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Messages - BusyZombieLord

Pages: [1]
Media / Re: The Walking Dead: The TV Show
« on: December 10, 2010, 08:22:00 PM »
Well yeah, but do power plants and cellphone towers shut down the minute humans stop babysitting them? It's not like the zombies would disable them, so I wonder how long it'd take for them to go offline without maintenance.

According to the documentary Life After People, it only takes a few days for just about every power plant to shut down. At most, you're looking at a couple of weeks before perpetual blackout, except for maybe hydroelectric dams.

I read some where that our water could last for a really long time since in most places the water is gravity or something like that. I have no idea if it is true. I still do things like fill the bath tub if hurricanes of blizzards come my way.

One of my Co-Workers said he heard an interview with kirkman where he said they used the CDC in the story line for the show because one of the producers told him it was in Atlanta and he had no idea when he did the comic originally. He also stated the his biggest complaint about the show was more important characters needed to die.

Media / Re: Webcomics that aren't MSPA
« on: December 10, 2010, 08:12:56 PM »
I am not sure if it was mentioned yet but I am huge fan of Something Positive. Besides Penny Arcade it is about the only Web Comic I read regularly.

Real Life / Re: No, I will not fix your computer.
« on: December 10, 2010, 08:03:54 PM »
Last Christmas my dad received a cheap netbook from my aunt. The next day he called me asking how he could move his entire business computer on to the junky net book. I tried to explain that it was not a good idea and gave him a dozen reasons why. He then said yeah but how do I do it anyways. I finally understood why my cousin that lives near by him stopped doing all his tech support.

Real Life / Re: What I learned today!
« on: December 10, 2010, 07:44:09 PM »
I remember something similar happened to my dad. My dad stayed in his car when the jackass came up and banged on his window. My dad said "He started to scream at me, but then suddenly turned white as a sheet, ran back to his car, and burned rubber driving away."

His theory: [spoiler]The wind outside caused my dad's jacket to blow open, revealing that he was carrying.[/spoiler]

Something similar happened to my Mom once when I was really little. She did the 80's bleach blond look and she resembled Rod Stewart. She cut off a tractor trailer in a fit of road rage and the guy followed us for 30 miles to a rest stop. He got out and challenged my mom to a fight and then realized she was a chick. After that he asked her out to dinner and she maced him. Kind of a weird experience.

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