Command: Attempt to awake the fellow soldier.A thunderous crash erupts from behind Sammy. He feels the warm air rush past, as he swiftly peers back toward the ratty kitchen. The tattered roofing of Bar Nun has begun incinerating, with the center mass between the kitchen and bar collapsing first.
A burning pile of rubble larger than Sammy has crumbled down between himself and his solitary proof of innocence. Mind racing, the young man stumbles into frantic action.
“Bros before prose.” reasons Sammy, purposely ignoring the inexplicable parchment. Striding forward, he eagerly studies the subdued soldier, knocked out and motionless.
Sister Mister performed quite a number on the man’s slender neckline, leaving the throat darkly bruised. The soldier’s lanky frame isn’t so much heavy as it is tall, confirming to Sammy that any attempt to drag the limp body outside is entirely out of the question for a self-avowed pipsqueak such as himself.
Glistening in the firelight, a trickle of blood sluggishly runs down from the soldier’s hairline. He’s been Bonk’d! upside the cranium, Sammy hastily concludes. Without further hesitation, Sammy performs the only rescue method that pops into his head.
He Bonks! the soldier.
Noth-Wait!… Nope, still no response.
Dropping the dinged bat, Sammy races to the bar’s counter top. Grasping the bloodied whiskey bottle, the parchment underneath scorches into an illegible crisp. Tripping back over to the soldier’s faltered body, Sammy mistakenly prepares himself by breathing in deeply, only to cough aloud from the resulting smoke inhalation.
As the bottle’s cap awkwardly twists off, the stinging liquor flows down onto the soldier’s helpless face.
“Aaauuuggghhh!” roughly cries out the awakened commie, bolting upright, and wiping away fresh tears. Sputtering, the soldier defensively bounces to his feet. Judging by the throat abrasions, Sammy detects that the soldier cannot speak, at least momentarily.
The flammable commie eyes the fallen dinged bat, as the roofing above groans stridently.
Commands: 1. Escape through front entrance.
2. Speedily explain the situation.
3. Dive for the dinged bat.
4. Bonk! soldier with whiskey bottle.