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Author Topic: Red Dead Redemption  (Read 2670 times)

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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2010, 03:32:02 AM »

[spoiler]This game has a shitty fucking ending.[/spoiler] ::(:

[spoiler]Don't get me wrong; the game ended exactly as you'd think a western would, but not the way I would have liked it to. Your choices - how much of an outlaw or a good guy you are - have no effect whatosever on the ultimate ending of the game. I get that Rockstar isn't about the whole multiple endings thing, but considering how much morality enters into the interactions you make in the game, not having them affect the things around you was a mistake. I can't help but feel I would have enjoyed this game even more - and I enjoyed it a lot - if it had been put together by a staff used to dealing with morality in a game, like bioware.[/spoiler]


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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2010, 12:55:19 PM »

Picked it up at 3 AM last night. I'm really enjoying it; I particularly liked unlocking the Twins Gang outfit: explore Thieves Landing, win at horseshoes, protect the ranch from a gang attack, capture a gang bounty alive, buy a scrap from the Thieves Landing store—pretty sure there's one other requirement, but I can't remember what it is.

Only downsides so far: just had the game crash to dashboard, which isn't something I've ever seen a game do before, and it's often kind of tough to figure out who's good and who's bad in those little situations you stumble on. I've accidentally earned a bounty during a stagecoach hold-up, a murderer shooting people outside the saloon in Thieves Landing, and when I was trying to stop a hanging along the road between the ranch and Armadillo. I think it may partly be that my TV's kind of terrible. Which reminds me! Developers: please include a screen adjustment option in your games! It makes me sad that text along the top and bottom of the screen is cut off.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2010, 01:31:17 PM »

I have problems saving people. Comical problems. When a woman is being chased by wolves/coyotes, I'll pull out my gun and go into deadeye, only to accidentally spin my crosshairs over her. Or I'll fail to jump off my horse and save them in time. Or when someone is being lynched, I'll spend too much time killing the bad guys and not enough time shooting the rope.

Or, a large percentage of the time, I'll just ride by a person asking for help because the popup of "HELP THIS PERSON" doesn't pop up until it's too late.



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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2010, 03:15:18 PM »

You eventually reach the point in the course of the story where deadeye targets are only flagged when you select them. At first this feels like it's less powerful, but once you get good with it it's incredibly useful for precision shooting. I like getting chased and shooting all of my pursuer's horses. Watching them feebly run after me until I'm out of sight is hilarious.

Newbie: The crashes are pretty common for a commercial product. I had four or five crashes during the course of my playthrough and the game had two severe slowdowns that I thought would be crashes. I also had some fps lag at a couple of points. It's still very playable, but you can really tell in more areas than this that Rockstar was rushing the release.


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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2010, 11:58:25 PM »

To those of you who have finished the game or will soon:

After the 'last mission', there's a stranger mission that pops in blackwater. Complete that mission to get the real ending.



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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #25 on: May 22, 2010, 01:03:39 AM »

Great glitches today.

During a shoot-out around a plot-critical hanging in Tombstone, my former roommate Emit bumped into a boulder the wrong way and rocketed 500 feet into the air. I think he was falling kind of slowly, but it's hard to say; he got shot to death before he landed.

We discovered that even if your bounty gets killed when trying to get him back to the marshall, sometimes you'll still get the "live bounty" reward and count increase.

Then, there was this little problem:

Somehow, he fucked up the positioning for almost every horse-drawn vehicle in the game: the horses' hooves stick into the ground, the carriage rumbles like it's in an earthquake (and sounds a lot like a train from a short distance away), and the vehicle itself can be pushed around pretty easily by walking into it. Unfortunately, afflicted vehicles cannot be driven by the player; if you'd load into one that's already moving on a set course (riding in a stagecoach, story trip where West or somebody drives you, etc.), it'll act normal for the trip, but it'll be back to acting up as soon as you're not riding. What's worse is that this behavior is now permanent in his world; he'll have to start a new game to be rid of it.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #26 on: May 22, 2010, 01:40:22 AM »

My friend's dad worked for the railroad much of his career, and if the stories he tells are to be believed, yeah, you fucking explode. The sheer kinetic energy of a train at anything resembling full steam being transmitted into the body just rips a person apart.

