other things and I felt horrible when I was reminded that I hadn't updated in months. Expect weekly updates from here on out. Again, I'm really sorry.

LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: January 24, 2010, 05:56:52 PM »
Alrighty! Let’s get this shit out of the way! This first chapter of the new run is irritating! Let me tell you! But let me introduce a few new Moemon to the team…

Chong and Bridget! Chong, who you’re familiar with, was an experiment! He is part of the SECONDARY team!  Bridget, on the other hand, has earned a spot in the main team! He’s Tacobell’s replacement. It just wasn’t worth raising a second grass Pokemon when I had said if I encountered a male Moemon, they would be added to my team.

I’ve already introduced Waterboard, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to show off her some. Instead of putting Waterpulse on DEATHULON, I ended up putting it on her. And let me tell you: She kicks ASS.

Taking a friend’s advice, I held onto Loli and raised her appropriately – and the result has pleased me! Raichu is considerably more powerful than Pikachu, something that I forgotten. And she generally just kicks all ass, so she has earned a spot on the PRIMARY team! And then you have Jizzabelle, who is a nice little experiment. Jizzabelle is actually quite sturdy, so she’s (at the moment) part of my SECONDARY team.

With that said, here is my team at the beginning of the chapter! It’s shapin’ up to becoming close to my final team. :D We’ll see how this changes though. For now, let’s explore Celadon City!

In the “Café” (I mean, c’mon Nintendo. Who do you think you’re fooling at this point?), you find a hopeless gambler who just sold his body to the slot machines to pay off his debt. To prevent him self from gambling anymore, he gives you his coin case. Upon closer inspection, it has various stains on it. Ugh, nothing I’d want to check out under a black light.

… I giggle happily whenever I see this MONSTER of a store. They didn’t have a hat store though, which made me sad D: This hat is not very flattering in my opinion.

Inside of the Celadon Mansion, there’s an old lady who gives you tea which “quenches anyone’s thirst”. I have a feeling I’ll need this later, so I keep it in my Hello Kitty thermos to keep it nice and warm :3 Nice old ladies are nice!

Also inside the mansion is one of the game’s designer’s! He tells you to come back after you’ve collected all the Moemon. He better have something nice. Maybe a restraining order against EVERYONE IN THE GAME.  Especially Asshat. What a douche.

Moving on to the game corner! Time to do some gambling and shit. Nothing like giving a minor the ability to gamble, something that’s VERY addicting and irritating! Gotta’ love it.
… Except I’m TERRIBLE at slot machines, and on top of that, I have very little time and patience to actually grind at the game corner so I can get Porygon and other necessary things! So I cheat! Meaning, uh.. shit, how do I explain this… Ah, right! Loli, er… SHOCKS the machine every time so it lands on me winning. A lot.

Besides, this game makes no fucking sense. I mean, how did I win in any of those? Pikachu, Slowpoke, Voltorb is a win? What the hell? Whatever.

Pixels the Porygon, named by Cronos, GET! Right back to the box you go! :D

I also nabbed a Dratini while I was there. Cronos suggested that I name her Draggedon, so I do. She’s sassy, and pretty much hates everything behind those incredibly darling face <3 Okay, so she hates everything but me, because I saved her from those bastard game corner people, and the chances of me molesting her are pretty damn slim. But I digress! While I’m there, I also grab Flamethrower (because I’m too lazy to wait for Jail Bait to learn it), and Iron Tail (because it’s an awesome attack for Loli and pretty much finishes her skill set).

Oh, and I also use that leaf stone I’ve been holding onto and evolve Bridget! He becomes even more Trap worthy! :D Horrah! The only skill I care about him learning that’s not a TM is something he learns at level 42 as a Vileplume, so this worked out. Let’s go talk to some more of the locals now!


… OH MY GOD D: This is a DANGEROUS WORLD. Random gang members threatening to punch girls, ones under the age of fifteen! I don’t feel safe. Ever. D:

Oh, okay, good. Because every time I go in game corners, the first thing I look for are secret switches behind posters. Man, glad he cleared that up.

I take Sexbomb out of the party for now, because really, out of the lot he’s expendable and pretty easy to level given his strength. Draggedon is going to be a primary team member, because she’s fucking AWESOME later.

D: WHAT IS IT WITH THESE GUYS? I talk to the guy standing in front of the Team Rocket poster, and he straight up attacks me! When I beat him, he runs into the corner! All I wanted to do was see the poster…

Hey! WAIT A SECOND! There’s a secret switch behind this poster! That bastard before lied to me! HE WILL PAY FOR THIS. Whatever, let’s push it and hope nothing bad happens! Instead, some stairs appear where the guy walked off. LET’S GO!

Rocket Hideout! Let’s do this shit.

TEAM ROCKET GRUNTS! They all use the same stuff. Zubats, Ekans, the generic stuff. All REALLY EASY to kill.


This was annoying. D: I hate all of the puzzles in this game. None of them are HARD, but if you make one tiny mistake by pressing left instead of down, you’re fucked. FORTUNATELY, THAT IS NOT THE CASE THIS TIME. I think.



FUCK YOU! I’ll meddle in your affairs all I damn well please! I mean, who puts TWO MOVING FLOOR PANNEL PUZZLES IN THEIR BASE? Honestly!

I hate this stupid place. And apparently the dude who randomly placed items around knew that, and dropped TM 21 off. Frustration! IT’s a shame you can’t teach yourself TMs, because I’d pretty much fuck everyone up in the game with this attack my self.

I also pick up some black glasses for Vegeta though! Now she looks like a total bad ass. Here’s my five second sprite edit with no shading to give you an idea as to how she looks.

Awww, yeah.


The guy on the left in the first screen shot recognizes me from team rocket, so I beat the piss out of him before his friend joins in. It’s like an old Japanese kung fu movie! Anyway, with all the people dead, I can go visit THE BIG BAD LEADER OF TEAM ROCKET.

He’s a real creeper. D: I do not like creepers. And he’s a not-so-nice guy! And as much as I appreciate him stealing Pokemon away from the potential rapists, crime is a no go! In other words: Bring it, bitch.

Boom! Time for the ULTIMATE FIGHT! The Sunglassed Wonder against his strongest Pokemon…




Blah blah blah WE WILL MEET AGAIN blah blah blah. Just give me the goods, old man. SILPH SCOPE, GET! :D Now, one more thing to do before I’m done with Celadon…

Oooh, it is? :D Thank you, creepy, perverted old man!

You can tell me all you want, baby ;D

I think I can entertain you, gorgeous ;D

Oh, I’d LOVE to see your Pokemon ;D (what the fuck?)

