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Author Topic: Eureka!  (Read 688 times)

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« on: February 02, 2013, 08:43:53 PM »

I decided to create a topic for project ideas so that we could help each other flesh out our ideas into fun and awesome things. These ideas could be anything from a new Pen and Paper Role Playing Game system, to I idea for a better Modern First Person Shooter. If there are rules or guidelines in this discussion I think it should be that if you're actively working on materializing this idea you're too far a head to discuss it here, thought there will always be rules and exceptions. This topic might prove to be a double, and if this is the case I am sorry. The original post was done in a burst of excitement that quickly died down, and without the abillity to delete/move posts I am only left with the option of making this post not suck. So, without further a-due: Eureka! - The thread for discussing project ideas!

My "Dragon Quest werewolf" idea:

First off I'd like to say that graphics are not in the design and/or scope of the idea yet, but that does not mean they will not be added in later. The idea is a extremely simplified - Almost to the point of Dragon Quest 1 - werewolf game with a "NPC/CPU" game master who will actually control the werewolf. I imagine there will be various classes for the players to chose from to have party of 3 or 4 to do battle with the werewolf. Some examples of these classes would be a Fighter who can deal more damage then most, and a Protector that could make the player immune to damage for one turn. Of course each character could take their turn to attack the werewolf for minor damage, but it'd normally be far more useful to use their special ability.

The battles will be turn based, with one action by the werewolf, and each party member per turn. for example a turn might end up looking like this:
Protector casts magic on player 2 to make him immune to damage (Or can take out 1 HP of the boss)
boss attacks player 1 (instant death or hp damage?)
player 2 attacks with special and boss gets hit for 3 damage.
player 1 attacks boss for 1 damage.

Now my questions are the following: Is this the correct path for a "simplified werewolf game" to take? As someone who has not played except a few times, am I getting the feeling down/ core mechanics down? What are some ideas for classes? If this was your project, what would you add/delete/change? and Most important of all: Does this even sound like a good idea?