This is a werewolf game for an odd number of players plus Guild. If Guild cannot be found, I will require a volunteer to replace him.
Guild most post during the daytime, but cannot vote, and he does not count towards anything. Guild may be voted for just as if he were a normal player. Lynching Guild ends the game.
Dead players' roles will not be revealed publicly; instead, Guild will be informed, and at the start and end of the day he must make an unambiguous posting of the nature of the previous phase's dead. He is permitted to lie.
There are two possible game configurations. I will decide one randomly and inform Guild of my decision; all other players will be ignorant of this choice.
In the Good Guild configuration, there are a number of werewolves equal to two less than the amount needed for a majority. At night, Guild may target one person; if his target is a werewolf, the target will die and the wolves' night kill will be prevented; if the target is innocent, nothing will happen to the target and the wolves will kill as normal. The werewolves cannot target Guild. Killing Guild results in victory for the werewolves and loss for all other players including Guild. The death of all werewolves results in victory for all other players including Guild.
In the Evil Guild configuration, there are no werewolves. A number of players equal to two less than the amount needed for a majority will be secretly designated as "targets," and the list of targets will be given to Guild at the start of the game. At night, Guild may target one person, and the target will die. Guild cannot target himself. Killing Guild results in victory for all players except Guild. The death of all targets results in victory for Guild and loss for all other players.
Living players are forbidden from changing their usernames during the course of the game, and dead players are discouraged from the same.