Eh. I got nothin’.

No D: That was the OLD MAN D: I just looked in BRIEFLY. Very briefly. AND WHAT IS THERE TO PEEK ON? D: DID I MISS THE LESBIAN PARTY? Also, have an Ivysaur which Jail Bait SLAUGHTERS like everything else in here.

D: I feel guilty setting the thing on fire. It’s too damn cute. I MUST HAVE ONE.

WHY THANK YOU :D And I won’t. But it won’t really matter. All of your Moemon happen to be FLAMMABLE. And I can make big fires.

Well, I don’t like YOU. HAH. I won THAT battle.

:D She’s pretty nice! Yeah, it is! This is pretty nice so far! She hasn’t threatened to violate me or made any sexual innuendos yet!

It’s cool- Wait, what? Dozed off? Oh, shit, she talks in her sleep.

And leader of its many whores…

Ohh, that’s nice :D

Eesh. This will not end will for you then.

… REALLY? D: So, she’s nice, but kinda DUMB. Did she miss the FIGHTS GOING ON AROUND HER? Oh well. Let’s do this shit.


:D!! Jail Bait is the BEST. Er, wait… That sounded bad…

Of course I’m awesome. Give me the RAINBOW BADGE!

This is an awesome attack for Bridget! It replaces that shitty attack, Absorb, for something far more powerful. One more attack, Razor Leaf, and I’ll have his move set completed!

And there you have it! Chapter seven is completed! Horrah! And look, I CAN SAVE!

LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: January 21, 2010, 05:51:18 PM »
These are screen shots of what was going to be Chapter 7 before I found out save shit was messed up! So, instead of re-screening all of this stuff again, I’m going to continue on with the game. It’s a small update, but it’s better than nothing. You’ll be happy to know that I’m actually past this in the game, but I’m still collecting screen grabs! I figure this will hold you over. Soooo…

I’m done with everything I need to do for now in Lavender Town, so it’s time for me to go to that other town and kick some Plant ass. Jail Bait is made for that kind of shit.

Your every day, average shitty trainer. Also: Muk looks sad D: I hope Wheezing doesn’t look dumb and sad. D:

What’s this? My first two on two battle?! ALRIGHT! LET’S DO THIS! I bet they have bad ass Moemons.

This isn’t even fair.

If I remember correctly, this battle ended with me using Thrash and Ember. God, I love Thrash.

More trainers, and a Nidorina. I feel as if I should raise one and see what a Nidoqueen looks like, but Sexbomb is too awesome. Although Fuckzilla wouldn’t be too hard to raise once I get my EXP share…

That stupid God damn line of people made me run back to the Pokecenter EVERY TIME. They all had some kind of status effect or something I couldn’t heal. It was a pain in the ass. Also, I think that one girl has a little something more for Meowth. Ugh, creepy. I’m keeping Grabbag away from you, bitch! D<

Uh oh! I’ve pissed off the kid on the bike! OOOOH! Well, news for ya’, I got one too pal-

WHAT THE FUCK, HE HAS A MOTORCYCLE. WHY CAN’T I HAVE ONE? THIS IS DUMB. I beat the shit out of him and break his bike or something, ‘cause either way he stops moving.

Probably because you’ve been going back and forth since I started this game (see: awhile ago ) and haven’t done any maintenance. Asshole.


… Pffff HAHAHAHAHA. Poliwhirl is one of the most ridiculous things EVER. If I didn’t already have something in mind for a water type (Other than DEATHULON), then she’d totally win. But I mean… C’mon. Look at it.

This sounds like a reaallllyy bad pick up line. And God knows what kind of chemicals he’s packin’ in that creeper lab coat of his.

I’m forced to go down into yet ANOTHER UNDERGROUND PATH. D< That’s more lemonade I have to give out to stupid guards! Oh well. It’s time to catch me some Moemanz.

No one could think of a real name. Cronos was like “Talisman?” so I was like “DONE BECAUSE THIS IS STUPID.”

I fucking HATE catching Growlithes. While Arcanines are one of my favorite fire types, catching the fuckers… so annoying. They use roar the same way Abra uses teleprot.  So Walker suggests that I call it “Bitch”. He points out that it works because it’s a female dog! I think it works because she was a fucking bitch to catch. Into the big city!

OH THANK GOD GREATBALLS. Celadon has an awesome shop thing for the time being. And more importantly, they have evolution stones! Which I abuse! I buy a water stone, thunder stone, two fire stones, and a leaf stone.

On the very top of the building is a vending machine, as you can see. I’m going to get lemonades and other stuff! They’re actually good healing items outside of battle, and they’re cheaper. So the guards get the lemonades, I keep the rest. OH, and the girl next to you gives you different TMs depending on what you give her. You can give her all three, and get all three TMs. They are Light Screen, Reflect, and Safe Guard. HORRAH DEFENSIVE STUFF.

In the back of a near by building (It’S SUPER SECRET HOW TO GET THERE NOT REALLY.), there’s an entry way you can use to climb to the top! And In there, you get an Eevee! HORRAH! This means I get another team member! Time to use those stones…

NINETAILS, ARCANINE, AND VAPOREON GET! Oh, and I named the Eevee Waterboard. Which is now a Vaporeon, and part of my team :D Horrah. She has some stats that fit my team well.
AND THAT’S ALL FOR THE REALLY SHORT UPDATE! Some time this weekend I’ll have a real update, as well as some of the changes from this run and the other.

LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: January 18, 2010, 10:27:32 AM »
I have a friend who went through the game, got to the end, and found himself screwed. He messed around with it some, and sent me a completely workingversion of the game shortly before I posted the notice last night.

As for my progress, I'm already at Misty. Not too bad all, in my opinion! My team is also a higher level since I dropped Lolipop from my team immediately after I caught her. Before I was in Mt. Moon, I think my levels were 17-18 all across the board. Although I did find something odd.

I was trying to catch a Nidoran Male so I could get Sexbomb back, and before I realized what I had done I pressed "run". A male Jigglypuff? I'm establishing a new rule from here on out: If I ever find a male Moemon other than Nidoran/Nidorino/Nidoking (Maybe Mr. Mime, not there yet), I am catching it and adding it to my primary/secondary team.

Oh, and I don't know how to hex edit or anything like that. Haha.

Anyway, that's the end of the update. :3

LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: January 17, 2010, 11:14:18 PM »
No. Moving anigifs are stupid. You're stupid. What is that fucked up moe crap you're swinging Brent?

Hatsune Miku is better than you. (Link just goes to Kefka's theme that was posted in the other thread.)

