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Author Topic: Thundercats  (Read 34080 times)

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Re: Thundercats
« Reply #280 on: May 20, 2012, 01:01:14 PM »

Was it just me, or was the word to enter Tookit's forever bag "Rankinbass?"


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Re: Thundercats
« Reply #281 on: May 20, 2012, 08:00:11 PM »

It was definitely "Rankinbass".

Anyway.  On the one hand, I think doing a light, fluffy episode after three weeks of relentless grimdark is a good palate cleanser.

On the other hand, on three seconds' reflection, "G'wan kids, we're just gonna leave you here to take care of yourselves on the mean streets of a city run by our natural enemies who might make you fight to the death if you get caught stealing food to stay alive" is not so light and fluffy.  Especially since we never actually got a scene where the Thundercats let the Kittens know they were packing up and leaving town.

I really do kinda dig kleptovoyancy as a superpower; it reminds me of Paycheck.  (The short story, anyway; I never saw the movie.  I find that Ben Affleck is actually pretty great in movies where he is not the lead, but I have learned to steer clear of ones where he is.)  It also means that pretty much everything Tookit touches automatically becomes a Chekov's Gun.

Bonus Icky Thought: I'm not opposed to Pumyra flirting with Lion-O on principle.  But in practice it keeps making me picture Lion-O fucking Bobby Hill.


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Re: Thundercats
« Reply #282 on: June 03, 2012, 09:21:04 AM »

So okay, two things.

One: So what the hell happened to Pumyra?  She's with Lion-O, Panthro, and Tygra in the beginning of the episode and then she's just gone.

Two: So let's see if I've got this right.
These cultists took Turtle-Man apart and replaced his entire body with robot parts...
...and then when he asked if they could make robot bodies for his family they said no, it's heretical to make robot bodies for people?

(And okay, a third thing: in the beginning of the episode the Soul Sever says he checked his math "to the thousandth decimal point".  Maybe the reason his experiments don't work is that he is trying to do incredibly complex engineering without actually knowing what a decimal point is.)


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Re: Thundercats
« Reply #283 on: June 17, 2012, 06:06:08 PM »

...I must admit I did not see that one coming.

One: That's dark as fuck.  I mean, they're pretty explicit that [spoiler]she actually died under that rubble and THEN was brought back[/spoiler].

Two: It's a dark mirror of what happened in the original series.  This, quite clearly, was the result of the showrunners watching [spoiler]Thundercats-Ho! and saying "Well, it sure is a good thing those Berbils just fucking happened to show up, save everybody, and take them to Third Earth, so that Lion-O's guilt turns out to be completely unfounded and everything is cool!  Now, what if that HADN'T happened?"

It gives Lion-O a real failure -- two, in fact; letting her die and then trusting her after she came back.  And it plays with one of the major themes of the new series: that his trust is his greatest strength and his greatest vulnerability.[/spoiler]

Two nitpicks: the Kit and Kat sequence really screws up the sense of scale that the rest of the series has established.  After an entire season spent establishing just HOW FUCKING HUGE Third Earth is, they manage to bounce back to pretty much every location they've visited in the span of about a day.

And also, it would have been nice to see [spoiler]at least a couple lizards come out of that bag[/spoiler].

Well, and one more, I guess: [spoiler]if Pumyra really was setting out to infiltrate the Thundercats as a spy, she didn't really choose the best way of going about it in immediately trying to kill Lion-O as soon as she met him.  She pretty much fucked up every step of the way and counted on him to keep forgiving her.[/spoiler]

Anyhow.  Second season unconfirmed; this may be all we get.  That would be a pity, as on the whole I quite like the new show.


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Re: Thundercats
« Reply #284 on: September 17, 2012, 01:03:14 PM »

Thad, you may want to sit down.

RIP Thundercats: 2011-2012


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Re: Thundercats
« Reply #285 on: September 17, 2012, 01:54:33 PM »

Not exactly news; we knew before the season ended that there hadn't been any movement on another one.

This doesn't even make it official per se, it's just Norton reiterating what we already knew and adding "draw your own conclusions".

Second season increasingly unlikely, still technically not impossible.  CN's given really long lead times between seasons before.  But I'm not going to hold my breath, either, particularly as the toy company's shut down and that's where the real money is.

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Re: Thundercats
« Reply #286 on: September 17, 2013, 05:35:15 AM »

The Second Season that never was

And honestly, I'm kind of glad about that

'Cuz god damn. Pumyra doesn't get redeemed, she gets turned into a power-hungry bug monster and killed by Tygra. Lynx-O was beheaded by Slythe because Lynx-O murdered an entire mating season's worth of unborn Lizardmen. If Bengali showed up I'd imagine he would have probably been thrown in a Sarlacc to be digested for over a thousand years after cannibalizing a child.


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Re: Thundercats
« Reply #287 on: September 17, 2013, 12:03:51 PM »

I love the look of horror on Larry Kenney's face in that first shot.
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