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Where would you rather build a society?

Under the sea sounds safe and easy! Like Rapture!
- 8 (38.1%)
Under the ground gives us room to grow!  Like a Dwarf Fortress!
- 13 (61.9%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Author Topic: New Society: Under the Sea or Under the Earth?  (Read 933 times)

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New Society: Under the Sea or Under the Earth?
« on: June 21, 2010, 07:09:57 PM »

So society has gone down the shitter.  Obamacare has bankrupted America, causing Capitalism to wither and die and freedom-less socialism to creep over the landscape, consuming all in a horrible maelstrom of oppression and Nazism.  Your fellow, freedom-loving Americans are force fed into giant incinerators and the resultant fatty pulp processed into the widely available Obamaburger for everyone else.  Things are grim.  Hella grim.  There's just no place for one who loves liberty in this world.

And then as if to bring hope in these dark times, a secretive cabal made up of prominent businessmen approach you and announce that they have plans to secede a portion of the United States and create a conservative libertarian paradise, where man will be free and untaxed and not have to worry about welfare when they're older or having health care provided by the government - who use advanced machines to calculate your worth in society.  Their influence and vast wealth has allowed them to secure a parcel of land from the government, as long as they promise not to lead any anti-government freedom fighters against the state.  But they're given a choice between two different spots of land, and they've turned to you for guidance.

One piece is about 5 miles off the eastern seaboard in the Atlantic ocean.  There you would build an underwater paradise, where you would be free to live life as you see fit.  These titanic men of industry have developed technologies that allow you to farm land, breath freely, desalinize the ocean water and light up a cigarette or compressor without fear of producing a life engulfing fireball.  It'd be a pretty sweet proposition, and it totally wouldn't end up like in some games I could mention.

The other option is a parcel of land beneath the surface in Utah.  Massive drills are at the ready to begin digging through the surface and establishing a network of tunnels for which to begin building a a super-society.  Many of the technologies that would power the underwater city could also be beneficial here.  They can simulate daylight in a way that your body would feel good about, even if it doesn't quite capture the warmth and beauty of a real sunny day.  But the government would allow you to dig as deep as possible, and rock is easier to expand into than water, even if you don't get the stunning vistas or easy access to shipping lines.

The one catch, the businessmen explain, is that once you've begun your society you can never return.  Inside your underwater fortress or your underground society is where you'll live out the rest of your life, the only place your children will ever know, and the only land for their grandchildren and so forth.  You'll be responsible for a new world that must accommodate this new world order.

So, where do you want to live the rest of your life?


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Re: New Society: Under the Sea or Under the Earth?
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2010, 07:19:44 PM »

Digging allows for a self-supporting structure, won't necessarily choke future generations to death as long as they can keep producing enough molepig steaks, and allows for the possibility of reneging the deal some day and rising up unexpectedly to rape/eat the surface dwellers.

Water will pretty much just crush everybody under several thousand foot-pounds of pressure the moment some drunken narwhal crashes into it.

Bongo Bill

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Re: New Society: Under the Sea or Under the Earth?
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2010, 07:50:18 PM »

Continent-sized nanoballoons floating on the surface of Saturn.
...but is it art?


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Re: New Society: Under the Sea or Under the Earth?
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2010, 08:04:08 PM »

Sealab 2021 Opening

Plus. mole-people and lava monsters. I'll take my chances with the kelp salad.

Bongo Bill

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Re: New Society: Under the Sea or Under the Earth?
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2010, 08:07:29 PM »

Lava monsters live underground, but magmen live under the sea.
...but is it art?


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Re: New Society: Under the Sea or Under the Earth?
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2010, 08:10:12 PM »

The sea.

1. It can be harnessed for power.
2. There's lots of water you can turn drinkable.
3. The sea provides an endless bounty of food. A sea based diet is rich in important nutrients!  :mystery:
4. You could set up colonies near hydrothermal vents, thus providing heat AND energy.
5. Water's easier to move through.


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Re: New Society: Under the Sea or Under the Earth?
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2010, 06:10:58 PM » am I the first person to say "There'll be no accusations, just friendly crustaceans"?


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Re: New Society: Under the Sea or Under the Earth?
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2010, 06:14:36 PM »

Probably because you have Mongrel on ignore.


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Re: New Society: Under the Sea or Under the Earth?
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2010, 06:30:15 PM »

The sea.

1. It can be harnessed for power.
2. There's lots of water you can turn drinkable.
3. The sea provides an endless bounty of food. A sea based diet is rich in important nutrients!  :mystery:
4. You could set up colonies near hydrothermal vents, thus providing heat AND energy.
5. Water's easier to move through.

I feel like underground has advantages and disadvantages, and underwater has advantages and disadvantages.  However, underground plus ocean access, through canals and aqueducts, is a best of both worlds.

1. So can the heat of the earth's core.  Probably easier, too.
2. Pipes.
3. Pipes and fishing submarines powered by geothermal batteries.
4. Geothermal.
5. But a lot harder to build in.
Do you understand how terrifying the words “vibrating strap on” are for an asexual? That’s like saying “the holocaust” to a Jew.