I replayed these a little while ago!
ACE ATTORNEY: It's the high watermark for music, and Rise From The Ashes is
better than any two cases from the rest of the franchise, combined¹. It also establishes the formula and therefore gets to use that formula without coming across as formulaic (as the sequels sometimes do), but that's kind of undermined by the fact that it's establishing the groundwork later games will build upon. (Psyche Locks
do improve the sequels.)
FINAL SCORE: Second place!
JUSTICE FOR ALL: I'm going to pay this game a challenging compliment: I don't like the music, and I love the game for that. Franziska's a good character, but I don't like her very much, particularly here. The franchise is all about Phoenix and Miles, and Franzy's really a third wheel; Edgeworth's out of the picture most of the time, and the music reflects that appropriately. (
Cornered actually plays when Phoenix is reminiscing about going up against Edgeworth.) It's almost like Capcom knew they were making a middle chapter, and decided to just embrace the middle chapter-ness. Farewell, My Turnabout is fucking gripping, and Reunion, And Turnabout is what enables the third game to be so excellent. I don't have a problem disregarding the translation errors.
FINAL SCORE: Not last place!
TRIALS & TRIBULATIONS: Story complexity reaches the high watermark, and music's just as good as the first game (or rather, a point behind because the first game has the strength of nostalgia behind it now). Godot is the best character to take on the mantle of prosecutor, although as a villain Gant
almost has him beat. The rest of the characters are kind of a mixed bag: they're as gimmicky as they ever get, but nobody's just out-and-out unbearable in the way of, say, Wendy Oldbag. Except for Oldbag herself, naturally. This is the point in the franchise where I first really noticed myself disappointed with the dialogue writing, though, particularly during The Stolen Turnabout and Recipe For Turnabout. Man, Recipe For Turnabout might be my least-favorite case, but I can't give it a bad score, because it's at least interesting, even if I don't like it. Bridge To The Turnabout redeems all, though: as a case, it isn't as adversarially as challenging as Rise From The Ashes, but the way so many of the franchise's conventions and history come together to make a single powerful story push this to the brink. Trials & Tribulations really wins on the strength of not having a single stinker among the five cases.
FINAL SCORE: First place!
APOLLO JUSTICE: I respect a franchise that's not afraid to retire a protagonist at the top of his game rather than let him coast into irrelevancy on the back of inferior sequels. I'm sad that so many things disappointed me about this game; I really wanted to like it. Apollo's truth-finding trick was an interesting idea that was frustrating in practice, and the way the game strong-armed you into using it at the only times it could possibly work felt like a missed opportunity. This was the low watermark for fieldwork, too, with particularly undirected exploration and poor use of hotspots when searching for evidence. Trucy's marionette and Klavier go a long way toward soothing these frustrations, but Trucy herself just made me kind of uncomfortable, and the game's undone in the 11th hour by a fucking illogical villain. Still, a lot of solid characters, and it makes me sorry to have to do this.
FINAL SCORE: ...last place....
MILES EDGEWORTH INVESTIGATES: Again, another interesting take on the formula. Suffers from the lack of any court-time or Phoenix whatsoever (silent cameos don't count). Haven't played this one twice, yet, and it's too fresh to see what holds up over time. Didn't particularly feel one way or the other about the game.
FINAL SCORE: Not last place!
Pluses awarded to the case that I personally liked the most. Minuses are a penalty for having that woman present.
¹ The combination of Reunion, And Turnabout with Bridge To The Turnabout being the one exception to this rule.