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Author Topic: No bald kids or blue cat-people -- Let's Play Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar!  (Read 10235 times)

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This is new.

The Ankh has little pokey bits sticking out?

Fun fact: It is entirely possible to get to this point without the keys necessary to proceed.

the knowledge of the Universe.

What is this world?

What is life?

What is our future?

And, at last, the answer...

The Eight Virtues lend the path their light. Their Principles are Three.

The One Pure Maxim, known but lost, is named...


All rise before the Avatar, proven master of the Codex! Greet now the one who has led us from ignorance into truth, from hatred into love, from fear into courage.

Never forget that virtue, once possessed, must be guarded. It is more precious than diamonds. This world, this peace, shall last forever.

All things considered this game was put together by like seven or eight people total.

And that's it! No "The End" or anything, the game just stops doing anything else here. But hey, I'm the Avatar! I won! For the first time!

Maybe next I'll do a Let's Play of Nethack.


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Seriously, please, not NetHack.


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So what did we learn?

Like any NES RPG, Ultima 4 is a bit of a grind at times. But there's a point in any game with random encounters where you roll your eyes every time you get sucked into a battle, so eh.

It doesn't matter what class you choose, really. My Shepherd grind was only slightly slower than my Paladin or Wizard grind.

The only difference between GOD TIER and SHIT TIER is what ranged weapon your hero can equip, because that's how you'll make 90% of your attacks in the game, and the only equipment choice you have once you become the Avatar. Armor choice is almost irrelevant.

The only reason to have another party member is if your main can't cast spells. Equipping a whole party is just too damn expensive and makes more monsters show up in random fights. It makes dungeons a little easier to have more guys, but not so much easier all the money-grinding is worth it.

Most spells are pretty useless. Even if you need a secondary caster, it's mostly to use Wind, Light, and Exit. Energy is moderately useful as a combat spell if you can't just do enough damage to things to kill them outright. Negate can help you with one particular battle. Other than that, :shrug:
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