The Homer Simpson version on YTMND is pretty much the best version of that song ever out of sheer ridiculousness.

LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: January 17, 2010, 05:09:39 PM »

Well, bad news! I've been informed that since the save feature doesn't work correctly (I've been having to use save states because of that), I cannot do the post-game extra stuff! None of it.
Which means I am going to start over in a WORKING version of Moemon. The only difference will be (Unless I get REAALLLLYYYY lucky) is that Vegeta will not be shiny and golden. This causes no real PROBLEM, but it's just an appearance change. If anything else changes, I will let you know with fun little screen caps.
I'll update as soon as possible. ;3; Sorry guys.

LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: January 14, 2010, 03:15:22 PM »
LET’S PLAY MOEMON LEAFGREEN! So, we’re getting out of this crazy area and going to LAVENDER TOWN! Of course, this means that I have to go through the rock tunnel or whatever, which is the only place in the game that requires flash (at least that I can remember), and the path to get to the cave is ANNOYING.

Why, you may ask? Because EVERYONE HAS POISON OR SOME OTHER STATUS EFFECT THING. This is INFURITATING. I remember the first time I did this area, when I played Blue.  CONSTANTLY RUNNING BACK TO THE POKEMON CENTER. Gr. No. Not this time. I’m stocking up on Antidotes and Parlyz heals, as well as potions. I also grab some pokeball. Now to head off!

MOAR BATTLES! There was even a fight in here with a Charmander, which I made Jail Bait fuck up just to show off the fact that it’s better than any other fire type.

Tacobell has actually turned out to be an awesome Pokemon. I can’t put flash on it now, and I’ll have to wait until later to remove cut. I really regret putting cut on her! But even then, Cut is a decent normal attack, about as strong as tackle. She slaughters the first beedrill, and is kickin’ the second one’s ass-

FUCK. Jail Bait takes care of Beedrill, and I run back to the Pokemon center. Sigh.


More easy trainers, which allows something awesome to happen!

Tacobell evolves! It’s now a restaurant CHAIN. The food quality has deteriorated some, but it’ll be fine until it becomes FASTFOOD. Also: Cuutte <3


I catch two Voltorbs, one for collection purposes (Ballin’, as named by Cronos) and another one I name THE FLASHER for the sole purpose of teaching it flash. Who da’ thunk? I might release it after I’m done – that’s no fate for any moemon.

AHAHAHAHA SUCKS TO BE YOU. This won’t change :D


Yay! :D

I immediately encounter a Machop, one of the two Moemon in this cave that I have yet to catch. I get it pretty easily, and name it Ms. Fuller. If you don’t understand the reference, google image Nikki Fuller. And promise that you won’t hate me.

So, the first battle in the tunnel, so it should be pretty eas- … FURRY! D: It’s… THEY’RE EVERYWHERE. And since all of the Moemon (all but one thus far) are women, does this mean it’s a cross dressing furry? Either way, I will have a furfag counter for the rest of the series, and I will screen shot them all. ONE!

Furry has a cubone <3 It’s training worthy in stats and adorableness.

Furfag counter: TWO

I don’t quite understand the connection between you not coming here often and battling, but whatever! She has a posing Bulbasaur, as I pointed out in the beginning, and stands no chance against Jail Bait (who I guess isn’t really Jail Bait anymore. Oh well, not changin’ the name. )


HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT… FIRE AWAY! And you want to know what makes me cry? Pokemon Fan Club president ;-; Also: Graveler.


Onix is a fucking monster. I used like, ten Pokeballs on it. It had almost NO HEALTH, and it was ASLEEP THE ENTIRE TIME. How does something that’s ASLEEP BREAK OUT OF A POKEBALL? Did it roll over REALLY HARD? I don’t know. It pissed me off.

Fuck, you can have this thing, furry. It causes more problems than anything else. FURFAG COUNTER: FOUR.

You’re the one that approached me! D:

Let’s start what? Let’s start eating dinner? Let’s start ruling the world? Let’s start havin’ HAWT SEX? I don’t know what we’re doing! D: CLARITY IS KEY, WOMAN.

Good for you! You know what’s good for me? This is the last trainer of this horrible dungeon! YAY!  Not too much further away!

D: Creeepy. After you fight him he says he’s not laughing, and he has hay fever. Why is he off fighting people if he has hay fever? That’s one manly, retarded mother fucker.

That’s something a rapist says. A FURRY rapist. D< FURFAG COUNTER: FIVE

That’s the new diet there days: AIR.

FINALLY! Lavender Town! Before I end this chapter, there are a few things I need to do.

Name Rater! Time to change Dumb Fish’s name. I couldn’t fit LORD, but DEATHULON was acceptable. I have one more thing I need to do. Vegeta is too close to going Super Mankey Level 2…

Damn it! I didn’t want to fight a trainer, but it works anyway.

D< RAAAGGEEEEEE! SM2 Vegeta is pretty much the shit. I taught him RAGE, because he’s awesome.

My team at the end of the chapter. UNTIL NEXT TIME.
Also: Have an evolution Pokedex thing.


LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: January 12, 2010, 04:11:47 PM »
So! Continuing from last time, I am FINALLY GETTING OUT OF THIS HORRIBLE CITY! Just got to do a few more things. The first of which is getting something Cronos reminded me of! THE OLD ROD! If you go to the building right next to the Pokemon Center in Vermilion City, you find this dude.

He pretty much thinks fishing is the best shit on the planet, and has called himself a guru. Agree, and he gives you this horrible, old deteriorating fishing rod that if anything stronger than a Magikarp pulled on it, it’d shatter into millions of splinters which would somehow give you something like syphilis. As well as kill half of the Moemon in the lake. Needless to say, I won’t be using it. Instead, I’ll be going to Route 11 and avoiding the Diglett Cave, which can only be described as pure evil.

Moar boring trainers. None of them have anything interesting or new. Nothing that Golddigger or Jailbait can’t take care of.

Finally, something new! Magneton and Poliwag! Magneton would’ve been VERY dangerous if it weren’t for dig, which fucked Magneton up pretty badly. And by that, I mean killed it. And Poliwag was just annoying.

Have more random, sucky trainers.

And have a Vulpix! It’s cute. :3

Annnd Golddigger evolves! This makes me absurdly happy, because I love Sandslash! Always have. And with Surge comin’ up, she will be a key player.

Check this stone. You get stuff. Fight this trainer. You get experience and money.

I also catch a Drowzee, and name it Napples as Corrodias suggests. Good times.

