I'm not sure what "it" is, but I am wondering how Dragon Age Origins is ugly and what dramatically better looking 2009 titles it is being compared to.
I was saying that DA:O doesn't hold up as well as the original engine - I honestly like the look of Baldur's Gate II better than the DA:O remake. Mostly because of the lanky character models and plastic-looking armor. This is not, contrary to Beat's 'shinra being shinra' in so many words, a unique or particularly uncommon opinion.
That was pretty impressive, though I hope they redo the incredibly horrifically bad armor models and textures. DA:O was a really supremely ugly game and I feel like it holds up much worse than the 2d infinity engine did.
One can hope, but I feel like getting it all into the engine is a first step. Tweaking the engine/effects/textures after translating that much content will probably be easy.
Yeah, they're clearly already getting started with Irenicus, so I'm hoping they'll go the distance and convert all of the models to look like the BGII equivalents. I have a lot of little nitpicks with the DAO models and I honestly don't know if all of them are fixable - the problem where the arm mesh is the same for humans and dwarves, for example, resulting in dwarves that have arms that reach to their ankles. D:
Shinra, I don't want to alarm you, but you may want to check your scrotum for bandits. It appears that there may be some you need to get off your nuts.
You know, it really bothered me for a couple of hours (I actually, I am ashamed to admit, tried to delete my account) but I realize now that Beat is just a sad, angry little man who probably got bullied a little too much in high school and is spending the rest of his life trying to find easier targets to take it out on. I'm just not going to let it bother me. It's not worth it to let him diminish my experience here, and he's certainly not worth leaving the boards over.
Baldur's Gate 2 ReDux - Dragon Age: Origins
Hmm. at some point during the combat it says "Cure Light wounds" So maybe they'll be re-working all the old rules/abilities in too? They're using a mob from DA:O as that tentacle beast you fight in Irenicus' sewer, but there had to be placeholders somewhere in there.
[spoiler]but I don't want to learn thac0 again[/spoiler]
I would hope that they would remove the more obtuse elements of the game in a move to the DA:O engine. Thac0 wasn't really fun for anybody - even hardcore Grognards are moving away from descending armor class and it's related systems because of it's Rube Goldberg-esque complication of a simple mechanic. I honestly really like Vancian Spellcasting so I would prefer to see that worked in if at all possible (was there x/rest abilities in DA:O by default? I can't remember) but there's no reason to stick to the D&D combat mechanics. They never really translated well into a videogame to begin with. The spell variety, setting, and interesting magical items are really what make Baldur's Gate fun for me.
Also looks like this project is going to either need to rework the talking menus a little to make reading big hunks of text not gross or they're going to need to get a small army of volunteer VAs.
Yeah, this seems like it could cause some serious headaches with dialog if they don't find some way to hack the text box to be bigger; BGII had some serious walls of text (pretty much every conversation with Irenicus or Bodhi, all the romance dialog, every conversation you have with a harper, most of the companion side-quests) but almost no voice acting. It'll be interesting to see how they do it if they ever finish the project.