The Biology of the KursThe most prominent race of Biode-Human Hybrids, and an excellent example of what being a Biode-Human Hybrid means, the
Kurs have what I like to refer to as "fun biology". Kurs, like all Biode-Human Hybrids, are unique to regular old human in the sense that Kurs can not only inherit the acquired traits of their parents, they can also have multiple
fathers -- in a sense. This is because Kurs are not hybrids in the sense that they are half-human, or anything like that. Rather, Kurs have entire colonies of Baia interwoven throughout their bodies.
So, while although the initial conception is no different than with unaltered humans, the parental colonies of Baia will emulate parent's own physiques. These emulations can include anything from trained skills, memories, scars, injuries, temperaments, and more. Furthermore, when a pregnant Kur has sex with another male, the male's Baia -- and thus his traits -- will be passed on to the child.
A female Kur with three bioluminescent eyes.This had a profound effect on early Kur culture: females were encouraged to have sex with prominent males, and prominent males were encouraged to have sex with... everything. This lead to a quickly homogenized people; the most obvious mass trait being the familiar Kur physique -- most Kurs stand between 7 and 9 feet tall and at the peak of physical strength and endurance. Sexual dimorphism is at a minimum.
Furthermore are their eyes: Kurs possess three bioluminescent eyes. They use their eyes to see great distances, examine minute details nearby, and even see through certain materials and objects by focusing the light their eyes produce into a powerful stream; once the light hits an object it will reflect back towards them.
It's worth noting that the third eye, located in the middle of the forehead, is a sub-dermal parietal eye. As such, its use is limited. It acts as a periphery to the other two eyes, helping the Kur create an image in their brain of what they see when they use their radar-laser vision.
-NOTES-Up until recently I'd been having trouble with the Kurs, as I just didn't find them as interesting as the Lyteids, Omonar and other races. Then I came up with the concept of "Fun Biology". The idea about inheriting acquired traits came from a
TVTropes page about the subject, the idea about multiple fathers came from
this Cracked article, and the stuff about the eyes came from me thinking about why Superman has heat beam laser eyes and x-ray vision.