If you go into the building on Route 11 and go up the stairs, Oak’s Aide is in there and tells you if you have 30 Pokemon you can get an Item Finder. Thankfully, I have just that, so I nab the rather usually useless thing.

After I level up all my dudes to level 22, I decide to evolve Sexbomb! She learned Horn Attack, and based on what I’ve decided to do with her, that’s all I really need. Plus the stat boost and type change is good enough reason for me!

Have some Pokedex entries.

So, since Dumb Fish is a water type, and I’m shortly going to a lightning gym, it’s probably a good idea to ditch her for the moment. I put Tacobell in, since it can learn both cut AND flash later. I go ahead and throw cut on her, since you need it for flash.

Goooddddddd, I hate this cave. It’s long, the encounter rate is ridiculous, and there’s only one reason to go down here: Flash. And that alone is fucking useless.

I get a Diglett! They’re actually great ground Pokemon in my opinion, and if I didn’t have Golddigger, one would probably make my team. I name it Moletan, like Garth recommended.

And then I catch a Dugtrio. That was a TRUE pain in the ass. My lord. So, since I caught the evolved form of Moletan,  I figured I’d just throw a DAI on there. Mech nerd ftw! :D

Admittantly, I got lazy when I did this part. Stupid Dugtrio and the Diglett Cave pissed me off too much, so I skipped the process of getting here (It’s pretty much going down and cutting down a tree) and the conversation. You have to have at least 10 Pokemon to get it, which is easy. I get flash and go back to Vermilion, so I can do the gym and get the fuck out of here.

Have two dumb trainers, which are BRUTALLY RIPPED APART BY GOLDDIGGER :D

This whole town has seriously put my head in the gutter or something, because all I can think of is “hard taskmaster”. And it’s reaaalllyyy dirty in my mind. Oh well. Golddigger digs him his solitary Pikachu to death.

Flip the two switches in the trash cans, turn off the laser door. ONTO SURGE!

I honestly have nothing to say to this. Maybe the paralysis and raping me, but honestly, SS Anne has temporarily left me with the inability to make jokes. Too disturbing. D:

To try to make Tacobell a somewhat useful HM slave, I’ve been getting her some levels. Even sending her out first in every single one of these fights, the outcome is the all the same…


Sexbomb King premier! Owned.

Annndddd OWNED. Surge usually gives me a REALLY DIFFICULT time, but this time, I just completely decimated him.

Yaay, Thunderbadge! I can fly at a later date, my speed is increased, I get a TM, and I’m FINALLY FUCKING DONE WITH THIS CITY.

I also decide to finally cash in that coupon the Moemon Club President (oh God the memories) gave me, since it’s on the way to my next location. The Bike is AWESOME. I love it. Makes me go even faster! :D


Alright, done with this shit! So happy.

LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: January 10, 2010, 09:39:01 PM »
Yes! Although I'm not a huge poison fan, Weezing is one of the best poison types. However, considering the size of LeafGreen compared to Red/Blue, I'm going to end up having quite a few alternates. Weezing might be one of them! Anyway, since I have class tomorrow and I had some free time tonight, I figured I might as well get this chapter done. So, here ya' go!

So! With Misty down, it’s time to move on and use that ticket Bill gave me! ON TO THE S.S. ANNE!

So, with the police dude moved over, I’m free to enter the house – funnily enough, trained police officers cannot stop Team Rocket, and yet I can. Huh. ANYWAY…

This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. They honestly have no idea where the guy is, despite the stupidly large footsteps and the massive, Zelda-bomb styled hole in the wall. They seem to only notice the fact that an expensive TM that teaches the (very useful) attack dig. Since they’re not willing to walk through the big, gaping evidence hole, I am going to.

And we have our criminal, albeit one with the intellect of a fruit fly, sitting in the backyard of the house he just broke into. He gets all offended for me being in his presence, then when I point out the flaw in his logic, attacks me.

Another generic Rocket Grunt, with the exception of Drowzee. Which reminds me! God, I love Mega Punch. Even the animation! BIFF!

So, feeling afraid for his life, he gives me the TM for Dig. I guess he assumed that I was going to give it back, but it’s a REALLY GOOD ATTACK. So instead of returning it, I just wander off in some random direction.

So,  the path I chose to go I find myself near two buildings. One going straight down, the other kind of off to the side. Deciding to go down, I am immediately stopped by this asshole. He’s thirsy, so he claims the road is closed. Yeah, I remember this dude from the original game. He will not let you through until you give him a drink. You’re getting lemonade the next time I see you, you bastard! D< Moving on…
So I go into the other building (where I discover an animation glitch, but that’s beside the point) and go through this long ass tunnel. At the other end, it says people lose shit all the time in there. I wish I knew this before, but chances are I can’t do anything until I get the item finder. Oh well!

Four battles (didn’t bother screening the girl in the second picture – she says pretty much the exact same thing the guy does) later, I run into a unique Pokemon – a Butterfree. While later in the game these will be annoyingly common, but for now, it’s a nice change. But, a Butterfree is a Butterfree – pretty damn easy to kill.

Man, this area has been REALLY BORING. Nothing particularly interesting has happened, although from what I’ve seen most of the trainers have had a big stick up their asses or something like that. The last trainer on the road to Vermilion city has a Raticate which is downright frightening. I no longer feel bad about taking Lolipop out of my party, knowing that it would’ve turned into that monstrosity. Either way, once I take him down, I run to the Pokemon Center before I go off to catch the only Pokemon I have yet to catch thus far: Meowth!

Meowth is actually a pretty solid, if I remember correctly. They’re not one of my favorites, but they can be a pretty good addition to any team. Not to my team though! :D Oh, no. Grabbag (named by Nacht) has a nice warm home already: The box! Speaking of which…

As much as I hate to do it, Loli has been suckin’ it up. I’m bringin’ GoldDigger into the party, at least for a little while. Maybe when I get EXP Share, Loli will be put back in – I just don’t have a use for her. I do have a feeling that I’m going to be using a lot of different Pokemon though – especially when I get that EXP Share.  Moving on!

This, by far, is the most disturbing part of the game (thus far). I warn you. Some of the things that go on in this room are so… so horrible. I barely can bring myself to recount the events… but for the sake of your entertainment, I will.

“Won’t you admire my Pikachu’s adorable tail?” is like saying “Check out this clearly illegal ass!” RAMPENT PEDOPHILIA! I bet this mother fucker taught his Pikachu flash (Thanks again, Walker <3). This was the first thing I noticed about this place that alarmed me. The club’s owner, though… Oh, ho ho. He takes the cake.

I really should’ve said no.

