Has any console ever escaped the "no games" complaint in the first 2-3 years of its lifecycle?
Heh heh remember when the PS2 had no games? Good times.
Okay but in fairness I do think the Wii U's going to have pretty significant third-party support problems. Hell, it already has them - EA isn't working on any Wii U titles right now, and when EA isn't busy porting everything to everything, you know something's wrong. A lot of it is because developing for the thing is an infamous bitch - even Nintendo hasn't really figured it out, if NintendoLand and the menus are any indication (the reason why the menus are still so slow is because you need to reprogram the tablet every time you load up a microapp).
But, well, "Nintendo console is only really good for first-party games" isn't exactly an earth-shattering new concept, either. Wait until the end of the year when Nintendo takes a massive diarrhetic dump of sequels I guess.