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Messages - Bennings

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:59:14 PM »
I my opinion, Bennings was smart to remain quiet while I talked pretty much all the time. I think it avoided us ever looking like we were on the same team. However, when he started talking, he never said anything that made it seem like he was trying to route out the things and I think that made him an obvious target and led to our loss.

I respectfully disagree; After you were blown up, the only three people who weren't tested was Macready, Windows, and myself. Macready deciding to kill me saved Windows from being blown up.

I just wish I was willing to stick to my guns and tried to convince you guys to convert Brentai on night 2. I was convinced he was the best person to turn, but I had no reason to choose him besides my gut feeling.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 19, 2010, 03:02:57 PM »
I could be wrong though.
Why would you say that when you could take ten seconds to check the rules thread and see that you are, in fact, correct? Are you purposely trying to sound like you don't know how the fuck the Things work to make us think you aren't one?

You're right. I could have checked. But I didn't. I was just going off of memory, which is why I added the disclaimer that "I could be wrong", in the off chance that I missed something.

Ironically enough, you could have checked the rules yourself and saw that my win condition was only half right:
All flame throwers are dead or assimilated AND you outnumber the amount of non-assimilated dynamite left in the game.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 19, 2010, 11:58:23 AM »
If my math is correct, we have to dynamite AND flamethrower a Thing today in order to be alive tomorrow.


Actually, I believe the things only win when both flamethrowers are dead/assimilated?
I could be wrong though.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 16, 2010, 09:53:57 PM »
If you really thought that his reason for killing Norris was weak, you could have raised your objections before he was killed instead of waiting till he was blown to hell.

I will say this.

One more time.



For a fucking.


By the time I knew Fuchs was actually telling the truth about his planning to be a total shithead, Norris was already a red smear on the wall.

I will vote for the next person who challenges me based on my posting pattern without qualification.  Fuck right off.

Sorry about that, didn't mean to push your buttons.
I actually thought you were still in character when you said this:

Gentlemen, some of us actually have to work every once in a while to run this station.  I'd appreciate it if you stopped asking me to forsake my duties in order to play in your little game.

If anybody asks again where I am, tell them I'm out getting a SANDWICH.

anyways, mea culpa.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 16, 2010, 06:47:39 PM »

For that matter, Fuchs. Let's all test me, so that the flamethrower can burn Blair tonight instead.

I couldn't agree more, Fuchs.  Sorry, but killing an innocent man because we told him not to test himself is a pretty weak excuse to me.

To be fair, he did tell us yesterday that he was going to kill Norris.
No, no, that's fine. No problem. Let's look at Blair instead.

After all, I have a little test of my own that we can use on you afterward.

If you really thought that his reason for killing Norris was weak, you could have raised your objections before he was killed instead of waiting till he was blown to hell.

Garry is just giddy at the chance to not get tested tonight.

PLEASE test Garry.

Why Garry? (Not that I object, but a reason would be nice.)

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 16, 2010, 10:50:38 AM »
Well, I meant that in the sense that people who were voting should hold off until Fuchs had threw his dynamite, not in the sense that Fuchs was taking forever to throw his dynamite. But it doesn't really matter anymore.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 16, 2010, 07:55:43 AM »
Note that Fuchs still hasn't thrown his dynamite yet

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 15, 2010, 07:40:55 AM »
Copper, there is no reason for you to be voting for Garry right now. Fuchs has admitted to carrying dynamite, and so he needs to use it before we test someone and end the day, otherwise he'll be a guaranteed thing by morning.

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 14, 2010, 07:54:14 AM »
It was pretty strange of Palmer to test Nauls, since the quiet people should (rightfully) be the most suspicious ones, but maybe we should find out why his reasoning behind testing Nauls before determining if we should test him or not?

Forum Games / Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« on: September 13, 2010, 01:40:09 PM »

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