I.. I… What? Why is your hand in your pants? What do you mean when it’s sleeping? OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT-


I bet it will, you sick fucker. I bet it will…

Bah. Whatever. Just let me get on the ship – I don’t ever want to think about this again. Just don’t ask me to flash anything.

I had only heard of them! Clown ships! Seriously though, this is the tiniest fucking ship ever. How is there supposed to be a party on here? I think that Bill asshole set me up. But once I get inside, it’s surprisingly roomy! And there’s a lot of people who are itchin’ for a fight.

Including creepy solitary guy whose only companions are Pokemon! He has two Growlithes, which are probably molested. Poor, poor Moemon.

In the room next to find this girl who is offering you a rest. I say yes only to have the screen go black! When everything comes back, she comments on how she’s glad everyone is refreshed and chipper. Did I just score, ‘cause I certainly feel chipper after I score. I think I did ;D

The last girl had a Nidoran Male and Female. I caught them within the same area of tall grass. Dumb bitch.

He’s really good at his job. I wonder if he tells EVERYONE that he’s a global police agent and then tells them not to tell anyone. I hope so. That’d be even more confusing.

People around the ship kept talking about Snorlax. One guy manages to produce a picture, which makes me horribly sad. Snorlax was always one of my favorites. That’s just sad looking, rather than blubbery and adorable. >: Oh well.

More trainers, same Pokemon. Tentacool is actually one of my favorite designs so far. Sooo awesome <3.

I honestly didn’t prefer power or rarity, or whatever the hell he’s asking, but OH MY GOD PONYTA. I… can never… unsee. ;-; Ponyta looks so sad. Probably because her mother was raped by that club president guy. That bastard.



Ass Hat’s team hasn’t really changed much. Pidgeotto, Raticate, Wartortle, and Kadabra – all evolutions, and all pretty solid Pokemon. I take him down pretty easily, although Gold Digger is a casualty of my cockiness.

He tells me about this guy who knows how to use cut, and then runs away. And while I’d love to go up those stairs and find out, I have yet to explore the rest of the ship, and it’d kill me if I didn’t. So after I run back to becoming all “refreshed and chipper” once more, I continue my expedition.

Uh… no?


I guess they finally DO have someone to keep them company on those long trips away at sea! Sick fuckers.

If I were sea sick, would it really be a good idea to stop and battle me? I hope I throw up all over you. But now that I’ve explored everything, it’s time to go and meet the sick old man who is a CUT MASTER (emo much?)

The first thing I do is look in the trash can, as my adventure in the kitchen told me that trashcans always have good stuff in them! This time, rather than an oran berry or something, it was throw up! I was tempted to get some to give to my Pokemon for mid-battle refreshment, however, that would mean I’d have to touch it. Uck.

“I’m sorry Captain. Can I do anything to make you feel better?” “Well… you can do something…”


“I’m usually not that fast, but-“ “SHUT UP. GIVE ME A TISSUE OR SOMETHING. JESUS CHRIST.”

“I’m not doing that again. I’m a minor, you know.” “Oh, shit! Hey-“

I hate this stupid place. Vermillion city is certainly a city of perversion and debauchery, and I’ve been violated physically and mentally either on the soil of the city, or on the ship that was docked there. I cannot wait to be out of this hellhole of a town, the skid mark of Kanto.

I’m going to go take a shower, and probably bleach my hands and eyes. So have a good night or something.

LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: January 10, 2010, 01:46:36 PM »
After reading the second chapter... I can't help but comment on the use of an attack called Flash in this particular game... hmm.  Ponderous.  Ponderous indeed.

Also,  :lol:

I hope the guy who patched this, fizzmaster or something, made a special animation for that attack. :D

LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: January 10, 2010, 09:34:20 AM »
So when I did this, I got bored and also decided to kill Misty. Sound good? Good.
So, in Cerulean I decide to talk to the fuzz, just to see what’s so important about this house. Apparently some people were robbed, and it was Team Rocket (If you look in the back yard, you can see the guy just chillin’. THEY’RE SO HARD TO FIND. ) Anyway, time to move on.

And here comes Asshat. Mother fucker has the nerve to insult me and tell he’s managed to catch a bunch of smart Moemon. I find that to be odd, because most of them seem pretty retarded based off of my prior experience. Unfortunately, this entire chapter turns that whoooole idea around.

So, Pidgeotto BARELY kills Loli, SOMEHOW escaping paralysis the ONE FUCKING TIME I NEED IT.

So, Rattata was absurdly easy. ‘Nuff said.

Why even bother?

I’m not quite sure what made me do this. It was a very bad idea. But uh, yeah, needless to say Jail Bait was slaughtered. Okay, enough playin’ around though. Bitch is goin’ down.

What you DON’T see is the rest of my party getting fucked up by Squirtle. Forgot to screen cap THAT little tid bit. This is just beginning of my adventure into butt-fuckedville. Ugh.


He then says “Smell ya’!” after already saying “smell ya’ later”. This bastard will die.

This is the condition of my party after fighting Ass Hat. VICTORY IS MINE, but it was not good enough. Vegeta will not stand for this nonsense. Anyone, one visit to the Pokemon center later…

We go to Nugget Bridge! As the guy says, beat five trainers, get a so fab prize. I dig those odds.

I win. One down, four to go!

Oh, by the way, Sexbomb evolved. He’s been VERY useful thus far in the game, so it’s no surprise that he’s evolved so quickly. Yaay, Sexbomb.

Two down! Vegeta abuses Mega Punch and Mega Kick ALL THE TIME.

3-5 dead. I got lazy.

Here’s my party after all five of them, which saddens me. I think I’m off my game.

No, dude. Really. I’m good. I promise. Just goin’ on my way with the nugget. Team Rocket kind of sucks anyway.



Dumb Fish hits level 15, and learns tackle! What the fuck. Anyway, to celebrate this, I use her beat the shitty Zubat. GREAT SUCCESS.

I then pepper sprayed him and ran for my life, dropping my hobo shiv. It will be missed. Thinking I had escaped any form of sexual assault, I run to a nearby patch of tall grass!

I was wrong! Fucker with a foot fetish pops out of the grass. I can’t deal with this shit D: I beat his Moemon team, and pepper spray his ass. Onto catching the few Moemon in the area I don’t have!

Oddish get! The name, Moejawana, is courtesy if Cronos.

Abra, as per usual, was a pain in the ass to catch. Thanks to paralysis, I catch her and name her Chong! Yay Cronos for moar nicknames.

Bellsprout was CONSIDERABLY harder to find, much to my annoyance. I saw three or four abras before I saw one Bellsprout. I catch the sly fucker, and use Cronos’ idea when I name her Tacobell.

