I gave you a dekarma because you tried to boil down my argument to 'Oh Shinra is just stupid', on at least three occasions in that thread.
I am not saying that you're just stupid. I am saying that you're saying stupid, ignorant things, and I want, very badly, for you to focus on saying smart, informed/informative things. I know you can do it, you did it in that thread!
I am
not implying that you're racist, either.
because I have a more in-depth position on the topic of race in America than what I learned about understanding in tolerance in Elementary School.
Uh, Shinra? Let me explain this a little more clearly. That elementary school thing?
shit racists I have had to deal with as part of my elementary schooling have tried to peddle to me.
That line?
I'm talking about a
teacher in a freakishly homogeneously white-and-monied suburban school explaining stuff about the evils and dangers of "political correctness" that I had to unlearn in high school and college. For about four years, maybe longer, I was being fed elitist and racist lines that are echoed in the word choices and some parts of your "in-depth position" on race.
For me, not being racist means taking an extra few seconds to consider how, not if, race is factoring in to my behavior and opinions.
Oh, you gave me a great line, thanks.
My point is, Shinra, your debate skills revolve around 'NEENER NEENER NEENER, I CAN'T HEAR YOU' and 'I WILL PROJECT MY INADEQUACIES ON TO YOU'
Seriously, the parts where I haven't been expressing my discomfort with your choice of words or calling you stupid for not understanding me have been "I'm not sure that's so because... I think instead that... but anyway, that's a tangent."
I am not trying to misrepresent what you're saying and I am trying to give you credit where you say something sound.
I assume that we're having trouble communicating because I need to try harder to understand you and make myself clear, because you have sometimes given me credit when I say something sound.
But I am having difficulty taking it on faith that we're meeting each other halfway in terms of effort being taken to communicate.