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Author Topic: Spider-man Shattered Dimensions  (Read 509 times)

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Spider-man Shattered Dimensions
« on: September 07, 2010, 08:01:07 AM »

Just after an hour of gameplay I can easily say this: Fun game, good writing, liking a lot of it but...
I love Spider-man 2099. But his game version? He does sound like a young Stan Lee. And boy is he hammy. Hammier than Stan, even. It's not just the way he talks. He even moves more exagerated. It's a far cry for the comics, which is too bad. I guess they didn't want all this overlap though. Noir and 2099 has a lot of similar themes, I think. Darker, less chatty spideys being one of them.



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Re: Spider-man Shattered Dimensions
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2010, 10:17:04 PM »

Ok. Played it most of the night. It's really good they let you switch styles for each level. Because none of them feel 'full' enough to be it's own game.
They are all pretty fun except there are some small control issues. I think. It's hard to tell if the some spideys are supposed to have delays between jumping and webbing or it's just messing up. Either way it's not consistent.
Games a lot more linear than what I was led to believe. It's fun and nice to have a clear goal but each when you have to clear each room of bad guys before moving on to the next for an hour it gets dull. I mean, the mini boss fights and variety spice it up a bit, but I without the switching of spider-men, it'd be terrible.

Biggest complaint? Spider-man 2099. I love 2099. But the voice? And the writing?
It sounds like Stan Lee presents: Stan Lee. Everything is so hammy and cornbally. And I'm not sure what they are doing with Miguel. In the comics he was more broody and angsty. In this notsomuch. Oh well. At least it looks great. I'll just mute it when it goes to 2099.