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Author Topic: Dust 514  (Read 403 times)

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Dust 514
« on: January 27, 2013, 08:17:33 AM »

Dust 514 on the PS3 is in Open Beta, and I'm recruiting players - hook your mouse and keyboard into your computer and come shoot assholes with me. It's free, it's hooked into EVE Online, and it's awesome. It's a persistent FPS with skillpoint-based growth, the freedom to eventually get a character to be able to do anything and use everything, and an almost guaranteed expansion onto the PC at some point in the future - even if you just create a character, log in, and start earning passive SP, you're ahead of the game.


  • the black cat of ILL OMEN
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Re: Dust 514
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2013, 10:59:32 AM »

And it's connected to the EVE universe, so when you quietly steal from me while I'm away, it'll be considered perfectly acceptable in-game.