ITT we repost old things we come across while randomly clicking around board archives instead of going the fuck to sleep.
We're going to move in the opposite direction of oil, and General Motors is going to go out of business
It would almost be worth a decade of crushing poverty just to see GM eat its own shit for the whole electric car thing.
2. I feel like taking the kid along, but I don't much feel like getting within tentacle rape distance. Even if he isn't going to tentacle rape me. The kid bugs me.
(For those not following The End(s): The kid in question is Benny, who proceeds to rape your brain and troll you endlessly.)
I top the second most frequent poster by over a thousand posts.
Alternately, proc can be short for proctology because that monster's coming to rape your ass.
And yes, I know my avatar makes this post creepier. Thanks for telling me.
That footnote would probably work even better with my last avatar.
...hell, that particular post with
this avatar is pretty appropriate...
"Who the hell are you?"
See? Not blown up or anything. You guys worry too much.
About the wrong things, apparently.
hey, you guysss like retrossspect?
good job trying to arm the doctor
hypocratic oath to the end
sssssgood riddance
The rest of the players proceeded to vote 1 in an attempt to save the Medic and were promptly eaten by dogs.
Listen to the worm next time, guys.
Yes, well, nowadays I get drunk off two beers, so you might want to find someone more contemporary.
Ohey this is my third beer, that may explain some things.
Okay, fuck this. Getting your ass kicked from one end of the world to the other is apparently everybody else's concept of fun, but not mine.
Still torrenting the hell out of it.
(Referring to Fallout 3.) While I was (and I later mentioned) referring to just the encounter rate and not the actual difficulty of said encounters, I still feel a little silly for ever implying even accidentally that Fallout 3 has any semblance of a challenge. Mostly it's just about being able to dispatch enemies quickly enough to keep from being bored.
Speaking of...
I've been in this community for almost ten years. Believe me, you have no idea what that means. Boredom. Everlasting and hideous boredom. A never ending search for ways to pass the time... and tormenting members is one of the few I enjoy. Eventually they become tiresome. For in spite of their vitality, they are fundamentally stupid creatures who couldn't survive without the nobility to rule them. Perhaps now you'll understand my wanting to have some fun every year or so?
You know, the fact that there are over twenty thousand seeds when a new episode of Bleach goes up is pretty indicative of why anime can't seem to combat piracy effectively.
Hopefully the market can make a seamless transition to the Crunchyroll/whatever online subscription format and not splinter into a million little nickel-and-dime pieces. Because I can pay $5/mo to watch the shows I want. Five here to watch one, and there to watch another, and way over there for a third... not happening.
UPDATE: Anime's last best hope to combat shameless piracy utterly destroyed by... shameless piracy.
Mommy Friday is dominating me again.
Christmas in April, Buge. Just accept that that's kinda awesome.
We should do Dirty Santas in July.
At least one of us probably
I'm gonna go outside.
"It... was... worth it..." Brentai's Weiner gasps as the last of its life oozes out.