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Messages - Savage

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: Krazy Kannibals Zero DAY 3
« on: February 07, 2010, 05:41:27 PM »
Then me choose Savage.

Your vote isn't important Ra-Kel

Only A Cannibal has a choice in this matter.

Forum Games / Re: Krazy Kannibals Zero DAY 3
« on: February 07, 2010, 02:42:51 PM »
The one thing we can agree on is that Newbie appears to be the most innocent.  With that in mind, you really are the one who has to make the choice. 

I don't think there is much I really could do to convince you.  Make the choice.

Forum Games / Re: Krazy Kannibals Zero DAY 2
« on: February 04, 2010, 06:05:35 PM »
Ok. So. Like. Me kind of thinking? That like that bitch from Avatar have vote on for like two hours? And if her was normal cannibal it would be like totally easy for snatchers pile on and win by now?

I was thinking the same thing. If That Bitch from Avatar isn't bad, then those aliens are masterminds of evil and therefore deserve to win.

Forum Games / Re: Krazy Kannibals Zero DAY 2
« on: February 02, 2010, 02:24:13 PM »
Kuumba and Savage were the two most suspicious to me before: they were fourth and fifth onto King Ramses (killing votes, FYI), and Savage had the "yes, I'll agree with everything sensible to appear innocent" attitude that I typically notice from evil individuals. Players with something to hide are followers, not leaders.

You know how I know you're full of shit? Black guy was the one who started the bandwagon on King Ramses and he was evil, thus contradicting your reasoning that evil people aren't leaders. Second, why would Black guy incriminate his partner by body switching? I was the killvoter (I think?) and thus most suspicious if Black guy turned out to be evil, which he turned out to be. He wouldn't have thrown suspicion on me like that by body switching.

Forum Games / Re: Krazy Kannibals Zero DAY 1
« on: January 30, 2010, 01:03:41 PM »
...Didn't we already hit killvote for Ramses?

Forum Games / Re: Krazy Kannibals Zero DAY 1
« on: January 29, 2010, 09:27:07 PM »
Well, if we can't trust Black Guy, who can we trust? Sorry, King Ramses. Also, your reason for revenge voting Black Guy was pretty bleh anyways, so whatever.

Forum Games / Re: Krazy Kannibals Zero DAY 1
« on: January 25, 2010, 05:38:36 PM »
A Cannibal has a point. We should give King Ramses a chance to talk before we toss him in the volcano

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