I rented Darksiders while I was getting my PC working again, and while I was initially wary of taking it over Bayonetta, I don't regret it in the least now. It is pretty much a Zelda game with God of War's combat and upgrade system, minus QTEs. You get keys to open doors in dungeons, a new life bar every boss you kill or every four life bar pieces you get, and one big treasure per dungeon in a uniquely modeled chest (Of which includes a boomerang, titan's glove, and hookshot). While it's hilarious to the degree that Darksiders will ape any idea it thinks is neat (One of the other treasures I got is a gun called a "Voidwalker," which allows passage between two portals. uncharged portals are orange, charged ones are blue), it's still pretty much the best Zelda game I've played recently.
Haven't finished it yet, but I have only a couple of complaints thus far (wish Block was on a different button, the curse breaking platforms feel like an excuse to add more playtime to a title). Anyone else try it out?