Route 25! Several trainers wait for me here, as well as a TM which can be missed if you don’t step out at the right distance. Of course, if you don’t notice this yourself, you’re pretty dumb. Oh well! Accidents happen, amirite?

Creepy Mount Moon guy has a Machop, which is one of the most unattractive Moemon to date. I mean, seriously. What the fuck? Moving on…

Two more trainers, nothing new – they have the same Moemon that I’ve been encountering thus far, and they give me dumb advice/threats.

And there there’s this guy, who has- wait, what’s that?


I MUST HAVE IT. It’s quite a journey before I get to Slowpoke paradise, but it is already decided it will be named ELVIS, as it is THE KING. :D Now that I have more motivation to continue my journey, I (regrettably) beat the kid’s Slowpoke and move on!

I forgot to screen her before battle. Oops. She says something about how she has a cool boyfriend. MOVING ON.

Notice the Pokeball! If you don’t move far enough away, you miss a TM or something. You can get it later, but that’s after you get cut. Sigh. I hate HMs.

One creeper and jealous bitch later, we find a house which we can only assume is this Bill dude’s house. Inside we go!

Blah blah blah I’m not a pokemon blah blah blah you’re clearly skeptical. Really, though, since it’s Moemon he transformed into a little girl. So the skeptical part probably isn’t that fact that it’s TALKING, more that it’s a man. OH WELL.

Despite the fact that I want to say no, I help the guy anyway and skip over a bunch of pointless screen shots.

He gives me a ticket to go on the SS Anne, basically making me his scapegoat so he doesn’t have to go to a party. With this out of the way, I can go back and kick some ass! Fuck yeah! Misty is goin’ down!
I heal up and head into the gym. Despite the fact that Loli is only level 15 at this point, I’m really not all too concerned. Lightning fucks up water like it’s nobody’s business, so I’m sure I’ll be fine. :3

Not only am I highly disturbed that he wants to “do it” with me, he wears a speedo. Ew. Ew ew ew. He has some unique Pokemon though.

Horsea is adorable, and Shelder is as bland and boring as I thought she’d be. Eh, oh well.

Moving on, we meet dumb bitch who thinks her shit doesn’t stink. Only good thing about this is Goldeen, which has been by FAR the prettiest moemon yet. Very elegent lookin’ <3. Of course, I win. Because that’s how I roll. With her out of the way, we’re up to Misty!

A SEXY new face ;D

Aw man, I didn’t think there’d be questions D:  I’m boned.

Thankfully she doesn’t give me time to fake an answer and shouts something out, before attacking me.

Staryu has always been pretty easy, at least if memory serves correctly. Let’s see if a system generation change makes any real differences!

Yes, there fucking were. Staryu critical TWICE IN A ROW with Water Pulse, essentially fucking Loli and Fat Pidgey up the ass. Vegeta manages to survive a hit and Mega Punches it to death. If this is any indication, Starmie is going to be a BIIITTTCCCHHHHHH.

Piss, shit, FUCK. Vegeta, Sexbomb (as seen above), and Jail Bait get destroyed. This leaves me with…


It figures Dumb Fish manages to survive a Water Pulse, and I decide to go out with a bang. SPLASH ATTACK! Since that worked out so well, I decide maybe it’s time for some training.

Woo! Evolution! Let’s go kick some ass.

Owned. Time for the real battle. I’m not pulling punches. Starmie is one tough some of a bitch.

BAM! FUCK YEAH! Flash back time!

Back to the present!

I beat Misty pretty easily, thanks to Dumb Fish. As a reward (and out of fear of my life), I have decided to rename her as soon as I can to LORD DEATHULON or something equally intimidating. I also put Water Pulse on it since it’s so devastatingly powerful. It just seemed appropriate.

Here is my party for now! Loli has started to suck it up, so after I finish up using flash, she will be replaced. Makes me sad, but ya’ gotta’ do what ya’ gotta do! >: Also, have some Pokedex Evolution stuff.


LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: January 09, 2010, 01:35:47 PM »

SO! The last time we left off, I was in some Pokemon Center getting all healed up. My team was pretty much the same level! After a little bit of research (I didn’t want to go hunting for a Pokemon I wasn’t going to find. APPARENTLY some shit has been moved around, and because I wanted both Nidorans, I decided that going to Route 4 was a good idea. I figure somethings have changed by now, maybe that little bitch dragging me off was one of them!

 I was wrong. Asshole forces me go to the gym (why I don’t just sock him in the face, I’m unsure of), and I say “to hell with it” and go fight Brock.

Once I get inside, I talk to the dude by the statue (I’ve never done it before, so I said “why not”)and he goes on about dreaming big, and being the Pokemon champ and stuff like that. So when I say “NO” to the help (I don’t need help!), he goes on anyway with the “free service”. Time is money, time is money.
So I go forward and decide to challenge the first guy! He says I’m TEN THOUSAND LIGHT-YEARS FROM FACING BROCK, which doesn’t make any sense because he’s like… three feet away from me. Oh well.

Vegeta is the Pokemon for this fight – Geodude falls easily to his kicks, which makes the camper throw out Sandshrew. As it turns out, Sandshrew is a little whore.

Vegeta is killed because it spams sand attack, so Fat Pidgey finishes the job with gust or something. I run back to the Pokemon center so Vegeta can fight Brock’s team, and then return to deal with the big guy.

So I gathered.

Gross D:

OH. I was confused.

He says something about Trainer’s honor after calling me a loser, so by law, I am obligated to kick the ever loving shit out of him.

So I do.

After I beat him, he goes on about what the boulder badge does (It lets me use Flash! OH MY GOD YES! THAT IS THE MOST USEFUL ATTACK IN THE GAME!), and then gives me Rock Tomb. I’ll probably never use it, unless I decide to use Sandshrew (cute fucker), in which case Rock Tomb is a pretty B.A. attack.

So after a visit to the mart (Pokeballs) and Pokemon center, I run into one of the good professor’s aides ( I find myself thinking of that one South Park episode with Jerrod… ), and he gives me running shoes from my mother. THANK GOD. The walking speed in these games has always been awful.

So a run into a buncha’ easy trainers who use Rattata, Spearow, Pidgey, and the bug variations until I see this kid who thinks Shorts are delightfully comfy and easy to wear. Kinda’ weird to tell a complete stranger. Oh well! Easy kill.

Oh, he’s also my first encounter with EKANS. I’ll be catching one of those shortly.

