Descent: Journeys in the Dark (also really good)
I do not understand Descent. I have it. I've played some people through a few of the early adventures.
I'm not sure how the dungeon guy is supposed to win.
I made a few mistakes setting up the first game where I wondered the same thing. Turns out it's pretty balanced though. First, the point income you get is for all the players in the game, including yourself. Not just the heroes. The same goes for the monster ratings. If there are 3 heroes, the monsters should be rated 4.
Also, there's another expansion that is the real reason I got the game; instead of it being a series of one off dungeons it turns into an enormous campaign. Characters can level, seek out gurus for new skills as they wander the countryside to foil the plots of the overlord as they pop up, while the Overlord plays against the heroes in each series of dungeons, but also makes plays and can push into towns that the heroes aren't currently at as well and the monsters also escalate in strength.
I like it because where most dungeon crawling games encourage you to be careful, the entire point of Descent is to hurry the fuck up before the overlord gets TOO powerful. If you take too long, the monsters that were already supposed to be in the next room will be more powerful, there will be more of them, and the door to the room will explode when you open it. And even so, a smart overlord can punish people for being too overzealous.