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Author Topic: Game Theory  (Read 3452 times)

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Re: Game Theory
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2008, 06:53:13 AM »

Kazz brought up Knizia, who made Tigris and Euphrates which I rather enjoyed.  You have multiple score categories (four color types), and the person with the most points in their weakest color wins.  So you have to balance things out rather than get a niche and press it to the fullest.
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Re: Game Theory
« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2008, 02:43:35 AM »

The FRENCH invented RISK?


All real sailors play Risk (or that other one about WWII), by the by.


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Re: Game Theory
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2008, 11:14:51 PM »

So I started fiddling around on this website and it's a goldmine for game theory nuts (I'm Wall-E):
I originally called this one Blorange and there were only two colors. I improved it with the second iteration:
This one was popular, and it inspired...
...a game destined to die because I wasn't in charge of it. Oh well.

My next project was:
Inspired by my buddy Alex McDougal.
At this point I have a small reputation as a games-crafter.
Again, people pick it up and I move on...

I decide to take a trip down complex road:
A classic with a newschool twist.
And something I just made up one night.

I'm going to update this list occasionally for personal use. If you see anything on here you'd like to try out, they're all public domain, so feel free, especially considering I steal games myself. :)


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Re: Game Theory
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2008, 05:29:54 AM »

One of my favorite designs, which never got played here, was the Departed.  I wonder if you can get it started over there.  If so, just give me credit.  I may arrive to play.

Were Departed

There is one vote, and it is to lynch.

There are three teams: the Cops, the Irish Mob, and the Innocents.

The Cops win if the Irish Mob is eliminated.

The Irish Mob wins if the Cops are eliminated.

Each Innocent may choose his own win condition at any point in the game: he may choose to win if the Cops win, or if the Irish Mob wins.  Once he has chosen, the Innocent may not change his win condition.  If the game ends on the day that the Innocent made his choice (ie, if he waited until the last moment to choose), he loses.


There are five territories in Boston.  During the night, the Cops and the Mafia can claim a territory.  If they choose the same territory, the territory becomes "Contested" for the turn and neither side can use the ability.  Otherwise, that territory falls under their control during the night, and they gain the power that comes with that territory for that day.

All territories except for Southie and Downtown start "Unclaimed."

Southie - The Irish center of Boston and the Mob's stronghold.  Begins as the Irish Mob's.  Can't be claimed by the Cops unless the Cops control three Turfs.  The controlling group may Seer one person a night.

North End - A predominantly Italian neighborhood.  The controlling group may secretly protect one person from night kills.

Kenmore - Home of Fenway Park.  At night, the controlling group's kills go first, after lynching.  This is significant because it may interrupt the target's ability (such as the Captain/Mob Boss or Vigilante).  Furthermore, near endgame, if there is one Cop and one Mobster left, and they each choose to kill the other, the group controlling Kenmore will win.  If nobody controls Kenmore, kills are considered simultaneous (so, in the hypothetical shootout, both teams lose).

Back Bay - An extremely wealthy neighborhood.  The controlling group may secretly protect one person from lynching (a successful lynch vote against that person will fail to kill him).

Downtown - Home of the Government Center and financial district.  Begins as the Cops'.  Can't be claimed by the Irish Mob unless the Irish Mob controls three Turfs.  The controlling group may Seer one person a night.

Cop Roles

Captain - This person may claim one extra territory in Boston for the Cops.  Can also claim with his group, doubling the power of a claim (a claim made by a single Irish Mob entity will be overridden).  Counts as a Cop.

Cop - The Cops arrest (effectively kill) one person at night.

Rat - This player publicly appears to be in the Irish Mob.  If Seen by the Mob (ie. via Southie ability), appears to be a normal Mobster.  This person is actually in the Irish Mob, but has one contact (chosen randomly) within the Cops. Wins if the Cops win.  Doesn't count as a Cop for victory conditions.  (Because of the existence of the Leak, it is highly inadvisable for the Rat's contact to reveal the Rat's identity to the Cops.)

Irish Mob Roles

Mob Boss - This person may claim one extra territory in Boston for the Mob.  Can also claim with his group, doubling the power of a claim (a claim made by a single Cop entity will be overridden).  Counts as a Mobster.

Mobster - The Mob kills one person at night.

