Pssh, best way to get anywhere in Frontier was through triangle hyper jumps. The dead zone beyond your drive's current hyperjump range was relative to said range, and beyond it was another ring of viable hyperjump ranges. This continues outward indefinitely. The best part was that you would only consume as much hydrogen and time as was required to reach the point you selected in a particular jump ring from it's starting point, rather than relative to your ship. So, you just draw a line from your ship to your destination,and then a nother perpendicular to that line's center to the nearest leading edge of a jump ring. Sure it takes two jumps instead of one, but it will cost you minimal fuel and time if you do it right. Certainly far less than it would have doing things correctly.
Hard to say if it was a bug or an undocumented feature, or perhaps a debugging tool that was never removed.