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Messages - DarkSchneider

Pages: [1] 2
Are we still updating this

only I got a ps3

it's the same thing I use everywhere else

Worst Olympic Stadium Ever / Re: Select Country
« on: August 02, 2009, 06:32:22 AM »
No man is an island.

But some mans live on islands.

The Island of Me hereby sends its lone representative.  Me.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Role Playing Games
« on: January 26, 2009, 10:31:24 AM »
That's a fair amount of Changeling on the shelf. Right on. Right on.

I'm missing 8 of the non-kithbook releases.  And six of the kithbooks.  I have juuuuust over half the line.  If I can get the ones I'm missing...

Gaming Discussion / Re: Role Playing Games
« on: January 26, 2009, 09:13:39 AM »
Usually it's not worth the trouble of statting up anyone that's not going to be in combat, fully.  You might wanna have a sense of how well they can handle certain kinds of opposed checks--perception or sense motive or whatever the hell 3.5 has for such things, though.  Only worth coming up with the numbers that you're gonna use, overall.

Feeding players clues about what to do next depends on the players and the group style, really.  Some groups are fine with just going completely freeform and taking whatever comes up.  If you have a specific plot, consider dropping in hooks to lead the characters that direction on their own impetus.  Get backstory for everyone's characters, and dig for hooks you can use.  Sometimes it's money, sometimes glory, knowledge--but every well-written character has SOMETHING that they'll go after.  Then you just give hints through rumors or people hiring them or trails of clues or whatever that they should go wherever, with the bait on the hooks, and you should be able to get them to go wherever you want.

'course, if you don't have players who have any motivation to their characters beyond "Well we're playing D&D so my guy is a fighter", you don't need to be nearly as subtle.

It all depends on who and how you're running.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Role Playing Games
« on: January 25, 2009, 10:05:52 PM »
I mean I don't wanna get too terribly down on Palladium stuff because some people like Rifts or something apparently but yeah it really isn't that great.

Then again I have BESM and BESM d20 on my shelf.  In my defense, they were gifts.  That I didn't ask for.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Role Playing Games
« on: January 25, 2009, 09:39:28 PM »
Ooh ooh.  I can play.

Can I play?

What time do you start/wrap up?  Because I have most weekday evenings open.

also: Damn right you don't see anything Palladium on that shelf.

There's a reason for that.  I'll leave it up to you to determine what that reason is.  (Hint: Palladium is not good.)

Gaming Discussion / Role Playing Games
« on: January 25, 2009, 07:58:50 PM »
I have a shelf full of roleplaying games.

Check out all those roleplaying games.

Holy fuck that's a lot of roleplaying games.

I'm half tempted to offer to run a one-shot of whatever-the-fuck there's enough interest for.  But only half. 

Post roleplaying games.  Or vote and maybe I'll decide to run.  Or just talk about them.  I dunno.

I guess now that I have a desk and stuff again I actually am running both laptops more often and thus steam is up a lot more.

It also really kind of bears mentioning that I have neither xbox live gold nor any multiplayer games on steam nor anything multiplayer for wii or ds really.

So uh, yeah.

Hey look I got a wii number going here
4910 3447 5442 5739

10 Hey look it was what I said it was.


Well hey.  My XBox tag is DarkSchneiderBA.

I have a wii but I don't wanna turn it on.  I think my Steam ID is the same as my Xbox tag.  I don't use it.

I am more commonly known to many as Kayumi.  Because you might not know it.

Online Hookers / Re: Fourth Edition Games
« on: June 05, 2008, 12:54:08 PM »
you should totally link to the threads for individual games too in the first post but yeah good idea.

Online Hookers / Re: Fourth Edition Games
« on: June 03, 2008, 08:55:41 PM »
Doom do me a favor and post your entire roster, I've kind of lost track of who was signing up or confirming for what game just now.

Dogstar are you or are you not in JD's game?

High-Context Discourse / Re: please get rid of MagicanType0
« on: June 02, 2008, 09:53:40 PM »
Let's turn it around.  If it wasn't done to evade the ban, why DID you change your name to something incomprehensible?
I was upset that I got kicked out of the wolf game I signed up for and was going to quit WFE. I didn't want anyone to know I was here so I changed my name to something so a lot less of my name would show up here when you would look for it on Google. I would have changed it to something no so spammy, but I was banned, and didn't think I'd be coming back.
Spend less time reconsidering

Online Hookers / Re: Fourth Edition Games
« on: June 02, 2008, 10:24:29 AM »
Not yet.  This is a 'pending' notice, and an attempt to get feedback for the idea of my game.

When books are in hand, roster will be requested, thank you for the offer.

Just let me know. 

Incidentally another thing that is nice about the roster and that I'd like to request that DMs keep us up to date about is if someone leaves for whatever reason and a slot opens up, interested players with compatible schedules can more easily locate a game to join than if there wasn't a master list.

Online Hookers / Re: Fourth Edition Games
« on: June 02, 2008, 10:14:27 AM »
Hashing out the details for mine in this thread, awaiting shipment of books so I can add crunch to the fluff, then I'll setup a roster here.  There will be four slots, and we will have to be able to have a chat before or during your character generation.

Preliminary estimated play day will be Friday night, possibly 6pm CST, alternate similar time for Saturday is negotiable.  Session to run for at least four hours.  Two absences without any prior notice makes you eligible for replacement, if someone wants to jump in.  This isn't to be mean or anything, I just want to keep the game moving.

More information when I have read the books.  Interested parties may contact me directly for more information until roster is opened.

Medium of play is yet undetermined, worst case scenario, the java program gametable.  I don't have a vent server, I don't have my own IRC dicebot.

Want me to roster up for you then?

Online Hookers / Re: Fourth Edition Games
« on: June 02, 2008, 10:02:40 AM »
Adding all of those interested parties to the roster for now, will update it with confirmations and such as they come in.

Online Hookers / Re: Fourth Edition Games
« on: June 02, 2008, 09:29:24 AM »
Want a roster to help keep track, Doom, or are you gonna organize it outside?

Online Hookers / Re: Fourth Edition Games
« on: June 01, 2008, 09:28:29 PM »
Awesome.  Much better.

But yeah, I was kind of meaning, don't automatically assume that your forum-time listing is correct when trying to determine that kind of thing.  Because it might not be.

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