Leak - This player publicly appears to be on the Cop team.  If Seen by the Cops (ie. via Downtown ability), appears to be a normal Cop.  This person is actually in the Cops, but has one contact (chosen randomly) within the Irish Mob.  Wins if the Irish Mob wins.  Doesn't count as a Mobster for victory conditions.  (Because of the existence of the Rat, it is highly inadvisable for the Leak's contact to reveal the Leak's identity to the Mob.)

Innocent Roles

Vigilante - The Vigilante can kill one person a night, but only after he has chosen his personal victory condition.

Seer - This Seer is the only person capable of identifying a Leak or a Rat.


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Re: Game Theory
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2008, 12:52:54 AM »

I can do this: I'm officially no longer a newbie in ten days, meaning I can sign up to run one. The waiting list is currently six months to eight months. I'll let you know when the game's close to starting.

A typical game takes three to four weeks per day phase, fyi. These aren't the quick games played on wfe... they're slow and deliberate and painful, just how I likes 'em.


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Re: Game Theory
« Reply #25 on: October 24, 2008, 09:29:33 PM »

For personal use, and the curious/interested:

And something equally mathy:

Quote from: A method of generating mathematically balanced Mafia setups
12 players. Night start. No unusual mechanics. (But setup can be adapted to changes in any of this.) Roles are selected as follows:

First, generate 7 letters from the following distribution:

50% T
15% C
10% D
10% V
10% M
5% B

Then turn the letters into roles using the following tables. Probabilities are for 0 letters, 1 letter, etc.

C = sane cop + 3 millers (millerhood is distributed randomly among non-cop, non-scum, non-child)
CC = sane cop
CCC = sane cop + insane cop
CCCC = sane cop + sane cop
CCCCC = sane cop + sane cop + insane cop
CCCCCC = sane cop + sane cop + sane cop

(32%, 40%, 21%, 6%, 1%, .1%, .007%)

D = doc
DD = doc + backup doc
DDD = doc + doc
DDDD = doc + doc + backup doc
DDDDD = doc + doc + doc

(48%, 37%, 12%, 2%, .3%, .02%)

V = vig
VV = vig + one-shot vig
VVV = vig + vig
VVVV = vig + vig + one-shot vig
VVVVV = vig + vig + vig

(48%, 37%, 12%, 2%, .3%, .02%)

M = innocent child
MM = 2 masons
MMM = 2 masons + innocent child
MMMM = 3 masons
MMMMM = 2 masons + 2 masons

(48%, 37%, 12%, 2%, .3%, .02%)

B = blocker
BB = blocker + backup blocker
BBB = blocker + blocker
BBBB = blocker + blocker + backup blocker

(70%, 26%, 4%, .4%, .02%)

TTTTTTT = mafia goon + mafia godfather
TTTTTT = mafia goon + mafia godfather + serial killer (DI, BI)
TTTTT = mafia goon + mafia goon + mafia godfather
TTTT = mafia goon + mafia goon + mafia godfather + serial killer (DI, BI, KI)
TTT = mafia goon + mafia blocker + mafia godfather
TT = mafia goon + mafia blocker + mafia godfather + serial killer (DI, BI, CI, KI)
T = mafia spy + mafia blocker + mafia godfather
0 = mafia spy + mafia blocker + mafia godfather + serial killer (DI, BI, CI, KI, SI, RB)

(.8%, 5%, 16%, 27%, 27%, 16%, 5%, .8%; exactly 50% of all games have a serial killer)

Mafia GF appears to cops as a townie. Mafia Spy learns one targeted player's role type each night (T/C/D/V/M/B). (The SK can tell the mod how he wants to appear to the Spy; if the Spy investigates the SK, the SK is notified.)

DI = each kill bypasses single doc protect (but not more)
BI = bypasses single roleblock attempt each night (but not more)
KI = survives one kill attempt each night (but not more)
CI = appears to cops as a townie
SI = appears to mafia spy as desired
RB = has a roleblock ability usable once

No role can target itself.

All kills are indistinguishable.

The mafia and SK know their own abilities. Mafia and SK abilities, cop sanity, and millerhood are not revealed on death.

Last team standing wins. If everyone dies, SK wins or mafia and town draw.



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Re: Game Theory
« Reply #26 on: October 25, 2008, 09:25:40 AM »

what's a blocker

in fact what does each role do


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Re: Game Theory
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2008, 07:12:47 AM »

Grim Fandango Design Bible now up for grabs.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." - Bertrand Russell

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Re: Game Theory
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2008, 07:32:24 AM »

That's awesome.  I loved that game.

"It's an oily rag I made all by myself."
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