A creepy bug catch dude tries to “get with it” with me, whatever that means. And I run into another kid with a shorts fetish, something which is starting to creep me out quite a bit ;-;

I get into a fight with that lady up there (forgot to screen, it wasn’t an entertaining quote anyway) and another dude who caught a Jigglypuff. They’ve always been quite… irritating. I win either way! :D Miniwave in celebration to me!

And then Jail Bait evolves! Funnily enough, I haven’t used Jail Bait since she evolved, but that’s just a temporary thing :D

I catch a Jigglypuff pretty easily, and Cronos suggests the name Rapeface. I am in no place to disagree, so damned if I don’t do it! Rapeface goes into the box VERY shortly.

I also encounter a Nidoran Female, which DopeFish suggests I name Fuckzilla! So I do.

I then find something quite confusing. I have now discovered a Nidoran MALE. Perhaps the only legitimately male Moemon in the game, Nidoran’s Pokedex entry is quite humorous. Dopefish says I should name it Sexbomb, so I do. Sexbomb will shortly be entering the team Kitty lineup!

I travel to Route 4 and up to the Pokemon center without anything interesting happening, and put Lolipop in storage. Nothing personal against Rattata enthusiasts, they’re pretty decent Pokemon, but not worthy of Team Kitty! Sexbomb takes Lolipop’s place.

So I go to the corner of the Pokemon Center and talk to this creepy guy who sweet talks me into buying the SUPER SECRET POKEMON MAGIKARP! I do, knowing that some how this investment will pay off (see: I’m too lazy to go out and catch one later), and nick name id Dumb Fish. I have a feeling this nick name will come back and bite my in the ass later, but for now, it’s quite appropriate. Also, apparently Magikarp now learns Tackle at level 15. What the fuck?
Anyway, I train Sexbomb a little bit so now it’s time to explore…


The first thing I do in Mount Moon is catch a Zubat, the most common Pokemon in just about EVERY cave dungeon. The final evolution to Zubat is pretty awesome, despite the fact that Zubats are pretty mediocre to not good at all. I name it Blackula! :D

The first guy makes no sense, while the girl waiting for her friends shows me my first Clefairy. :3 It’s kinda’ cute. I win the battle and move on!

I catch a Geodude and name it STONE COLD ( CAN I GET A HELL YEAH? ) as Dopefish suggets. It’s going straight to my box.

I found a dude that has a magnemite and a voltorb. They're both pretty easy! Something I'm happy to report.

I encounter some people who are particularly easy, and encounter my first Bellsprout (and Oddish, forgot to screen. Oh well!).

From here I continue to attempt to kick some ass and chew some bubble gum, but I wasted all of my money on Pokeballs so I don’t have any bubble gum. And also get kind lost. I haven’t played this game in so long that I don’t remember what goes where! It’s like a whole new experience!

In my exploring, I find a Paras. I catch it pretty easily (although that paralysis shit is starting to piss me off), and name it Kool-Aid (Thanks again to Dopefish!). He’s pretty much my go to guy for this chapter, since he has a buncha’ obscure to not-so-obscure references.

More traveling! I meet my first team rocket grunts, and despite friendly warnings not to mess with grown-ups (pedophilia and such), I kick their asses. They’re really easy given the fact that between Loli, Vegeta, and Sexbomb I have all of their weaknesses. I have yet to encounter a Clefairy, which is kind of annoying considering the millions of Geodudes and Zubats I’ve fought thus far.

Speak of the devil! Clefairy is a dirty little whore who nearly kills Loli thanks to the abuse encore and its love to use pound. Dopefish says name it Miss Kier (named after Lady Miss Kier formerly of Dee-Lite), so I do. It’s so much easier to have people make up nicknames. :D With Clefairy, I have all of the Pokemon in Mount Moon (according to this one guide), so I can finish up some exploring (get some extra swag) and get the fuck out of here.

I do so and get into another fight with a rocket grunt so I can nab an item hidden in the rock there before I find the end. At the end, you encounter what I assume is a homeless guy protecting his only possessions! And being the red blooded American that I am, I am obligated to beat the shit out of him and steal them. Hobo man, having gained some experience fighting in underground homeless fighting rings, is not going down without a fight.

Thanks to the swap-tactic, I’ve gotten Dumb Fish to level 12, and end up using Vegeta, Loli, and Fat Pidgey in order to beat him and his Grimer and Koffing. Super Nerd/Hobo Miguel tells me that he’s willing to share, which is probably only because I stole his makeshift shiv in all the chaos.

So, don’t the smart thing, I grab the Dome Fossil first. Then I threaten him with the hobo shiv and force him to give me the Helix Fossil. Even crazy Hobo-nerds like living. I make off like a bandit, and finally get the fuck out of this irritating dungeon.

I get out and onto route 4, not a moment too soon as both Loli and Fat Pidgey are poisoned. I find these two idiots who are arguing over what is better : punching or kicking? Since my charisma stat is really high, I manage to convince both of them to teach Vegeta Mega Punch and Mega Kick, making her even more awesome than she was before.

From there I catch an Ekans, and thanks to Festari I get the name Jizzabelle. Ah, names at their classiest.

From there I run back to the Pokemon center, and catch a Sandshrew – confirming my belief of being able to catch all Pokemon in one game. This Let’s Play just got even longer. I nickname it Golddigger (Thanks again to Dopefish) and head back to the Pokemon Center for a final healing. I’m still contemplating putting GoldDigger in my party, but I have no idea who to replace. Maybe Loli after I’m done with Misty’s gym.

Now that I’m officially IN Cerulean City, I decide to save and take a break. Here’s my party thus far! I’m going to go take a nap now.

LP Hell / Re: Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: January 09, 2010, 07:52:54 AM »
They made all the random encounters female.

I'm... not certain whether I'm disappointed or relieved that you didn't track down a Nidoran or two.

.. AW HELL. I forgot Nidoran was over there. Since this hack (should) have all Pokemon available to catch, I have to find both of this fuckers. BACK I GO.

And thanks for the positive feedback, guys :D

LP Hell / Let's Play: Moemon Leaf-Green!
« on: January 08, 2010, 10:29:41 PM »
Welcome to Let’s Play MOEMON! Moemon is a Pokemon hack that replaces all of the Pokemon with little girls and women! Otherwise, I cannot see any differences. I haven’t researched it extensively or anything, namely because I think it’s more fun to walk in blindly! Horrah! :D Besides, it’s Pokemon. How hard can it be?
I have a few goals with this LP.
A)   To finish the fucking game.
B)   To catch every pokemon that I see that I do not already have, or raised my self.
C)   To find annoying to find Pokemon
D)   To not die.
I think that about covers it. Now! Let’s get started, shall we!
THE LOST CHAPTER (Chapter 6.5):
ALSO: Excuse lack of screen shots at times. I’m new this whole Let’s Play thing, so uh… deal.

