I would also like to thank the Things for playing like absolute retards. Protip: the only two conditions for the extra test? Don't re-test someone on Day 2 and don't test another Thing. Anything else seems completely legit.
If the assumption is that it's always sub-optional (an, in fact, a kill able offense) to re-test someone then the things are just going to always prefer to convert a day one test, however.
Actually, you know what? I let emotion get the better of me there. After looking back it seems more plausible that Dest is just a human moron. Switching my vote back to Zara. If I'm wrong there we can still have a great little argument over whether to burn Gha or Dest. Hell, at this point I'd like to see them throwing each other under the bus. So hey, I still get to have at least a little petty vengeance.
This is the exact reason I acted as I did, I was hoping Friend would come to this conclusion and kill Gahitsu. Killing an innocent I'd be high on the flame list and have to dodge three flames and win a coinfip (since Gahistu has also basically revealed to me she wasn't a flame, I had it down to zara and Ako). I liked my odds better having to only have the town make one misplay (especially since killing a non-flamer innocent would just shrink my hiding pool), since Zara was already on the table for testing I didn't feel I had much of a choice. Preferred the odds that Friend would make one wrong move over the odds that friend and the second flame would make a total of three. If I killed Gahistu and you tested Zara the optimal moves for you guys becomes flame Sharky, Ako and Myself in any order, add in any number of tests tomorrow and I lose that sequence.
I don't think the game's unwinnable for the things, but with one thing killed on day two the odds go way down.
For what it's worth I've have killed Kayma myself if someone killed Beat Bandit first.