Gaming Discussion / Re: Videogame Images & Fan Art
« on: February 02, 2010, 06:07:19 PM »
Yes, I have. ;-;
That's why you ALWAYS SAVE before going after legendaries.
That's why you ALWAYS SAVE before going after legendaries.
This board has been fossilized.
You are reading an archive of Brontoforumus, a.k.a. The Worst Forums Ever, from 2008 to early 2014. Registration and posting (for most members) has been disabled here to discourage spambots from taking over. Old members can still log in to view boards, PMs, etc.
The new message board is at http://brontoforum.us.
It does feel like we're catching up to five years ago though. We need to jump ahead of the curve and implement emotyoutubeembeds.Like this?
So, I stopped playing after it wouldn't let me into Gorge (has this been fixed?) because I figure homework is more important than fun, and you are all talking about how tonight was the best night ever. Damn you all to Hell.I can't get in to gorge, either. It sucks.
HLDJ, yes. I convert the songs using Audacity. Using the beta version (actually these features might be in the stable branch now), do this in any order:Audacity is out of beta now?
Tracks > Stereo Track to Mono
at the bottom left, change it to 11025 Hz
Effects > Amplify, shoot for a peak of about -15 dB
Then Export it as a WAV and be sure to clear the track metadata.
This is the first time I have ever seen and the last time I will ever see something regarding Pokémon that is totally awesome.I disagree. Two of quite a few I found.
Well if it's a good song then whatever but if this is some sucky lifeless guitar waily sonic bs YOU ARE ON THIN ICE MISTERFINE THEN I'LL JUST POST THIS.
Pubbies were really good during afternoon/early evening forts. Except for a handful. Decent players at least.Was I one of them?
HELLO FROM THE TF2 SERVEREh, to me anything more than "catch best pokemon, train to level 100, teach most powerful moveset to fit playstyle (I recognize using moving like stun spore and shit is an effective playstyle although it's not mine)" is "super-srs".
Also don't worry, we might be super-srs, but we hate using overused superpowered mons. Fun teams are fun.