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Messages - Phenwah

Pages: [1]
« on: May 28, 2010, 12:25:47 AM »
Frocto, your forum is readable now! This is a cause for celebration!

Klinefelter's syndrome can be sexxy! Voted male-primary, female-secondary.

Assorted Creations / Re: Eversion on Steam
« on: April 13, 2010, 10:03:32 AM »
My game is still at V1.Steam as well.


Assorted Creations / Re: Eversion on Steam
« on: April 09, 2010, 01:01:20 PM »
I've got a feeling, I'm ready to everse!

Gaming Discussion / Re: Indie Game Pricing
« on: February 26, 2010, 08:11:41 AM »
I think Xbox Live Arcade's pricing has redefined the price point for download-sized games on the PC

Now if only they'd redefine the prices to be in NOT MICROSOFT FUNBUCKS


Currently I have 10 points in my Live account. HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN

Gaming Discussion / Re: Indie Game Pricing
« on: February 24, 2010, 06:42:39 PM »
I think that says more about you than it does me.  ::3:

That said, sig adjusted! The offending line-that-was-totally-not-a-penis has been erased; see if you can spot the difference.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Indie Game Pricing
« on: February 24, 2010, 05:07:18 PM »
I think Xbox Live Arcade's pricing has redefined the price point for download-sized games on the PC, as well. For example:

$5: Chime, Doom, Geometry Wars, Sonic, various arcade ports. Arcadey, pick-up-and-play gameplay, good for short bursts.
$10: 'Splosion Man, Alien Hominid HD, Ikaruga, Rez HD, The Maw. Games that have a retro look, but gameplay that is deep and lasts a few hours, at least.
$15: Banjo-Kazooie, Castle Crashers, Serious Sam HD, Shadow Complex. Deeper games running on fancier engines, often produced by big-budget studios.
$20: Penny Arcade, Sam & Max. Pretty much reserved for episodic content.

I like the pay-what-you-want model, especially when a PayPal or other donation link is available aside from the download link itself. RunMan: Race Around The World gives you the game for free, if you want it. Rifftrax, while not a game, has a donation link set up for people who downloaded a Rifftrax'd movie over bittorrent or watched a streaming video.

World's Most Scientific Institute / Re: any goons?
« on: February 15, 2010, 12:56:38 AM »
we Let's Played Red Steel together

Dang, I watched that, but I didn't realize you were in it!

It's one of the few LPs that I've considered quitting halfway through... but it's completely the game's fault. I stuck around though, if only to give meaning to your pain. Heheh.

Glad you enjoyed it!  Let's hope the sequel is good enough for you to not have to fight that temptation.

Real Life / Re: so this forum
« on: February 07, 2010, 02:15:11 AM »

Assorted Creations / Re: ev2
« on: February 05, 2010, 01:43:26 PM »
Your best bet is $10 with a $5 opening-weekend/preorder sale. AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! -- A Reckless Disregard for Gravity went with this approach -- putting the game on the market with a price well within impulse-buy range (and with a time-limit to make impulsive buys even more likely), with a slightly elevated price afterwards for people who found out about it from friends of friends.

Right now, $15 is indie-game suicide. VVVVVV has been getting a lot of flak for being $15 (instead of $5, for example); because it's a short game with a retro look, people think it somehow took significantly less time and effort on the part of the developer to produce than a game that looks better and plays longer, like Braid -- which also got shat on for being $15 (instead of $10, for example).

High-Context Discourse / Re: On Signatures
« on: February 05, 2010, 10:14:51 AM »
All of my posts have to be a certain length or my avatar and sig don't match up at all!



Gaming Discussion / Re: Mr. Needlemouse!
« on: February 04, 2010, 12:45:57 PM »
(..."eggman"?  seriously?)

Eggman! Seriously.

Gaming Discussion / Re: JASON NO
« on: February 03, 2010, 01:41:16 PM »
These graphics look less like "real life" and more like "PlayStation Home." I smell a crossover!

You knock out the clown. Various internal insectoids begin to crawl out of his nose and mouth. They seek a new host.

Hey, now. You're thinking of Indigo Prophecy.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Mr. Needlemouse!
« on: February 03, 2010, 01:24:40 PM »
Does anyone else feel like Sega's just trolling the hell out of the fanbase at this point?  :wat:

I want to believe it's real! When Capcom unveiled this box art for Mega Man 9, it actually got me really excited about the game, because Capcom was poking fun at their own roots and, at the same time, acknowledging that those roots existed. The Sega blog has been doing the same thing with their Sonic retrospectives, and they're hyping up Project Needlemouse with an unbridled and genuine enthusiasm that you don't see very often from game companies.

What we need is a 16-bit screenshot of Sonic riding on top of a killer whale beneath a true blue sky.

High-Context Discourse / Re: PERVERT GROUP
« on: February 02, 2010, 03:01:42 PM »
Signing up here!  I'll be getting my boyfriend to do so as well.

Well, hi there! Consider this me signing up as well.

Pages: [1]