And his reign continues!
This update a special thanks goes out to the boys to the north. Specifically Geo. Actually only Geo and no one else. He randomly mentioned a band I liked on TF2 one night and mentioned a song I didn't recognize from an album I didn't recognize. Magical internet told me I didn't have it because only the filthy Canadians got the release.
A few months later and I'm finally updating my collection, and grab the album. That being
Grow Up and Blow Away by Metric. It's so good. It's so many goods. I've been listening to it no-stop for about two weeks now and even though parts of me that have every part of every beat down to an unconscious muscle flinch I can't get myself to turn the playlist off.
The song that caused the whole conversation in the first place persists as one of the best off the album. The entire album feels like a departure from everything I know about the band. Like finding out about Dragonball after growing up on DBZ, songs like
Raw Sugar reintroduce an old love whose novelty had worn off. a second song to represent the album gets trickier. You can safely download the album completely missing
Soft Rock Star with nothing of value lost, but every other song is not only worth listening to but worth a blanket recommendation from someone who takes care before recommending a new band to a person. Each song has a slightly different feel but I there's an overwhelming feeling drawing back to a sound I haven't heard since the nineties. And yes, there is a specific kind of sound that doesn't have any better classification. A ping of oddly misplaced chipper in the voice of the most dreary of songs that give them feeling.
Though it could stand to lose a minute or so off the end,
Hardwire is a perfect example. The light rap of the highhat and low, hollow piano build to the perfection of an acoustic guitar breakdown while you finally hear the higher flutter off the piano and well... you should listen to it. (video has a lot of dead air but is the only one of good quality)
Even if neither of those songs made it for you, give the album a listen on your next chance. I can't imagine a musical taste exists that couldn't find something worth listening to on it.