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Messages - Windows 7

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Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 22, 2010, 09:23:54 PM »
Great day 3 dynamite play.  I was planning to blow my wad as soon as the first dynamite went, but then I woke up and went "FUCK DOUBLE DYNAMITE ALL THE WAY" and had to go to plan B, and failed.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:44:48 PM »
I was originally going to leave the final night to a coin flip, and then I spent all day going crazy over it, and decided I was spending too much time thinking about the outcome and just said 'fuck it'.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:43:26 PM »
I was the only Thing left and it was obviously me.  Flamers get priority the next night.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:41:02 PM »
Yeah, I sort of knew it was a trap, and I decided to walk into it anyway.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 21, 2010, 11:58:13 PM »

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 21, 2010, 06:23:52 PM »

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 21, 2010, 09:43:04 AM »
I dynamite Palmer.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 19, 2010, 03:13:08 PM »
I'd like to hear a REALLY good reason why Blair shouldn't self-test IMMEDIATELY from someone other than Blair.

I don't think there is any sufficient reason.  Beyond my continuous push for the self-test, Blair is the only one left alive and untested from our previous suspicious-as-fuck list, and Blair, you are still SUSPICIOUS AS FUCK.  Self-test is pretty much the only way to clear your name at this point.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 17, 2010, 10:11:13 AM »
Actually, if anybody on that list has dynamite, they should throw it at me. That'll prove that I wasn't turned, that that individual isn't an original, and we can focus the voting on somebody else who might be an original. We should use the dynamite to get as much information before the Things get the chance to turn people with it and waste it on somebody who's already been tested who's innocent.

Okay, what.  If you're innocent, there's little reason to be attempting to put yourself out of the game, because of the following drawbacks:

If you're somehow a crazy suicidal innocent, this plan would:

-Out another dynamite, narrowing the pool for Things to assimilate any remaining flamers/dynamites
-Waste another dynamite that could have been used blowing up Things
+-While it would clear one person from being an original, it would then raise suspicion on *that* dynamite for killing an inno, just like what happened to you, putting us in the same position as before
+-It would mean one less active dynamite for Things to potentially assimilate, but this relies on the caveat above.
+-Yes, it would save one scan, but it would also destroy another innocent vote and any influence you might have

If you're a Thing, well, then you've already blown your wad in a very suspicious manner and are probably expendable, allowing you to pull these sorts of tricks, and a scan will out you anyway.  The 'I'm priming my dynamite and killing whoever votes for me' ploy, while verifying that no one could shut down your power, is also crazy suspicious.

Rather than potentially wasting more innocents, I think the best thing to do is scan Fuchs.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 16, 2010, 10:59:06 PM »
Haven't voted so far because we have plenty of time left in the day, and I've hardly been quiet, so, I'm not going to bandwagon yet.

Still voting for myself, but:


Two of these people are Things.

If you add yourself to the list, then sure.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 16, 2010, 07:13:52 PM »

For that matter, Fuchs. Let's all test me, so that the flamethrower can burn Blair tonight instead.

I couldn't agree more, Fuchs.  Sorry, but killing an innocent man because we told him not to test himself is a pretty weak excuse to me.

To be fair, he did tell us yesterday that he was going to kill Norris.
No, no, that's fine. No problem. Let's look at Blair instead.

After all, I have a little test of my own that we can use on you afterward.

If you really thought that his reason for killing Norris was weak, you could have raised your objections before he was killed instead of waiting till he was blown to hell.

Garry is just giddy at the chance to not get tested tonight.

PLEASE test Garry.

Why Garry? (Not that I object, but a reason would be nice.)

I think your first two comments just answered the third one?

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 16, 2010, 05:31:28 PM »
Okay... So the Things did make the most obvious choice and turn Fuchs last night, fuck. Well at least we still have the two flame throwers and an other dynamite.

Someone wanna light Fuchs up on your way to bed tonight, thanks.

Okay, so I'm pretty sure we still have three dynamites left, and this only emphasizes my conundrum about whether you're the Thingiest Thing in Thingworld or just a flaming bag of dumb bits.  You haven't actively blown up an innocent, but you're still a great scan target.

Fuchs' self-vote sounds pretty desperate, but scanning Fuchs might be useful, as it would either clear him or expose him.  Now that he's blown his wad, if he's still innocent, he's a pretty poor target for future assimilation, as the Things will want active Dynamites and Flamers.  (Of course, I guess this makes him a good target, for concealment purposes?)

Any cases for scanning anyone else?

