...I must admit I did not see that one coming.
One: That's dark as fuck. I mean, they're pretty explicit that [spoiler]she actually died under that rubble and THEN was brought back[/spoiler].
Two: It's a dark mirror of what happened in the original series. This, quite clearly, was the result of the showrunners watching [spoiler]Thundercats-Ho! and saying "Well, it sure is a good thing those Berbils just fucking happened to show up, save everybody, and take them to Third Earth, so that Lion-O's guilt turns out to be completely unfounded and everything is cool! Now, what if that HADN'T happened?"
It gives Lion-O a real failure -- two, in fact; letting her die and then trusting her after she came back. And it plays with one of the major themes of the new series: that his trust is his greatest strength and his greatest vulnerability.[/spoiler]
Two nitpicks: the Kit and Kat sequence really screws up the sense of scale that the rest of the series has established. After an entire season spent establishing just HOW FUCKING HUGE Third Earth is, they manage to bounce back to pretty much every location they've visited in the span of about a day.
And also, it would have been nice to see [spoiler]at least a couple lizards come out of that bag[/spoiler].
Well, and one more, I guess: [spoiler]if Pumyra really was setting out to infiltrate the Thundercats as a spy, she didn't really choose the best way of going about it in immediately trying to kill Lion-O as soon as she met him. She pretty much fucked up every step of the way and counted on him to keep forgiving her.[/spoiler]
Anyhow. Second season unconfirmed; this may be all we get. That would be a pity, as on the whole I quite like the new show.