Worst he every told us about, as sort of a "no seriously, look both ways when crossing the tracks and pay attention to the warning, even if you can't see the trains" had to do with an SUV full of high school girls. They ignored the warning because they couldn't see the trains. Half way across they get hit by two trains going in opposite directions, and sort of get bounced and sandwiched between the two. Little that was left resembled an SUV, and nothing that was left resembled a high school girl.


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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2010, 04:05:03 AM »

The most shocking thing about a train moving at full speed is how fucking quiet it is. And at night, how practically fucking invisible.

Modern trains are designed to move pretty silently. The engine does not make a lot of noise and the thing coming down the tracks isn't as loud as you'd think either. If they forget to blow that whistle, there's a good chance you'll get pasted by the thing before you even fucking know it's there. Speaking from experience, as this very thing nearly happened to me two weeks ago.

I was on a delivery run on the other side of town, in a shitty little trailer park, pulled out the drive and turned the wrong way. Stopped myself, went to turn around, and just as I whipped the car around a train barreled past at full speed without blowing the whistle. All I can think is how dead I would have been if I'd actually went the right way when I pulled out of the goddamn trailer park!

I've also almost rammed into a moving train in the middle of the night because I didn't see the goddamn cars.


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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #28 on: May 25, 2010, 01:54:50 PM »



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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #29 on: May 26, 2010, 10:17:38 AM »

Alright, so I figure the MMO EXP instinct is taking over when I ask this, but has anyone found a good place to grind out EXP in free roam? As far as I can tell, the best possible place is doing solo fort mercer repeatedly. I don't have any hard numbers, but I think it's somewhere around 2500 for 3-4 minutes of work solo.


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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #30 on: May 26, 2010, 12:08:33 PM »

I'm fond of going to Escalero and going to the eastern tower (next to the big building where you did all those jobs with De Santa) and shooting at officers as they run up to try to apprehend you. If other players show up in the area, you can drop back down to the first floor, where there's plenty of cover and they don't have any way of sneaking behind or ambushing you. The XP growth may be slower than repeatedly doing gang hideouts—but then, gang hideouts appear to give diminishing returns as you go up in level, and other people can show up to ride on your coattails, further reducing your XP gain.

I'm assuming the scores I've been seeing for the "top players" in the Social Club is the product of cheating devices.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2010, 03:29:27 PM »

The Free DLC out later this month sounds pretty fucking incredible.

The bandit hideouts are fun, but there really aren't enough of them and they aren't varied enough. This seems to correct part of that, at least. I would like to see something to do with the train in the multiplayer free roam as well, but maybe that's just dreaming. (Train robbing outlaw mission. Yesss)


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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #32 on: June 17, 2010, 09:22:21 PM »

Just beat the game, and all I have to add on to what Shinra said earlier about it is this:

Talk to the agent in Blackwater to get the proper ending.


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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #33 on: September 23, 2010, 12:40:57 PM »

Liars & Cheats DLC is out, and while it's good, the frustrating thing is this is how Free Roam should have been in the first place, Rockstar.

-Multiplayer Poker and Liars Dice
-More gang hideouts
-All the main characters from the single player as selectable character models

I tried to talk my friends into getting this DLC, but it turns out they all traded their Red Dead Redemptions in to Gamestop.



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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #34 on: October 26, 2010, 09:07:42 AM »

Played a bit of Undead Nightmare: Wow. The dialogue quality is all there, the characters are all there. John's still John. I'll let you guys know if it's worth a buy as far as length of the DLC goes.


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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #35 on: October 26, 2010, 08:49:31 PM »

Every part of this is incredible. It's a lot of content - I've been playing nearly all day and I haven't beat it yet. I think I may be 50% or 75% through it? This is the most worthwhile DLC I have ever played.


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Re: Red Dead Redemption
« Reply #36 on: October 11, 2011, 04:28:29 PM »

Just got a hold of this game! Friend of mine was going to sell it but is letting me borrow it before hand since I've been in a bit of a Western mood.
I was all excited to play it and finally give my PS3 something to do other than play UHF every week but...

My L2 button apparently doesn't work. At all. I've tried a few other games and nope.
I have no idea when or how this happened. But I guess you can't go through the game without shooting someone soooo...
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