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 16, 2010, 10:31:29 AM »
Note that Fuchs still hasn't thrown his dynamite yet

(Note that some of us probably go to sleep and/or work sometimes.) 
Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted
(Well then.)

We've still got plenty of time, let Fuchs do his thing and keep with the talking.  I ain't going to sleep as long as the coffee keeps flowing.

So here's a few observations I've made (consider this post OOC):
As Fuchs said earlier, let's save self-testing for turn 6 or so, and if we're still completely blind to who's who by then, then the Things will probably have already won.

I'm beginning to appreciate the truth that no option should be off the table, but I still really like concept of self-test because the extra scan is assigned to someone randomly, and the Things can't prepare for that in advance, beyond going 'whelp, I sure as hell ain't self-voting, and I probably won't sacrificial scan another Thing.'
Finally, I'm honestly unclear on what "Thing-like" behaviour I've performed, but w/e. The way Blair was vehemently pursuing Childs as a target, then suddenly and abruptly stopped creeped me out more than some creepypasta I've read and it doesn't sit right with me. But, whatever, the most common badguy tactic is to post as little as possible, as Ziiro handily demonstrated last game. Sometimes it's not even an actual tactic, they just forget.

As Clark demonstrated with his dumb charred corpse last night.  That said, being quiet is still a good way to fly under the radar.  Flinging accusations around is suspicious, but it does draw attention, and also keeps people talking, which is the point of the day phase.

Please consider all this advice as being delivered from a proven Innocent. On that note, I'd like to request to not be tested again for at least two days, possibly three. As you all said, something about my playstyle makes people jittery, which makes people jump at off-hand comments and therefore makes me a very poor target for Thing assimilation. I would expand on this, but it's not really in my best interests, since if I get turned, I want you guys to know as little about how I would operate as a Thing as possible.  :whoops:

Scanning through the untested list, we're bound to eventually flush out at least 2 Things, namely the originals plus however many Things we've picked up.  Rescanning will yield anywhere from 0 to the number of possible turned Things, which is drawn from an increasingly large scanned pool.  Although rescan is mostly a waste at this point in the game, we need to keep the option available for anyone, at any point.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 15, 2010, 07:18:12 PM »
(Also, technical question: does hammertime actually stop the game, or does it just give everyone another day to discuss?)

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 15, 2010, 07:15:44 PM »
People don't seem terribly interested in the self-vote option.  Problem is, I can't tell if Copper and Blair are being thing-like or just big ol' dumbs.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 15, 2010, 08:44:12 AM »
Thought this didn't need to be said, but let's lay off of the actual votes until we get the first scan done.  I am still a fan of the compulsory self-test, so I'm good with Norris.  Once that happens, we need to get people talking as much as possible to maximize information for the dynamites and flamethrowers, so we don't end up toasting more innocent dudes.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 14, 2010, 11:29:28 AM »
I am curious as to Palmer's intent for scanning Nauls, but not enough to straight up push the vote on him, yet.

We still have time remaining, so I'd rather keep the discussion flowing, and then clinch the vote closer to the deadline.  We should be maximizing information right now, so namely:

- Palmer, what was the deal with Nauls?
- Clark, are you just whacking it in your bunk, or do you have something to hide?
- All of you single posters, where have you been, all alone, up to now?

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 14, 2010, 01:41:19 AM »
Not voting until I see Palmer use his scan.  Thing has a lot to gain by minimizing the information we get.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 13, 2010, 11:06:10 PM »
That 1/6 chance is going to increase very quickly, and it's the easiest way to consistently flush out Things.  We still have the votescan, and role isn't revealed with the scan, so we're not going to totally out a flamer, even if the self-scan seems like a waste.

The problem is getting people to consistently submit to the self-test.  Unless we commit to this course of action, Things will be able to vacillate their way out of the test.

Perhaps the action hierarchy should be this:

If no self-scan, demand that the person immediately scan someone else
If other scan hits innocent, immediately votescan the person with scan power
If other scan hits Thing, consider votescanning that person anyway, just to keep potential sacrificial Things honest
If person refuses to scan at all, just dynamite the fucker and scan whoever looks suspicious

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 13, 2010, 10:23:31 PM »
Goddamn radio's dead, and given that we're just standing around flinging shit for the first couple days, we should stick with the self-test option, and then go from there.

If that person refuses to get scanned, we either votescan him or just straight out dynamite him and use the scan on someone else.

Regarding re-scanning, we need to keep the option on the table just to keep the Thing honest.

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