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Messages - Dogstar

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High-Context Discourse / Re: Ultra Loot '13: Arcade Edition
« on: December 31, 2013, 01:12:06 AM »
Glad you liked it all. I went to the local flea market and found a stall inside that had cleaned out the last of a local comic book shop's stash. It was all like that, crazy late 90s comics and such, so I went through, picked out the best, and shipped out the rest in my packages. That Sandman graphic novel is awesome - I was loathe to send it, but in the spirit of Dirty Santa I decided more people should enjoy it.

High-Context Discourse / Re: Ultra Loot '13: Arcade Edition
« on: December 27, 2013, 10:54:00 PM »
Thanks again Dogstar! Woo!

I like how you have the shitty comic books I sent covered up by everything else. I would too.

High-Context Discourse / Re: ULTRA DIRTY SANTA '13
« on: December 27, 2013, 10:44:41 PM »
Yeah I haven't seen either of mine yet but I continue to have hope.

High-Context Discourse / Re: ULTRA DIRTY SANTA '13
« on: December 11, 2013, 12:28:08 PM »
Sent mine a couple days ago - brained out on mentioning it, though. Two very large boxes on their way across the country.

High-Context Discourse / Re: ULTRA DIRTY SANTA '13
« on: November 05, 2013, 09:19:59 PM »
I'm in for 3 and hopefully this year I'll have a nice surprise to add to the batch!

High-Context Discourse / Re: DIRTY SANTA '12: PARTYING ON
« on: January 27, 2013, 08:22:08 AM »
So I got some amazing stuff this year from Shinra, but I keep waiting on my gift from Roger to post pictures. Unfortunately it's almost February now and I've seen neither hide nor hair of anything from him. In a year where 'extras' got sent out to people it's a little frustrating to have this happen, especially seeing as how I stay broke all the damn time and still manage to send out 2 or 3 packages a year. But yeah, Shinra: he is awesome.  I'd love to know how he and TedBelmont liked the presents I sent to them.

Gaming Discussion / Dust 514
« on: January 27, 2013, 08:17:33 AM »
Dust 514 on the PS3 is in Open Beta, and I'm recruiting players - hook your mouse and keyboard into your computer and come shoot assholes with me. It's free, it's hooked into EVE Online, and it's awesome. It's a persistent FPS with skillpoint-based growth, the freedom to eventually get a character to be able to do anything and use everything, and an almost guaranteed expansion onto the PC at some point in the future - even if you just create a character, log in, and start earning passive SP, you're ahead of the game.

High-Context Discourse / Re: DIRTY SANTA '12: PARTYING ON
« on: December 23, 2012, 02:11:10 AM »
I've gotten one box from an Eric, but I'm still missing one, I think. Glad to hear both of mine arrived. Shinra, what'd you think?

High-Context Discourse / Re: DIRTY SANTA '12: PARTYING ON
« on: November 01, 2012, 05:02:12 AM »
Whoop! Hey, guess who just remembered to sign up for this shit? Important part of the mechanics, that.

LP Hell / Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« on: August 04, 2012, 12:31:28 AM »
I've been working on that, Classic. I went down there once. Just once. Ow.

LP Hell / Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« on: July 18, 2012, 10:40:45 AM »
I was going to say that if you were at 29 Satisfaction, might it have been worth blowing a fan to go to the Harem and get to 30?

Gaming Discussion / Re: LoL, HoN
« on: March 18, 2012, 01:54:23 PM »
Oh hey people here are still playing? sexy. Summoner name is Pratz Strike. I've been playing a lot with my friends in another IRC channel, so I'm getting back into the game.

Champs I own: Ahri, Alistar, Amumu, Annie, Ashe, Brand, Cho'Gath, Corki, Heimerdinger, Kayle, Lee Sin, Malzahar, Master Yi, Nocturne, Nunu, Pantheon, Poppy, Rammus, Ryze, Sivir, Sona, Soraka, Taric, Teemo, and Tristana.

Mid: I play Malzahar mid almost exclusively - he's my favorite champ, and according to most people I play with I have the best ability to bounce Malefic Visions (AIDS) from minion to minion to champ they've ever seen. It hurts to see a bad Malzahar.  I have however been known to play Ahri in mid, but I'm still learning her. Her escape/chase ult is a laugh riot, but she doesn't seem to have the killing power Malz does. I also picked up Brand recently, and he's weighed the other direction - so much damage, no sustain.

Solo Top: Generally depends on the situation. If I need AP, I can take Malz up here and run a 1v2 lane for at least 20-25 minutes with no jungling assistance whatsoever. If I really feel like I want an escape, I can take Ahri. If my team wants ranged AD, I'll usually run Corki up here - he's so underutilized lately that nobody really knows how to handle him. Teemo used to be my favorite champ overall, but he's been beat with the nerf bat one too many times.

Jungle: Lee Sin if we have a tank, Rammus if we don't. Rammus is the faster of the two, and being able to play King Rammus is always a treat. Lee Sin is still king of the jungle though - he ganks like a superhero. (And shocks the shit out of Volibear/Singed when he gets launched!)

Bot Support: I don't actually play Sona like I used to, I've got a friend who's been learning her. When I do get to play support, though, I tend to play Taric instead. His heal is much, much slower than hers, but he can stun almost at will and does a hysterical amount of burst DPS with E/R/W/E in pattern.

Bot AD Carry: Not a role I usually end up in. I have done Poppy, Lee Sin, and Sivir here a few times, but for the most part it's not something I do.

I've been recording my games lately with League Replay ( ) - feel free to take a look at them here. (Not all of them recorded properly from my perspective, though, but most did. Any of them that didn't recorded properly from one of my friend's views.)

I got yours, Zach - I'm just missing the last one, and Demosprite's gonna post the list on the 31st, so I'm not too worried just yet.

Yeah, I'm still waiting on a box of my own. I will be distraught if it turns out I got boned again this year.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Orcs Must Die: I'm so Clever... and Handsome!
« on: December 21, 2011, 04:37:11 PM »
I beat your top score on one of the early levels Doom. Ha ha.

My stuff FINALLY went out this afternoon. Also, I have recieved a package from Seattle, Washington. I am eager to tear it open.

Gaming Discussion / Re: UGO Buys 1UP, EGM Dead [Updated]
« on: December 01, 2011, 11:57:02 AM »
Sad? About GamePro? Man, you are talking about one of the great fucking wastes of gaming, up there with Akklaim and Dawn the MMO and online DRM. The resources freed up from not having to print that rag anymore can be used for something more useful, like persionally monogrammed tissue paper or old-school giant sized perforated printer paper.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Bastion
« on: November 20, 2011, 02:43:30 PM »
DAT ENDING. DAT MUSIC. Also, yes, I'm a year behind, but fuck it. Also also, I ran around with the machete and the musket for the most part - permanent poison damage and double-firing shotgun? Yes sir, thank you. That being said, the last ranged weapon you get is roflcopters overpowered, especially at max speed and homing.


I'm going in for 3 boxes this year.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Bad Company 2
« on: December 24, 2010, 01:12:49 AM »
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Online Multiplayer Part 1
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Online Multiplayer Part 2
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Online Multiplayer Part 3
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Online Multiplayer Part 4

So I finally got around to making a video for Bad Company 2. I'll probably make a Vietnam one in a day or three once Christmas has gone past. Low scoring round all told, but lots of fun - tank vs. helicopter fights are awesome.

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