This title page is deceiving! Venusaur doesn’t look like this in the game. DON’T LET IT FOOL YOU D:
So you press start and it takes you through this whole stupid thing where they try to explain the game and the buttons, which would take two seconds for an infant to figure out. Then it goes into this nonsense


This is kind of horrible when you think about it.

 I mean… people collecting little girls to women, I guess it depends on the evolution.

  “I keep them to please me… sexually :D”


  ;-; just don’t kill me too



  I have always hated this guy. Now that I’m older, time to give him a name he deserves.


  Then it tells me my POKEMON JOURNEY IS ABOUT TO BEGIN and I get teleported into a room with an NES in it. Awesome. Check the computer, and you find a potion :D But either way, the game gives you no direction as to where to go, so as the player you’re left to wander around aimlessly until you try to walk out of town where the scary tall grass is.

  When you do, Oak and his hawk-like Pedo eyes catch you. Then proceeds to tell to come with him. Probably wants to rape me in his basement ;-;

  So I get to his “lab” (which I really doubt is a lab. I’m onto this sneaky bastard) and Ass Hat is waiting for me there. He generally acts like a douche, and we’re offered one of three Pokemon.

    Ta-dah! Really, Bulbasaur looks like she’s posing for a Playboy shoot or something like that. But being that I’m HARDCORE and stuff, I’m going to pick the most obvious choice.

  And nickname her Jail Bait :D

  You would.

  So Ass Hat, being just that, challenges you to a fight. JAIL BAIT VERSUS SQUIRTLE.

  Jail Bait easily kills Squirtle. Everyone is happy, because Ass Hat got what he deserves.

  He even says I’m so good, it’s unbelievable or something. I wasn’t paying attention to him.

 … he just said “Smell you later!”. I have forgotten about this. It is something I’ve always hated. He will pay dearly for this.
SOOO from here the game tells you jack shit, so you’re eventually forced to wander out into the big scary tall grass where you’ve been warned that if you do, you’ll probably be raped by something large in scary. TIME TO GATHER UP MY COURAGE. I WILL NOT BE RAPED THIS DAY.

  … and this is my first encounter. Pidgey has some crazy fucking eyebrows.  Anyway, Jail Bait kicks her ass, and we’re on our way to Viridian City!

   Once there, I found myself DRAWN TO THE MARKET FOR SOME INEXPLICABLE REASON, and someone could somehow identify that I was from Pallet Town! Now, in all due respect, this town is tiny. But still! I just like to believe that lady is psychic. She tells me that she has a parcel (see: Rohypnol and heroin) for Professor Oak that needs for something or other. And she assumes I’m going to go back and entrusts me with the package!

  And we’ll go the easy path! Which is basically jumping down a buncha’ steps.

  So I deliver the drugs or whatever (he says something about a special ball, which I’m led to believe is an 8-ball) and calls me a talented trainer for beating the shit out of some unfortunate pidgey. Woo.

  Ass hat comes storming in, as usual. He’s always starting up shit.

He gives us each a Pokedex, and then Asshat not only has the cajones to say that I’m unnecessary in this grand task we’ve been assigned (enslaving a bunch of poor animal-people), he says that he’s going to get a map from his sister and he’s going to tell her not to give me one. The wanker.

   Except Ass Hat’s sister likes me. Two for Kitty, nadda’ for Ass Hat.
 So! I leave to go on my EPIC JOURNEY! Jail Bait encounters another Pidgey on the way out of town, and I catch it!
 Have some information! Cronos names it Fat Pidgey. Horrah! She’s a cute fatty :3
I also encounter a Rattata on my way out, which Jail Bait beats the shit out of ( sort of ) and Rattata is part of our party! She is named Lolipop, as Rhoa suggest :3 Also: D’awww!

So! I get BACK to Viridian City, and find myself at a crossroads. I decide to go the beaten path, because (if memory serves correct) my rival is lurking down there.

  MANKEY GET. She looks like an old school boxer. I name her Bubbles. For two reasons! A) Dragon Ball Z and B) Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker. You’re welcome.

I also catch a Spearow! Not that I’ll ever use it, Fat Pidgey is the way to go. Rhoa suggested that I name this one Featherbum, so I did! In the box you go, Featherbum! You’re kind of funny lookin’ anyway.

WHAT THE FUCK :O. I seemed to have encountered a Mankey which has managed to go Super Saiyan, which means I must have it. Unfortunately, SuperBubbles doesn’t fit, so Cronos suggest Vegeta.
 I find myself unable to say no to that request, so Vegeta it is! Bubbles goes into box, and Vegeta takes her place. Awesome.

This is my team before I run into Ass Hat. I did some training because I’m weird about that, and thanks to the power of an emulator, I can do what takes an hour in like… ten minutes. Ass Hat challenges me to a match!

I fight Ass Hat, giving him the advantage of type in both instances (He used a level 9 Pidgey before Vegeta DESTROYED him), and Jail Bait barely beats Squirtle. But still wins. FIRE BEATS ALL.

On the way out, I’m forced to watch a creepy old man catch a Weedle. Apparently the Weedle is MALE, despite the image clearly being… female. At least I think. AHHH TRAPS ARE CONFUSING AND CUTE. D:


In the forest I catch a buncha’ shit. Dr. Zombie demands Caterpie be named Cittypod (which isn’t as cute as Weedle), and Ezra says the the Weedle be named Wiggly. Since they’re both going directly into the box, that’s okay with me.

I also catch a Metapod and a Kakuna (I accidently killed the first one), which are named Immoeble and Harpsy (Cronos and Ezra). Metapod is perhaps the more damn adorable thing in the game so far. Either way, they also go into the box of boxy-ness.

I also encounter a Pikachu! Which I immediately add to my party, because it was a pain in the ass to find. Rhoa suggests Loli (like she did Lolipop), and I say “whatever” and do it. I do some training and fight a trainer (forgot to screen shot) to get Loli to an appropriate level.

    All of them are absurdly easy. Loli slaughters them with a spamming of Thunderbolt. Also, the second guy was facing the trees. ;-; those poor weedles (Weedle potential sexual assault count - 2 )of his. He was trying to “evolve” them alright.

I get to Pewter City without any problems, and head immediately over to the Pokemon center. By the end of allll of that bullshit, my entire party is level ten. Woo!

MY GOD IMAGE ATTACHMENTS. Pray they all work...

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